(mis)Adventures in Cooking

Isaac Sauvage

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Jun 23, 2003
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Following on from this fun thread, I thought I'd add a little bit of personal progress:

I eventually realised that the main reason my omelets kept turning out so disastrously was that I was using a frying pan with completely-shot teflon coating. I.e., no matter the heat and oil ratio, the pan would inevitably draw out moisture from the food, which ain't real good when it comes to making omelets.

Dunce that I am, I eventually realised these things, and therefore got myself a brand new 10" frying pan, and it's like cooking in a different world! Like using a truckload of grease without actual grease, so to speak. :-D

Okay, I still have a ways to go here, but at least I'm not unintentionally ruining my omelets anymore. This is more like intentional destruction: (see notes)

Thai curry omelet.jpg

- 3 eggs
- 2 teaspoonfuls of Greek yogurt
- generous sprinkling of dried chives & caraway seeds, all whipped together

- mushrooms, asparagus, tomatoes, potatoes, & thinly-sliced red cabbage
- onions & garlic, of course
- fennel seeds, Thai curry paste, coconut oil & MSG

- Thai curry & coconut oil is perhaps a clever idea, but in practice, the oil liquifies and pools, unlike cheese. That can be a bit awkward. (as in the pic; where's the flood?)
- the curry adds lots of spicy flavor, so maybe keep that, but use a sweet cheese to balance it, instead of coconut oil?
- Or on another note-- how about spinach & Feta cheese instead? (going Greek)
Well I was going to show you how I omelette, but cv19 strikes again! Due to lack of truck drivers no eggs, except plenty of the chocolate variety not eggsactically ideal.

I will go look see tomorrow, I need to get a block of cheddar, can't live without cheese.

In the meantime I went the equivalent of kitchen fast food, got me some premade southern fried chicken pieces and frozen chips. Turn the dial on the air fryer, give it the occasional shake and your done.
Well thanks to covid, I have stocked up on canned goods.
I probably have over 2000 cans of chunk chicken.
And assorted amounts on other canned good items like Chili, Beef Stew, Baked Beans, Ravioli, Spaggettios, and such.
Enough to bullet proof my apartment!! lol

I have been on a chicken quesadilla kick lately.
I am lazy and a bachelor.
Heat flour tortilla in pan with no grease on one side.
Flip tortilla over and add handful of cheddar jack cheese and then chicken on top of that, then add sprinkle of cheese on top of that and fold over like a taco.
Brown tortilla on both sides, and volia!! Dinner is served!!
Cut in half with pizza cutter.
Late answer because life took a left turn. I'm OK in case you're wondering, i'm just busy at the moment and you'll probably won't here much from me more regularly until the 2nd week of May...

On topic, because of easter, I've been out with family and because my wife at home too on vacation I haven't cooked anything lately (lucky me) but I will have to re-heat something for lunch today though :D
In the meantime I went the equivalent of kitchen fast food, got me some premade southern fried chicken pieces and frozen chips. Turn the dial on the air fryer, give it the occasional shake and your done.
Dang, I keep hearing about air fryers..

For example, I'm a regular on r/KitchenConfidential. Some kitchen workers swear by them; some can't stand them. Some say they're a glorified waste of space, some say they really are kind of a kitchen-tech breakthrough.

Hell if I know...

But you have one I guess? Use it much?

Well thanks to covid, I have stocked up on canned goods.
I probably have over 2000 cans of chunk chicken.
And assorted amounts on other canned good items like Chili, Beef Stew, Baked Beans, Ravioli, Spaggettios, and such.
Enough to bullet proof my apartment!! lol
Ah man, I was gonna say Charles... the poor Crips & Bloods in your neighborhood must feel so useless when they roll past your house. :(

Late answer because life took a left turn. I'm OK in case you're wondering, i'm just busy at the moment and you'll probably won't here much from me more regularly until the 2nd week of May...
Damn, hope things are okay, matey.

But when you get a chance, I'd love to hear a little about Portu food.

First off, I'm super-curious whether you all do a Tiapas counterpart to Spain, and what your ceviche might be like? As you probably know, Peru is the inventor of ceviche, and Japanese sushi / sashimi is their chronically inadequate answer to us. (altho still tasty!)


So, Steve mentioned "cheese" the other day, and it made me feel... kinda sad?

Like... thoughts of just how much I've greatly enjoyed glorious, *wonderful* cheese through the years... sampling all the different kinds... glorying in all the melted goodness.

In particular, as someone who spent MUCH of their 20's making, baking (and ruining) pizza from scratch, it really was fascinating trying out all the crazy cheese combos that came to mind, few of them involving mozzarella. (still, the #1 rule of pizza, not unlike sex, is that even bad pizza still rules)

Hah, but moving on-- I must say I do feel at least *kinda clever* as an aging, middle-aged man with too many health concerns to mention, having hit upon various cheese substitutes over the years, greater to lesser. Interestingly, most of them seem to combine quite well, skimming valuable calories from my fatass extremities.

For example, sprinkling:
1) powdered / grated parm
2) MSG
3) white cheddar popcorn seasoning,
4) nutritional yeast powder

Really *can* make a huge taste difference across yon favorite dishes!
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In any case, here's Ike's culinary experiment du jour:

I love all these things individually, but recently had the idea to combine them in to one:

- grilled, spicy black bean burgers
- smoked cheddar slices
- sauteed onions & peppers
- puff pastry wedges (as the bun)

Tasted really good, but could use a nice mustard I think, plus I forgot about tomato wedges and sauteed mushrooms.

Also, instead of making each part separately, it would probably be much better to time them / bake them / sautee them all in to one, melted together so to speak..


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    Puff pastry spicy black bean burgers, smoked cheddar, sauteed onions.halfsize.jpg
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Dang, I keep hearing about air fryers..

For example, I'm a regular on r/KitchenConfidential. Some kitchen workers swear by them; some can't stand them. Some say they're a glorified waste of space, some say they really are kind of a kitchen-tech breakthrough.

Hell if I know...

But you have one I guess? Use it much?

Air fryers are basically mini fan forced ovens and the hater will point this out, there is nothing they can cook that a normal fan forced oven can't do, thus the "glorified waste of space", which is missing the point entirely.

They are small, portable, easier to use and ideal for smaller meals making them ideal for quicker smaller oven cooked meals, such as a few handfuls of frozen chips and a few pieces of chicken, pies, pasties, sausage rolls, that kind of thing.

So yes as a single bloke I use the air fryer often, I might add that I have had this air fryer for over 5 years, moving between 5 households in that time, whilst also being basically homeless at one stage, when camping in the work shed for a while. Also, they are rather inexpensive, so basically, bang for buck a great thing, like the old stainless steel Sunbeam electric fry pan which I bought second hand and my slow cooker.

*edit I also have a rice cooker, now this I bought brand new for $11 🧑‍🍳
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I use a air fryer at home. Mine cooks food a lot faster than a oven, and comes out great. I just got a new one, quite a big mini oven as there is two people, (2 racks, you can fit a 14 inch pizza in it) so I pretty much chuck everything (meat, veg and fries) into one mesh pan and it cooks it all at once. Replaces the stove top, a deep fat fryer, and a oven in one shot. Getting the GF to buy one as well, perfect for her, and her new place is gas stove. (Which is fine, her new stove is a great heavy duty commercial style one, but way to much for her to use on a daily bases)
Hot pie and tomato sauce, same again for the second course... @Pop Bumper Pete



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Hot pie and tomato sauce, same again for the second course... @Pop Bumper Pete

Would that be the kind of thing Pete makes in his shop?

I looked up a recipe, and it used prepared pastry sheets as the wrapper around ground lamb filling. Sounds good!

Personally I'm not really understanding the tomato sauce sitting on top. (wouldn't it work better in the filling?) But I guess one advantage is that it lets you fit more ingredients in the end.

Must say I'm quite tempted to use those amazing pastry sheets from last time and try this out. Maybe just make it as a single layer, like a pizza. Add some cheese, and Robert's your avuncular figure. :-)
Would that be the kind of thing Pete makes in his shop?

I looked up a recipe, and it used prepared pastry sheets as the wrapper around ground lamb filling. Sounds good!
This indeed is something Pete would make in his shop.

The recipe for my pies was remove from freezer, place in air fryer and turn dial. These being of the 4 and 20 variety.

You most likely want to use a different pastry, if you want to make your own pies.
You're probably right, as the stuff I used last time is *extremely* flaky. Would likely make a huge mess trying to eat a pie the traditional way, like in the WP pic.

Yeah, I'll take a look for a prepared dough alternative, but then again, I kind of like the idea of making it with the pastry dough anyway, eating it over a plate to catch crumbs. We'll see.

Btw, the air fryer-- does it indeed crisp things up, somewhat like traditional frying?
I mean I get that it's a completely different cooking process, but the name does sound suggestive.
Btw, the air fryer-- does it indeed crisp things up, somewhat like traditional frying?

Yes and No...it does crisp things up by cooking food with it's own fat rather then cooking in boiling fat. Thus to get crisp vegetable chips a light brushing of oil is required.
Used the gas oven today, mmm...pizza

$3 supermarket pizza, add can of mussels, chopped onion, extra tomato paste, some sliced then diced Italian salami, extra cheese on top, enough to make a turtle whimper…oh and a liberal sprinkling of mixed herbs.


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There's... pizza underneath there?

I could imagine sending out an expeditionary team to locate it, but never hearing back from them.

StevOz = honorary Chicagoan!
Well, I also had a tin of mushrooms, but I thought, yeah maybe not. 🤔
Steve mate, you're a flupping BADASS.
Let's not downsize the moment, right?

Still though, it's like I finally got my MIND back across recent days, and yet my body is just... utter trash?

Just... embarrassing.. so embarrassing
Frankly, would rather not have to explain, at this time.

Yes, go Pizza! :D
Well after many years of use and abuse the old air fryer died. :rip:

Never fear Kmart just down the road to the rescue and $59 at that, oh also $6 for a hobby knife and some twine.


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Funny, I walked in to the supermarket this afternoon, and what should I see on sale there for the first time ever but air-fryers for US$69!

Looking at suggestions on the box, and later, recipes on my PC, most of them seem to skew towards meat, frites and cake-like stuff. As mainly a vegetarian who's trying to lose weight, I'm really going to have to convince myself here.

Worst-case scenario? I discover that it's not any real help to me, and now I've sunk $70 in to something that's going to sit in one my storage closets.

OTOH, I own a lovely spiralizer that I've never gotten proper use out of. The original idea was that I'd replace wheat noodles with veggie noodles, cutting way down on cals and some salt. Unfortunately, it's about as unsatisfying food replacement as you'll ever try. BUT... I'm thinking maybe an air fryer could salvage the original idea by turning veggie noodles in to fried-like snacks.

You said you could brush on a little oil and that would be enough to work, yeah? If so, I'm thinking that might be kinda cool. Also, I could make snacks for friends in the neighborhood, adding my own seasoning mixtures. Hm...
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Alright, if they're still there tomorrow I think I'll bite the bullet. I've frankly gotten tired of my own cooking lately, and this could help me out.

Btw, any idea what went wrong with your former one?

> mmm...might just have to visit Kmart again today, this gadget for $20 seems it might be worth it for onions alone. :cry:

Oof. You know it hit me just now that I stopped crying over onions some years back. I think probably I've developed an immunity due to having onions and garlic with almost every dish. Same reason my sweat smells like cat piss, I'm afraid. I.e., I'm chock full of sulfur compounds. :s
Btw, any idea what went wrong with your former one?

I think the fan may have burnt out, not too surprising given that for the last year or so, sometimes it required a bitch slap to the side to get the fan spinning.

Bear in mind, this air fryer copped more abuse over the past 5 years than most, enduring several moves and a few months in the backpacker kitchen.

*edit BTW the site I posted has many ways to do air fried vegetables, seems like a great reference site, bookmarked. 🧑‍🍳

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    @uptown47, An EM pinball machine refers to an "Electro-Mechanical" pinball machine. These are the classic pinball machines that were manufactured before the advent of solid-state technology, which uses microprocessors and digital displays. EM pinball machines were popular from the 1930s through the late 1970s.

    EM pinball machines operate using a complex system of mechanical components such as relays, stepping units, score reels, and switches, along with electromagnetic devices like solenoids and coils. These components work together to control the gameplay, scoring, and sound effects.

    The gameplay of EM pinball machines is typically more straightforward than that of modern solid-state machines, with a focus on hitting targets, bumpers, and completing specific sequences to score points. The scoring is displayed on mechanical reels or wheels that physically turn to show the player's score.

    Collectors and enthusiasts often appreciate EM pinball machines for their historical significance, mechanical ingenuity, and the tactile experience they provide. The
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