I'm really enjoying (with occasional bouts of major frustration) the LucasArts game "The Dig," which is mainly about exploring an alien world, wrapped up in a NASA mission:
The Dig is a point-and-click adventure game, where the player, as Commander Boston Low, uses the mouse cursor to point. Play The Dig online!
That said, this model of gaming does annoy me at times, i.e. you still have to bumblingly maneuver your physical, 3rd-person-view main character all over the place, which to me proved completely antiquated with the later rise of FPS games. Haha, even simple flash adventure / escape games from twenty years ago shed that inconvenience, and all was good, and every little lamb was blessed.
Still! The Dig is just such an atmospheric gem, featuring beautiful, pixelated, 16-bit art, a fun storyline, and a nice job on the dialogue, even though our colleagues "Brink" and "Maggie" are some real assholes. Still, such is life...
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