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Should I move the pinball tables in the snowglobes more towards the center, so chicka-ball girls hands don't cover the backglass of pinball table?
Maybe have the inner side of the backglasses almost touching center of tree?
That way backglass would be clear to see.
And you will still be able to see part of Christmas tree in snowglobe.
Well you could try it out, though I have a feeling it won't look so good.
I am thinking same thing. It will almost cover the whole Christmas tree.
Scratch that idea.
So what do you think of just sticking with the green texture?
That red does not look as good, and the other colors I made are about the same as the red.

Here are the other colors...
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I am of the thinking the green just looks better.
Ok Dr. No and Beatles version is uploaded.
I am adding names of machines in the file name so not to forget names.
I already have next one ready for tomorrow at midnight my time.
Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy...
Maybe you should reveal the foo fighters table from the last banner for Pete's sake.
Should we leave them up for longer than 1 day?
I can put the previous one back up.
He is already guessing on the new ones!! lol
Bond? You said Beatles above?
Dr No is technically a Bond table.
Beatles is the other one.
Ah ok, Pete has thrown one right back at you. :rof:
So far, I have 7 Christmas logos completed.
14 different Pinball tables added to snowglobes.
These are all the newest tables from Stern!
Lets see how many I can make before I run out of NEW tables! lol
Damn, I ran out of the Left side view Pinball tables.
The newer tables have both left and right view pics, but the other ones mostly have the right side pic.
So I will need to go back through them, and use all of the ones that have a left pic, and then there should be plenty leftover.
I will try not to modify the first 2 logos that have already been uploaded. (But that is 2 left tables I could have used for 2 other logos!)
Ok I have 10 Christmas logos completed, counting the 2 already uploaded.
Next on the list is Deadpool and ACDC.
Will upload it in 15 minutes.
So I have 23 Christmas logos completed. (We are currently using the 8th logo.)
This gives us enough to make it all the way through Christmas day, with new pinballs in the snow globes daily.
I had just enough tables to make it to 23!!
That is 46 different tables!

Now I will get back to work on the New Years logo.
Carry on gentlemen.
So I finally figured out the deform tool to make 2024 look like it is curved.


Do I need to make the 2024 not as wide?
Also we have 3 hats to choose from...Silver, Gold, Black.
I could also try substituting a disco ball for New Years ball, and see how it looks.
Do I need to make the 2024 not as wide?
Also we have 3 hats to choose from...Silver, Gold, Black.
I could also try substituting a disco ball for New Years ball, and see how it looks.

Sure, go for it, those all sound like good options and no way of knowing until you give them a look see. 👓
Actually my eye came up with some other considerations, maybe lower the confetti floor just below the g and y of the Nudging Necessary and perhaps change the flare colour to red and make the flare stems darker? :headscratch:
How's this...

Lowered collection on floor so it is under the G's and Y.
Turned sparklers red, and darkened stick.

And here with disco balls...

And with 2024 at 90 width instead of 100.
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Looking good, I think the smaller 2024 looks better and the disco balls seem more in theme and looks just as good to me.
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Been doing the late Christmas lunch at my sisters, so been on the bus or there most of the day.

I figure you can put up the new banner whenever you are ready, as it is close enough, and we want it up for at least a few days.
Looking good, I think the smaller 2024 looks better and the disco balls seem more in theme and look just as good to me.

I agree.
I was thinking of adding fireworks, but I think less is better.
That is why I never changed the texture on this one,
Been doing the late Christmas lunch at my sisters, so been on the bus or there most of the day.

I figure you can put up the new banner whenever you are ready, as it is close enough, and we want it up for at least a few days.
Ready spagetti!
Uploading now.
Here is a link to a countdown clock... ⏲️

Do you think we should remove the confetti that is gathered at bottom, and just have the flying confetti go all the way to the bottom of the logo?
So no confetti would be gathering on fake floor.
Would it make it look better?
Because I am having second thoughts.
Well your call, you are the artist here, give it a go.
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