Upgrade/Project New Site Logo Workshop

Nice fish!

So I saw other anomalies so I came up with fix.
I never used that template to clear the Halloween logo. So it needs no fixing.
So I used that to make template to fix the mess ups from me pasting that clear the sides template.
The shadow looks great and no weird lines showing.
00 shadow fix.png
And here is new Thanksgiving logo...

Big difference!
Ok uploading new fixed logo.
Hey what do you guys think about the texture in the word Pinball Nirvana on the Thanksgiving logo?
Does this look better?

Or this...

Compared to current,,,
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Actually I still like the version we have, those are good alternatives, I also notice the "Nudging Necessary!" seems a slight darker shade of red which to my eye doesn't render with the same punch.
I never touched the "Nudging Necessary!"
It is same color as original.
You want me to change it to red?
To me it looks brown.
Send me a pic with the color you want on it, and I will make it how you want it.
That way I can use color dropper and use the exact color you send me.
Meh, maybe my old eyes playing tricks, guess it's just a matter of perceived contrast with the brighter different palette of Pinball Nirvana in the new logos, still I think you maybe still in Halloween...chasing ghosts. :ghost:
I never touched the "Nudging Necessary!"
Hey, also if you guys don't like the turkey, I can just put the pinball back there.
I want this to be how you guys want it, so just holler at me if you have suggestions, or critiques if something doesn't look good.
I am currently working on a Christmas logo.
The one I already made is bland. I am not impressed with the texture on "Pinball Nirvana" word. (Texture is red and white stripes.)

If I read my Pinball Nirvana history book correctly, Shiva was the one who made the original logo for this site?
This is why I have not strayed too far from the original.
To try and show respect to the original logo creator.
This is why the same font, same white paper with lines background, and same girl is used.

I feel honored that you guys let me upload these new logos!
I think they spice up the looks of the site, and the scaling issues that Ike talked about are gone, like he said.
This is because the old logo was too small to scale. This is also why I tried measuring to get logo to go all the way to right side edge.

Also seeing chickaball girl in high-def is amazing! (Thanks StevOz for finding that HD pic of her!!)
I am enjoying working on these holiday themed logos!
Again, how you guys want it, is how I will do it.
What do you think John will do when he sees these new logos?
I think he will love them! (Crossed fingers and toes!! lol)

Ok enough of my rambling.
But I have one last declaration.
I cannot thank you enough StevOz, for asking me to come help here at this site.
I think it was the best thing that has ever happened to me.
You told Ike that you didn't just randomly pick me. You did your homework. You did your forensics on me, and I guess I passed the initial test?
I think it was the best choice you have ever made bro!!
I feel like I was born to do this!
That is one decision, I will make sure you won't regret making!

Ok enough of my "kiss ass" speech. lol
But it is all true. I hope I have exceeded your expectations, and if not, I will still strive to do better!
Thanks for the opportunity.
You never know what the next day may bring.
One day I was just a lowly pinball user.
Now I am an Administrator on one of the best virtual pinball sites!
Amazing how everything can change in an instant!

Ok peace out! lol
A few Christmas logo entries...(I had over 20, but I narrowed them down.)

A 00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank CHRISTMAS A1.png

B 00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank CHRISTMAS B2.png

C 00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank CHRISTMAS C2.png

D 00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank CHRISTMAS D3.png

E 00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank CHRISTMAS D3g.png

I can mix n match the texture on the word "Pinball Nirvana", so if you see one you like, but want it on another logo, it can be done.
Believe it or not, it is hard to find good textures that look good when used. (I have tried 100's!)

Here are a couple textures that didn't make the cut.
z00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank CHRISTMAS B4.png

z00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank CHRISTMAS I.png

I might try this texture on the Easter logo.
z00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank CHRISTMAS B.png
The dilemma is, I had my friend HiRez00 make the word Pinball Nirvana, because with my version the border looked like crap.
So I have been using his word, and adding textures inside his border, to keep his great looking border intact.
This has also kept it to where I can only use the paper background and no other background, as I cannot copy his word with nice borders to another background without it looking crappy.

But if I use a different font, I am able to change background and have a great texture.
Here is paper background with new Pinball Nirvana word...
00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank NEW CHRISTMAS BG8 papera.png

So I thought hey I can change background now!
I came up with this as an experiment...
00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank NEW CHRISTMAS BGa2a.png

Then I thought, Hey let me see if I can match each themes color.
Default Stock style...
00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank NEW CHRISTMAS BG2a.png

Black style...
00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank NEW CHRISTMAS BG3 black.png

Grey style...
00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank NEW CHRISTMAS BG4 greya.png

00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank NEW CHRISTMAS BG5 default bluea.png

Shades of Blue...
00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank NEW CHRISTMAS BG6 shades of bluea.png

00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank NEW CHRISTMAS BG7 teala.png

You get the idea.
I can match any theme we have!
I took snapshot of each themes color that was up by the logo, and added as background color.
This will make the logo look like it is part of the color scheme. You will not be able to tell where the logo border starts and ends.
It will all blend in!
What you think?

I was going to add a toy train hauling pinballs but it looked funky no matter where i put it.
00 train with pinballs.png
So far I'm liking logo B, interesting about the font. I'm no graphics wiz, though back in pre VP 9 days, I used to use Open Office to create hi-res images by changing the paper/background to pure black, set the font to the desired font/colour, type in the text, then increase the font size until the text fills the screen. Now the tricky bit, take a screenshot, then cut out the text part from the screenshot and boom, you have a high-res text graphic, with a pure black background. :clap:
When I try to use the same font as original, you can see my borders look crappy compared to HiRez00's borders.
PN TEST13.png


So I hollow out his, and insert textures behind it. This is my blank texture template.
00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank.png

That new font with candy cane stripes was created with a text generator. I added the shadows.
00 Pinball Nirvana new word texture with shadow.png
Have you tried the snapshot method? I'm sure you can produce much better results, here is a quick example shot. What font is the original Pinball Nirvana logo?
It uses Banff font here..


  • BANFF.zip
    28.7 KB · Views: 1
Ok I added a pinball machine inside of the snowglobes!
So you chose B from above,
Here it is with pinball machine inside the snowglobe.
00000000000000 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank with new pinball snowglobes.png

And with new font...
00000000000000 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank with new pinball snowglobes new font.png

I tried just having a pinball machine snowglobe and nothing else, but the background of snowglobe was transparent so it looked odd.
So I added pinball behind snowglobe and this is how it looks..
00aaa Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank new pinball snowglobes logo.png
What graphics program are you using? You have the text set to "none" which is the reason you have the blocky text outline. If you are using photoshop, do the text as either sharp or strong as opposed to "none", so the text anti-alias, and doesn't come out blocky. Then a simple stroke around it will work. The setting for that in Photoshop is in the character window, at the very bottom right.
I am using GIMP program.
I will try to mess with settings, and see if I can't get rid of my crappy border using the info you posted.

I should add that I am self taught.
I just learned how to add shadows to text 2 days ago! lol.
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I have actually came a long way from where I started.
I had no experience with photo editing, sound editing, or scripting when I made my first mod.
My first mod was Seahawks mod.
Look how that Legion of Boom pic above flippers, is just slapped in there with no transparency, edges showing on apron.
I am embarassed about this table, and should delete it, but I leave it up, to show where I started from.

Here is my Seahawks mod nowadays...

So I have learned alot since first starting, but it is all self taught through trial and error.
So your info above is really appreciated!

I have been making the word, and then clicking selection and then Border in GIMP, to add my borders to Pinball Nirvana word.
I recall seeing Feathered option, but not the ones you speak of above.
I will check it out, and fiddle with settings.
Thanks again!

You are the first person who has taught me something about photo editing!
Actually the second person, as Stevoz taught me another way of doing it in post above with snapshot method.
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I never did get into any advance graphics programs enough to do anything but the basic stuff. Though usually got good results using basic functions. Here is my latest OnlyOffice effort, this I think would be usable with some interior pixel editing to fix the border. I am well rusty...

I never did get into any advance graphics programs enough to do anything but the basic stuff. Though usually got good results using basic functions. Here is my latest OnlyOffice effort, this I think would be usable with some interior pixel editing to fix the border. I am well rusty...

View attachment 40092

Great looking borders!!
Made the border slightly bolder, though the way the office program adds the border would mean some graphic editing is needed.

I tried feathering border but it looks just as bad. At least your border is clear and not blocky!
zzzzzzzzzzzzz test.png
Here i clicked sharpen, but have no idea what it did if anything. Looks horrible! lol
zzzzzzzzzzzzz test2.png
I think I am going to try this in Inkscape program.
See if it has a text editor. I guarantee if it does, the borders will be smooth as butter.
Holey mackaroley!

My version of GIMP was from 2017. 6 years old.
I just downloaded latest version, and tried a new method.
Basically the same as using drop shadow, but instead of shadow, I create border!!
Here is the result.
Black borders on white lettering...
Look at those borders compared to my old borders!!!
zzzz test best.png
Houston....We have smooth borders!
With thicker border...(Just to see if it would be blocky.)
zzzz test best3.png

and thinner border...
zzzz test best4.png

and with shadow...
zzzz test best5.png
I knew there had to be another way to add border that looks good.
I tried my old border way on the new GIMP and same results, blocky crap, so I have been doing it the wrong way I guess.
Who would have known that the Border option only makes crappy borders?
This dropdown shadow method works great! You set X and Y to zero. Then set Blur Radius to zero, Opacity to 1, and then on new GIMP there is a grow radius option in that section now, this is what makes the border outline.

Glad you guys pushed me to figure this out!
It has been bugging the hell out of me not being able to make border that looks halfway decent!
Thanks again!
Great work Charles and just for laughs and giggles, I did a tidy up of my office rendered version...
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