Upgrade/Project New Site Logo Workshop

Well, like I said, nobody could see that unless they zoom in by the maximum 500% that Firefox allows. Though, about the resolution the banner only displays full width @ 170%, which equals...

Just curious if the source image @ 1920 may render better?
Not sure, but anything over 1178, moves logo past the right border.

I think I am seeing that line on the Thanksgiving logo!
So HiRez00 is the one who did that.
I will try to fix it, but will wait until you verify you are seeing it on the Thanksgiving logo also.
I swear I used to have great eye sight. My brother called me Eagle Eyes for nickname because my eyesight was so good.
Now....clumpin kittylitter Batman.... I am as blind as a bat! lol

I realize not many will seee it, but we can see it! (Well you can see it lol.)
I think I can see it. lol
Mate, my eyesight is most likely worse, it's just the artisan in me that makes me zoom in on the invisible...:wave-nerd:
Ok I zoomed in 800x and cleaned up both sides of Nudging Necessary! words, and I went along bottom and cleaned that up.
Amazing what you can see when zoomed in. Still it was hard for me to see the lines even zoomed in.
Check this version out and see if it is cleaned up...
Check this version out and see if it is cleaned up...

All clear, though we would most likely be the only ones that would know...:geek:
I am pretty sure the original logo HiRez00 did with the smooth borders, has this same problem.
(Haven't checked yet, but I swear that Thanksgiving logo has same problem, and I never messed with that area on that logo.)
I will check all of the logos that are completed, and make sure to zoom in 800x and check those areas.
The 'new' old logo is looking sweet... nice work, Charles!
I never knew that!
So you want the Christmas logo put up Dec 1st?
Also if you want, I can rotate the Christmas logos daily, so we would have new color each day. (It only takes about 5 minutes to switch the logos)
We could use the cherry red one seen earlier in this topic, and I made a blue one with same texture. So we could have Green, Red, Blue.
But if you don't like the cherry red one, you probably won't like the blue one either.
We can go with just the green one if you like.
Either way it will look great!!
You have the helm, use whatever methods you decide upon to send the message... We come in peace. :peace:
We come in peace....shoot to kill...shoot to kill....shoot to kill :msgoodguy:
We come in peace....shoot to kill scotty beam me up.
Well it's life Jim, but not as we know it...not as we know it...not as we know it
It's life Jim, but not as we know it....not as we know it captain.
There's Klingons on the starboard bow...starboard bow...starboard bow
There's Klingons on the starboard bow...scrape em off Jim!
Star Trekkin across the universe.
So you want the Christmas logo put up Dec 1st?

Easy on the trigger finger partner...

First Sunday of Advent 2023: December 3, 2023
Easy on the trigger finger partner...

First Sunday of Advent 2023: December 3, 2023
Damn I was looking at where it said "this year" but then I see it for 2019 lol
Good catch!


  • Screenshot_20231124_200510.png
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Some experimenting with New Years logo.
Notice I didn't change the texture of Pinball Nirvana word. (I actually tried quite a few gold textures, but none of them looked great.)

With gold confetti...
PN-Logo-New Years-1200x200.png

With colorful confetti...
PN-Logo-New Years2-1200x200.png

Notice the dual sparklers she is holding in hand.
I also have black hats, and silver hats, if the gold hats don't look good.

Here are a few textures with gold.
00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank gold texture dark.png

00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank gold texture.png

00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank new gold texture.png
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Looks good, I like the colorful confetti...maybe a 2024 ball?
Looks good, I like the colorful confetti...maybe a 2024 ball?
I agree, the color confetti looks best.
I tried finding a New Years Ball, but had no luck.
(Try googling "New Years Ball" and you will see slim to none, and slim walked out the door already,)
Best I could find was this...

What about a disco ball with 2024 put on it?
ball with 2024 put on it?

Any pinball you can add 2024 on would be good, always thought the girl could use a new ball to sit on, the original is a bit dull.
Any pinball you can add 2024 on would be good, always thought the girl could use a new ball to sit on, the original is a bit dull.
Are you talking about the ball on the new logos?
Or the old logo?
If the new logo ball looks dull, send me a ball you like best.
Just thought the original pinball is a bit dull, I wouldn't use it in any pinball I have authored. Not sure how VPX goes about it and if ball decals are still a thing, though something like that if you can make the ball decal big enough.
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So on the left I just added 2024 to the pinball.
On right I added disco ball with 2024 on it.

00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank 2024.png

Here is the 2024 pic I am using. (notice how it wraps around as if it were on a sphere.)

Fun fact... I actually used VP and the screenshot method to create my pinball cards for my TMNT original. Created a table that filled the screen and overlaid decal text on top of the 'playfield' image, then play/snap.
The 2024 could use a bit more wrap, maybe you can distort the 2024 for a better fit.
Ok I shortened the width only on the outer 2 numbers, to give it that wrap around ball look. And made 2024 go to edges of ball.
00 Pinball-Nirvana-Black blank 2024b.png

What u think?
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