Upgrade/Project New Site Logo Workshop

I was thinking a darker shade of blue to match the Presidential seals.
I was thinking a darker shade of blue to match the Presidential seals.
I used color picker on the Seal, and the second one has same color as Seal.
This one...

Is that too dark?
It matches color exactly on the Seal.
I don't know why I didn't think of that!
I just went with black instead of matching the Seals.
I am glad you are helping to oversee this stuff!
I do learn fast, so I should be a pro at this in no time!

You knew I was going to push that candy sprinkle texture on the Easter logo first! lol been saving it! lmao
Now that it is out of the way, I can move on to greener pastures! lol
I might leave the texture alone, like we did on Valentines logo.
I am also not keen on the eggs the girls are sitting on.
I may leave those as pinballs, and just add Easter decorations.
Ok here it is with new Nudging Necessary lettering..
(The size of the Banff font is 62 for Nudging Necessary! for future reference.)
Check this out!
Chickaball girls coming out of cracked Easter eggs!
I need to center the pinballs inside of the eggs, by moving them towards center of logo, but damn this is great effect!
And another texture.

00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa3.png

And another texture.
This one is same as original texture, except different color Cyan. (Damn it is bright! lol)

00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa4.png

and here is slight purple.....
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa5.png

And magenta...
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa6.png
Last edited:
The cracked egg with the purple is the best looking one of those to me.
Experimenting with grass and eggs along bottom.
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa7.png

added more grass and eggs beside Nudging Necessary!
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa8.png

And with Original texture..
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa9.png

I was just testing this out.
It doesn't look "Great" to me, but it is colorful.
Grass is good, not sure about the extra eggs, perhaps some small bunnies hopping over the grass?
Maybe the Star of David, I think that's what it was called, anyway the one the three wise men followed, between Pinball Nirvana?
oops... Star of Bethlehem, I should be safe from lightning, I'm indoors... :lastrites:

I think the Star of David is for Hannuka.
And the Star of Bethlehem was for Christmas when Jesus was born.
(Remember it lead the 3 wisemen to the manger.)
Easter is when Jesus rose from the dead after 3 days.
The sad part is they call the day he died "Good Friday".
A cross would be more in order for the Easter holiday, but I don't want to offend anyone.
Unless it is ok with the you and Shiva and Jon?
I can guarantee if I do add it, Ike will raise hell!! (Pardon the pun lol) And he probably won't be the only one.
He didn't seem comfortable when "Merry Christmas" was being said in the shoutbox by many.
So I wished him a very Happy Winter Solstice, being that he is Pagan, as he explained.
I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable or feel like they are being excluded.
All are welcome here.
Even the heathens. lol
It is probably best not to stir the hornets nest, by putting a cross on the site logo.
But, you can bet that I will be adding the Star of Bethlehem to the Christmas logo next year!!
Here it is with Easter Cross in center...
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa10.png

and this is where I got it.

Ok, maybe Jesus nailed to the cross...then again, not sure if that would work or maybe smiling Jesus...

Ok tried a few...
Here is first one.... He has no legs in this one, so maybe it represents him rising?
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa11.png

This one has the silhouette of the statue of Jesus that is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa13.png

This one is similar to the first one, except his robes are longer and go all the way down.
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa14.png

I like the 1st and 3rd one.
I actually like the Easter Cross in above post the best out of these 4 last ones.
Or we can go the Easter Bunny route, so not to offend anyone.
Up to you guys, as I am happy with either route.
Yes, I agree the cross is a better fit and does look better, whilst being a more subtle symbolic reference.

* speaking of subtle, some pinball machines have easter eggs, so maybe you could hide a cow in there and see if anyone sees it. :twisted:
Yes, I agree the cross is a better fit and does look better, whilst being a more subtle symbolic reference.

* speaking of subtle, some pinball machines have easter eggs, so maybe you could hide a cow in there and see if anyone sees it. :twisted:

I can make the cross smaller if needed, and can move it wherever if needed.
I need to redo the grass at bottom, as it is obscuring the Y in Necessary. I can just move it over a bit to fix that.
I also still need to center the pinballs in the eggs, and move chickaball girls appropriately.

If you think gaming and religion don't mix, as this is a gaming site, here is an example of a prominent gaming site (Actually a frontend site), adding something religious to their site.
LaunchBox site...
At the bottom of each page on that site, is a bible quote.
That site still seems to be doing well, as they have had those quotes posted for many years!
(I have been archiving that site on and off for years. I just finished Apple II and Apple IIGS after Christmas. They have box art, wheels, cart pics, and more!)

If we do catch any flack, I can make a backup Easter Logo, without the Cross, and have it on standby.
Just say the word, and I can do the ol' switcharoo.

Great idea about the Cow! Will do!
Ok so I have centered the pinballs in the eggs, and moved ladies.
I shortened the grass at bottom so it doesn't interfere with Nudging Necessary!
Added the bunny ears to ladies.

So here are a few different sizes for the cross...
Here it is at 60 width...
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa16.png

Here at 50 width...
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa17.png

Here at 30 width...
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa15.png

And here at 20 width up on Nirvana word...
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa18.png

I think this last one looks best.
Still need to find cows! lol
Tried adding a couple of rabbits breaking out of eggs...
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa20.png

And with the purple texture...
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa19.png

I actually like just plain jane chickaball girls breaking out of eggs with cross on Nirvana word, on the Original logo texture...
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa21.png

Sometimes less is better.
Found a couple cows!
One is a silhouette and is easy to find, one is a white cow with black spots, and not easy to find. (At least for my blind eyes! lol)
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa22.png

White one is perfect!!
I like the first cross, not really sure about the bunny eggs, they seem a bit large and out of proportion using the girls as the reference. I was imagining smaller bunnies hopping through the air just above the grass.
On Futher viewing I think a cross size in between #1 and #2, might be better.
Sounds good.
I am working on rabbits.
What you think?
Also cross is 55 width now. (In between 60 and 50.)
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides template aaa23.png


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