BAM ObjectInfo x, y, and z values are 0 for objects which have no physics


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Sep 21, 2017
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Indiana Jones (Williams)
Probably just a BAM documentation issue, but the more I attempt to use ObjectInfo the more I'm realizing that it really doesn't do what I need.

I found that if I have Kicker objects with "Render Model" unchecked that the ObjectInfo for that Kicker is all Zeros.

The issue still remains then -- Using xBam.BallCloseTo() when I can't reliability get the X, Y, and Z values of an object.

Even more a reason why I'd love to see BAM support this:

You don't need to use FindObject to get Kicker position.
This will print kicker X&Y position: AddDebugText "K: "&PlungerKicker.X&", "&PlungerKicker.Y
But not Z.
In general, most FP objects has X,Y property accessible from script.
Thanks @ravarcade. Since I had some invisible kickers to simulate some ball movement on the upper areas, I was trying to figure out a better way to track the "Z" or "height" without having to jump through the object references to get the Surface or Playfield object the kicker is connected to. But right now I'm just keeping "Z" at 0 if it can't get the ObjectInfo.
Yeah, Kickers don't have a height property. That being said, Kicker's height can't change through time (even on Miniplayfields; it's the Miniplayfield's data itself the one being replaced) so a function that returns it is never needed. I'd define a const and use that instead.

Const Kicker1Height = 32
Const Kicker2Height = 0
' ...

If it's a lot of kickers and you want to get their height from a single function, you could use an Array of heights instead, or a special Class with the Height parameter attached.

Class KickerClass
    Public kObj
    Public Height

    Public Sub SetKicker(Kicker)
        Set kObj = Kicker
    End Sub

    ' Get X from object property
    Public Function X
        X = kObj.X
    End Function

    ' Get Y from object property
    Public Function Y
        Y = kObj.Y
    End Function

    ' Get stored Z (same as Height)
    Public Function Z
        Z = Height
    End Function
End Class

Dim Kicker1c : Set Kicker1c = New KickerClass
Kicker1c.SetKicker Kicker1 : Kicker1c.Height = 32

' Get Kicker's X, Y and Z

AddDebugText Kicker1c.X    ' => 190
AddDebugText Kicker1c.Y    ' => 162
AddDebugText Kicker1c.Z    ' => 32
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