Post interesting videos you found on YouTube

have you seen this artificial intelligence generated video. too weird, in addition to always ending in an apocalypse.

I saw this in my YouTube feed last week thought it was funny and weird.

i have some YT videos of
"the way it used to be san francisco 1969",
insane things that happened at wood stock etc,
woodstock documentary and more stuff on the page
they do have some content that might be rated a strong PG or higher because of what was goin' on back then at
Haight & Ashbury neighborhood in 1969.
I found a video, I got stuck in it... :smile::smile::smile::smile:
An oldie but a Goodie...

Oh my. I wish this music style was in the Black Knight Sword of Rage. SoR was a bit of a letdown (just my opinion when playing all other BK pins and ending on SoR).
omg, you gotta be kidding me dude.
don't you know how to use hot water, soap and a wash cloth?
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omg, you gotta be kidding me dude.
your nasty.
don't you know how to use hot water, soap and a wash cloth?
Why they added that to front of cooking video is kind of scary.
i dunno, but this guy has scary hygeine.
did you see this on the news
fury 325 roller coaster.
This will cheer you up.

Steve Martin looks like he knows what he is doing.
Never knew he played banjo. lol
At least you don't have AR-15's lol! :msgoodguy:
the caliber used is a little bigger it seems to me in the USA

I found a 4 part series on Youtube by BralexPinball about The History of Pinball and embedded them into the Media Gallery under General Pinball Videos!

I've only watched the first and a part of the 2nd one so far but I'm enjoying them, I've been doing some testing since the recent site updates with the Media Galley and will test the Galley Embed here in the forums.

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