Post interesting videos you found on YouTube

Two of the most easy to watch videos on EM pinball machines i have ever seen,
watched a while back, but still great to rewatch.
I have such admiration for EM machines.

Two of the most easy to watch videos on EM pinball machines i have ever seen,
watched a while back, but still great to rewatch.
I have such admiration for EM machines.

Love these videos @RabidUrko, I watched them previously and when playing it remembered my play position in the videos!

I really, really thought that I posted them in the forums and/or the Media section but I guess I got sidetracked cause I can't find them.

Great Stuff!
Love these videos @RabidUrko, I watched them previously and when playing it remembered my play position in the videos!

I really, really thought that I posted them in the forums and/or the Media section but I guess I got sidetracked cause I can't find them.

Great Stuff!
I remember seeing these videos here!
I just tried searching and can't find them either.
I remember seeing these videos here!
I just tried searching and can't find them either

Maybe here...;)

Maybe here...;)

I knew I saw it! lol
I just didn't know I posted it here! lmao
I knew it seemed very familiar!
How in the hell did you find it?
Never would have suspected it being in the Machine Repair section!
Well done!
Oh :/ i did do a brief search and couldnt find them being posted before, i was surprised i couldnt find them , but seems they are on here after all.
I didnt do an overall search and didnt look in Maintenance and Repair.
Oh :/ i did do a brief search and couldnt find them being posted before, i was surprised i couldnt find them , but seems they are on here after all.
I didnt do an overall search and didnt look in Maintenance and Repair.
Well you at least posted them where they are easier to find!
I added them both to the Media section.
It is truly amazing to see how the insides of an EM Pinball table functions!
Thanks @RabidUrko !!
Mystery partially solved for me? Not really, both of these videos knew that I'd watched them previously and it wasn't from the Aztec thread.:rolleyes:

I must have watched them at Youtube and think I probably got sidetracked by posting the history of pinball 4 part series and forgot about posting these. Regardless, they are great! Thanks for adding them to the Media section @xenonph, they can now be embedded into any thread by using the Gallery Embed BB button.:orcbeer:
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It doesn't always work out for the Leprechaun!
For instance, check out this Strawberry Smiggles commercial!

Remember folks, always use glass jars to store your medicine...

I remember a friend of mine telling me about how you could fold a 20 dollar bill, and it showed the Twin Towers from 9-11 attack, on fire.
On the other side of bill, after folding it, was the Pentagon on fire.
These 20 dollar bills were made in 1998, 3 years before the 9-11 attacks.
9+11= 20
Conspiracy theory?
You be the judge.

Here is video I found that talks about this at the very end of the video.
12:50 of that video sums up most conspiracies, anything can be twisted into anything if looked into deep enough.
Speaking of chopping, how nice is this Tales from The Crypt pinball refurbishment…

Swing along, bonus points for knowing why this table is innovative.

Swing along, bonus points for knowing why this table is innovative.

It has a manual ball feed leading up to the launching plunger, but it only contains one ball?
It has a manual ball feed leading up to the launching plunger, but it only contains one b

No the innovation is on the Playfield. ;)
Run to the hills!
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