It is unusual for the temperature here to ever fall below 40F in your money, so it's just a matter of closing the ventilation in winter to retain the daytime heat.
It is unusual for the temperature here to ever fall below 40F in your money, so it's just a matter of closing the ventilation in winter to retain the daytime heat.
The plants closest to the outside wall look like they are growing faster than the others. Does that side of the greenhouse face north? If so, the plants probably get more sun. You might periodically rotate the containers to make them grow the same amount. Otherwise they look good.
The faster growing plants on the side are facing East, the greenhouse is orientated North/South and gets some morning shade and is in the Southern Hemisphere. It's more a matter of chronological order of germination, also those containers don't move with almost 50 litres of nutrient solution within they weigh over 110lbs in your antiquated system of standards and measures.
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