Silent Hill

I stumbled into this community earlier today simply looking for an online pinball game to play with my son. I am truly blown away by the artistic creativity and output happening here, absolutely stunning!
Work in Progress Sneak Peek - "What a Bash!"

I added a completely new combat system for both Melee and Guns. This video shows you how it works when bashing a monster with the wooden plank.... and the blood splats that follow :)

This is a sneak peek at my new "Work in Progress" video coming later today.

View attachment New Combat System - Melee.mp4
Work in Progress Sneak Peek - "Gunning for your Inventory"

I add both a new combat system and a new Inventory system so you can collect health, weapons, ammo, and maps.

This video shows how the weapons Inventory works and how the Hand Gun combat operates.

This is a sneak peek at my new "Work in Progress" video coming later today.

View attachment New Combat System - Hand Gun.mp4
Work in Progress Sneak Peek - "I call Shotgun... sights"

I add a new combat system that allows you to use a Shotgun to attack monsters. You choose to use an iron sights view with any guns.

This video shows how iron sights and the shotgun works.

This is a sneak peek at my new "Work in Progress" video coming later today.

View attachment New Combat System - ShotGun - Iron Sights.mp4
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Silent Hill (Future Pinball - BAM)

Work in Progress Mega Video

This video covers some of the new features I've added to Silent Hill since my last posted video long ago. Some of these are:

Blender renders / creations
Updated Layout and playfield features
Seal of Metatron Magna Spinner
Inventory system
Health Item HurryUps
New Layouts
New Combat system
Melee Combat
Handgun Combat
Shotgun Combat
Iron Sights for guns
Town Map functions
Pyramid Head kills your balls

There is A LOT to show and cover, so don't let the video size throw you off.

I have chapters (listed in the video description) throughout the whole video to make it easy to find the areas of interest. Some neat new stuff you'll want to check out!

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Silent Hill (Future Pinball - BAM)

Work in Progress Mega Video

This video covers some of the new features I've added to Silent Hill since my last posted video long ago. Some of these are:

Blender renders / creations
Updated Layout and playfield features
Seal of Metatron Magna Spinner
Inventory system
Health Item HurryUps
New Layouts
New Combat system
Melee Combat
Handgun Combat
Shotgun Combat
Iron Sights for guns
Town Map functions
Pyramid Head kills your balls

There is A LOT to show and cover, so don't let the video size throw you off.

I have chapters (listed in the video description) throughout the whole video to make it easy to find the areas of interest. Some neat new stuff you'll want to check out!

This is an astonishing amount of work and level of detail. Love that you are pushing the boundaries of what can be done in virtual pinball!

I've been teaching myself blender to make objects and texture/normal maps that can't be done natively in FP, but I had not considered that Blender could also be used for lighting effects. Is your plan to recreate all the FP bulbs and flashers in Blender and export the textures from Blender with the shadows cast from your "Blenderized" lighting setup? If you have multiple lighting setups in one "scene" are you going to export multiple versions of the playfield, for example, and texture swap them using BAM when different lights turn on/off? I'm probably overthinking this, because that would be an insane effort, but I wouldn't put anything past you!

Again, thanks for sharing your process, the videos are an invaluable design resource.
This is an astonishing amount of work and level of detail. Love that you are pushing the boundaries of what can be done in virtual pinball!

I've been teaching myself blender to make objects and texture/normal maps that can't be done natively in FP, but I had not considered that Blender could also be used for lighting effects. Is your plan to recreate all the FP bulbs and flashers in Blender and export the textures from Blender with the shadows cast from your "Blenderized" lighting setup? If you have multiple lighting setups in one "scene" are you going to export multiple versions of the playfield, for example, and texture swap them using BAM when different lights turn on/off? I'm probably overthinking this, because that would be an insane effort, but I wouldn't put anything past you!

Again, thanks for sharing your process, the videos are an invaluable design resource.

VPX can't do realtime dynamic lighting, so that's why many newer VP tables use pre-baked textures for lighting, etc. It can look really nice, but it also means a lot more work, alot more textures, and some of it only looks correct when seen from a similar pov in VP as the Blender render's pov.

For a "normal" table, that method can work well.... but for a table like Silent Hill, that is more difficult because I change my playfield layout a lot, which would mean a lot more ram being used for even more baked textures.... and we are limited with FP as its a 32 bit app.

I may use it for some things for lighting, but it's a balance of what will look correct, while also being a benefit. FP's dynamic realtime lighting (hardware lights / flashers) can be managed to cover many lights, but you can only have 7 on at one time. BAM also can create shadowmaps which are used for ray cast ball shadows but they also act as light maps for the playfield texture. I also use a lot of realtime lighting that moves around the table, etc.

My intent was to try to use baked shadows from blender more than anything. We'll see what I end up doing.
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I personally hate baked in shadows on textures and there is no need to do it with BAM. Lights can be turned on and off and baked textures don't change unless you do a texture swap. I guess baked textures would work for lights that are always on but I never add them. I had to leave a few previously created ones on Avatar because the color of the playfield changed and I couldn't recreate it with lighting. It is a rare exception though.
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I personally hate baked in shadows on textures and there is no need to do it with BAM. Lights can be turned on and off and baked textures don't change unless you do a texture swap. I guess baked textures would work for lights that are always on but I never use them.

Baked lights / shadows are completely different than BAM shadowmaps (which are only visible on the playfield texture).

You have global lighting and shadows which have nothing to do with any lights on the playfield... those can be baked and never change.

You have playfield lighting, which can affect everything on the table. BAM can't create shadows on everything on the table (except shadowmaps and ball shadows)... and it can't restrict / occlude FP's flashers from passing through objects, etc. Bulbs (that aren't FP flashers) can create shadows or real lighting. So for these instances, that's where baking can completely change the look of a table....if.... it is done right. Watch the Blender section of my video to get an idea of some of the differences.
I had to keep a few on Avatar but didn't want to. I guess it has its place if it can be done realistically. You might publish a tutorial on using blender when you figure it out.
Are you using the version of blender that creates files that can be converted to *.fpm files by the FPM editor? It looks like you might be using one that is more advanced.
The Blender needed for dealing with FP Models is... old. You only use that to import a FP table... then save it as a *.blend file. After that you no longer use the older Blender... you use the newer versions of Blender and import the *.blend file.

As for a Blender tutorial... that is WAY out of my scope and ability, as its very complex. There are many tutorials on Youtube. I'm still learning how to do any kind of baking at all.

You won't want to export detailed complex models (or portions of an entire table) back to FP as a *.fpm file... as that would make FP take FOREVER to load a table as FP sucks at handling detailed models in FPM format. You would want to convert them to FBX or OBJ models, then to BAM TGA models, as BAM is very fast at dealing with modern FBX / OBJ models. Problem there, is you can't do any kind of BAM texture swapping, etc with BAM models, and they also will allow bulbs / halos to pass through them, no matter what is between the light or the model.

So its not simple in any form... and its part of the reason Silent Hill is taking a long time, as I need to still learn and figure out how to use it, and what is best to do.
The Blender needed for dealing with FP Models is... old. You only use that to import a FP table... then save it as a *.blend file. After that you no longer use the older Blender... you use the newer versions of Blender and import the *.blend file.

As for a Blender tutorial... that is WAY out of my scope and ability, as its very complex. There are many tutorials on Youtube. I'm still learning how to do any kind of baking at all.

You won't want to export detailed complex models (or portions of an entire table) back to FP as a *.fpm file... as that would make FP take FOREVER to load a table as FP sucks at handling detailed models in FPM format. You would want to convert them to FBX or OBJ models, then to BAM TGA models, as BAM is very fast at dealing with modern FBX / OBJ models. Problem there, is you can't do any kind of BAM texture swapping, etc with BAM models, and they also will allow bulbs / halos to pass through them, no matter what is between the light or the model.

So its not simple in any form... and its part of the reason Silent Hill is taking a long time, as I need to still learn and figure out how to use it, and what is best to do.
Wow Terry , it is amazing what you are learning and what is possible !

Your creativity and meticulous work is next level .

Your fp knowledge is a mile deep AND a mile wide which is unique .
Very cool.
How do you get the graphics so clean.. damn. cant wait!!
Not an update to my Silent hill pinball game... but we did get a new Silent Hill 2 Remake "combat" trailer!

...and a new free Silent Hill game for PS5. The Short Message.

Happy 25th Silent Hill.

I finally decided to do my own video about Silent Hill 2 remake and the first two trailers we got, and I do a bit of a deep dive. Yah, it's a long video, but I do have chapters :)

Silent Hill (PinEvent V2) for Future Pinball - BAM


Many people know I was working on my Silent Hill table a long ways back. I had to take a long break due to having a stroke / heart surgery, etc. I've returned to working on it... completely redoing most of the table, and adding many cool new features (that I can't show yet).

Well... I finally decided to take the time to learn how to recreate the table in Blender, with the hopes to do some form of texture pre-baking. This is similar to what some newer VP table creators do to create their pre-baked lighting... only in this case FP does most of it's lighting dynamically.... so I want to try to use this for baking in global shadows combined with FP's dynamic lighting, etc.

This game is different than other pinball games, in that it is literally multiple pinball tables in one game. It changes up the playfield / layout as you progress through the game (and changes from foggy world to nightmare Otherworld, etc).

So doing this in Blender makes creating the different playfields and adding / creating the 100s of models I use... a much easier task. (3d editors are so damn nice) I've only got the one main layout done in Blender, but I have at least 8 playfield layouts so far in the game, and more coming. In Blender, there are no inserts or playfield / plastics art yet, as that comes later (it all needs to be redone for each layout).

That said.... dang.... I have to say... I think this is not bad considering this is my first time trying this. There will be much more to the final game than what you see here.

Here's a few test renders in Blender.

(note: these are NOT in-game screenshots!)

View attachment 37243

View attachment 37244

View attachment 37245

View attachment 37246

View attachment 37247
Dude didn't' know you had a stroke till reading your post, I pray things are doing great for you man!
So... I've been a wee bit distracted the last couple of days, as there has been a huge bunch of new Silent Hill 2 news, video trailer, behind the scenes, and first looks at the new movie coming out.

My geeked out first reaction to the Sony State of Play Release date Trailer. This is my first "react" video, with my over-geeked behavior. You're never too old for this stuff.

This is my reaction to the Silent Hill Transmission (May 2024). I have chapters for each section as its a lot of content in this transmission.

Note, that live stream video quality is bad compared to the actual game and a high quality trailer. I have linked the 4K standalone high quality trailers which look MUCH better.

These are all the standalone videos in MUCH better 4K quality!

Sony State of Play - Release Date Reveal Trailer

Silent Hill 2 Remake - Gameplay preview

Bloober Team BTS:

Silent Hill 2 voice cast:

Return to Silent Hill (movie) BTS:

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This past week there has been an explosion of Silent Hill 2 Remake promotions on every game site and all over Youtube. Many reviewing sites / press got a chance to preview and play the game for a few hours. I was very happy to hear they all have very similar reactions. Words like "pleasantly surprised", "much better than you've been led to believe", "shockingly good" has been used by all of them.

This literally warms my heart as this game means so much to myself and so many others, as we've waited so many years for a modern remake of this special game.

I'm also very happy for Bloober Team (the developers of the game) as they have had to endure so much online over the last 2 years (the internet can be full of nasty people). However, they have continued to be professional, focused and passionate about their work on this game. Based on everyone's reactions it has clearly paid off!

We had two great surprises... a new Story Trailer and some new gameplay footage!

These videos are my reaction to the new Story trailer and the 27 mins of new gameplay footage. All I can say is that I was an emotional mess (in a very good way) watching these. You couldn't ask for a more perfect trailer that paid homage and respect to the original game's trailer while showing off the amazing new work that has been done.

I can't wait for Oct 8th!

@TerryRed I am guessing you are a fan of the Silent Hill games, I have not played them in a long time but I remember Silent Hill scaring the crap out of me playing it at night much more than the Resident Evil games think there was another game I played called Clock Tower. I still get that scared feeling watching the remake of Silent Hill another game that was scary was Dead Space.
Only 20 hours to go until the (early access) release of Silent Hill 2 Remake. I've been waiting years for this!

The reviews have been flooding in. The game has been scored extremely well. As a 23 year Silent Hill fan who has been rooting for this game and the developer for the last 2 years... this is kind of mind blowing. Everyone is kind of in shock that Bloober Team have done what many considered the impossible.


Launch trailer.

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