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If you have tried the version of the tweaker on some of TerryRed's tables, this version is different. I have outlined a comparison of the All-In-One (AIO) versus the current release of the tweaker below to help you decide which version you prefer to use:

FizX Tweaker in All-In-One Version 1.7FizX Tweaker, Release 9 (attached)
Uses 14 of 32 registers.Uses 1 of 32 registers (nvS13).
Settings can be saved to fpRAM for reference, but these settings are NOT added to the table or applied when the table loads.Settings can be saved to the fpRAM during a game in the StartUp field and the settings are used for future games. You can set it once in-game and forget it.
Allows adjustment of 14 parameters (Does not include RampUpLinearity, CoilRampUp, and CoilRampStartPower).Allows adjustment of 17 parameters on the 2 flipper version; 20 parameters on the 3 flipper version and can support 26 parameters for 2 additional flippers if needed.
Might support an additional tweaker if enough registers are available.Allows additional tweakers for other parameters to be added requiring 1 register each with a maximum of 28 parameters for each tweaker.
Start using the tweaker by enabling the tweaker in the script and pressing the "F" key during a game.Start using the tweaker by pressing the Special 1 key during a game to toggle the tweaker on/off.
Has two profiles, one for default flippers and another for bouncy flippers.Only has one profile.

I recorded a short video of how the tweaker tool works (see the link below).

Release 9 of the tweaker will initially load with the Default values which are saved in the script. You can edit the default values and save them to the StartUp field. You can always revert back to the default values if you don't like the changes you added to the StartUp field. The video explains it.

The biggest disadvantage of Release 9 as can be seen in the comparison list above is that it only has one profile. The AIO's two profiles actually only have one parameter that is different. The FlipperBouncingCoeff is set to 0.9 for the default flippers and 1.0 for the bouncy flippers. Release 9 uses the same values as the default flippers. Table developers could simply advise end users to adjust the FlipperBouncingCoeff to 1.0 for bouncy flippers.

There are three methods that can be used to add Release 9 of the tweaker to your table:

You can follow the guidelines for the "All In One Example Table" that is included in the script and at the link below exactly as written. The only differences are that you need to:
  • add two timers named "FizXTweak_Timer" and "Tweak_Timer2" (not enabled) which you can do before you start the guide.
  • You need to omit the performance of the following steps:
- if you want to use the FizX Profile Cycle key, follow the instructions in the FizX - Profiles - Control section​
- then enable the keys in the FizX - Testing Tools section​
Be aware the code that you copy and paste includes the code for the new tweaker but you can still follow the guide. Also, the directions are a little different in the script for Release 9 when you get to the step "if you want to use the FizX Tweaker Tool, follow the instructions in the FizX - TWEAKER section". ...But just follow the directions in Release 9.

I have edited the directions in the script to address the special needs of the Release 9 tweaker but they are basically the same as what is posted in the next section.

If you have already updated your table with content from the "All In One Example Table" in the guide linked above, you can revise the code to the new version from Release 9. This section explains how to replace the old version of the tweaker on tables that use the All In One Example Table with the new tweaker:

1) Make an extra copy of the target table so you can perform Step 9.​
2) Delete all the code from the target table, starting from "COPY ALL CODE TO ANOTHER TABLE - START HERE!" to "COPY ALL CODE TO ANOTHER TABLE - END HERE!"​
3) Copy all the new code from the Release 9 example table and paste it to the target table with the new tweaker starting from "COPY ALL CODE TO ANOTHER TABLE - START HERE!" to "COPY ALL CODE TO ANOTHER TABLE - END HERE!"​
4) Create new timers named "FizXTweak_Timer" and "Tweak_Timer2" (not enabled).​
5) If you want to use the overlay on the FizX Tweaker, you need to add an overlay named "FizXTweaker" to the translite, along with the textures and image list for it. If you don't want to use the overlay, search the target table for "Sub Tweaker()" and delete all the occurrences of the name of the overlay from the subroutine.​
6) Two new sections need to be added to the following subroutines. On both subroutines, copy the code from the example table starting with "FizX Tweaker Start" and ending at "FizX Tweaker End". Paste into the target table a blank line below the name of the subroutine in the script of the target table.​
  • Sub FuturePinball_BeginPlay()
  • Sub FuturePinball_KeyReleased(ByVal KeyCode)
7) Delete this section of the script from the target table that is below the name of the subroutine "Sub FuturePinball_KeyPressed(ByVal KeyCode)":​
    If keycode = 200 then FizX_TweakSelection = 1:FizX_TweakValues    'UP Key
    If Keycode = 203 then FizX_TweakSelection = 2:FizX_TweakValues    'LEFT Key
    If Keycode = 205 then FizX_TweakSelection = 3:FizX_TweakValues    'RIGHT Key
    if keycode = 208 then FizX_TweakSelection = 4:FizX_TweakValues    'DOWN Key
    if keycode = 33 then FizX_Tweaker_Toggle    ' F Key
    if keycode = 34 then FizX_Profile_Cycle    ' G Key
8) Copy the code in the subroutine "Sub FuturePinball_KeyPressed(ByVal KeyCode)" from the Release 9 example table starting with "FizX Tweaker Start" and ending at "FizX Tweaker End". Paste into a blank line of the target table below the name of the subroutine in the script.​
9) Copy the settings from the copy of the original table that you saved from Step 1 and overwrite the settings on the target table if there are any changes. The settings are located in the subroutines named SetFizXDefaultValues() and FizX_General_Settings.​
10) If you are adding this script to a table that has been played before, you need to delete the fpRam file before you play it the first time, or else you will get a string error.​

The third method of adding the tweaker to your table can be used if you don't want to use the other features that were added to the "All In One Example Table". Search the script for "FizX Tweaker Start", copy the entire section down to "FizX Tweaker End" and paste it into your table following the guidance in the script. Repeat the search until you don't find any more sections. Be sure to read the notes at the beginning of each section of the script.

JLou has defined each parameter and how to adjust it at the link below:

The "*.zip" files in the download have the 1K polygon ball that needs to remain unzipped and saved in the same folder as the table.

The tweaker has space for parameters for the two main flippers and 3 additional flippers if needed. The download includes two versions of the tweaker. One has the parameters for two flippers and the other has the parameters for three flippers. I added both versions of the tweaker so you can see how to add more flippers if you need them. You can copy the script from the 2-flipper version and the 3-flipper version and paste it into the following website so you easily see the differences:

The tweaker code can be adapted to other Future Pinball applications where you need to save the values of numeric parameters. In fact, Gimli and I put together a Lighting In-Game Tweaker Tool that will be released on the Avatar table. I included an Excel file in the download that I used to help calculate the 2-digit values that are needed. It might be useful for future development or if you want to understand how it works.

This version of the tweaker incorporates experience gained and feedback from users on the Avatar table. I don't think you will experience problems with it if you install it correctly (which should be fairly easy to do).

Change Log:
Release 8 - Corrected string errors that occurred when tables were played the first time.
Release 9 - Revised the guide for clarity. Added directions in the guide for changing a table that uses the tweaker in the All In One Example Table with the new version of the tweaker posted here. Corrected the mistake in the FizX code that was posted here. Incorporated changes from version 1.7 of the All In One Example Table. Changed the name of the DMD to match version 1.7 of the All In One Example Table. Added link to Google translator.


  • The FizX In-Game Tweaker Tool, Release 9.7z
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Sorry George
zero time to code and my gaming computer is disconnected...still in Reno hell.
@JLou5641, @AnonTet @TerryRed or anyone,
I have been working on the FizX Tweaker. I found that Gimli's coding works well that saves to a string on nvS13 but the range and steps (or increments) aren't always right. I finished the first 7 parameters and it is working out quite well. I have been looking at Terry's latest Jaws table for the range and steps but he did not add the following 3 parameters to his tweaker on Jaws. Do you want me to add these?
If you want me to add them, I need to know the range and steps for each of the three parameters above. This is what JLou provided in the past and I need something like it for each of the parameters:
EOS angle, 1 to 10 is enough with step of 0.5
EOS torque 0.1 to 0.99 with step of 0.05
Threshold, it can be from 100 to 3000 with a step of 100 or 50

Sorry George
zero time to code and my gaming computer is disconnected...still in Reno hell.

It is OK. I have figured out how to do it. I created an Excel file that calculates all the results between the ranges with different multiplication and addition factors to see if I can get 2 digits. I can get just about anything to work. If you need a "0", just add 10 to get the 2 digits. If you have a decimal like 1.2, you multiply by 10. Stuff I think you already know but easier with Excel.

I could finish this today if I get an answer to my request.
@JLou5641, @AnonTet @TerryRed or anyone,

I have been working on the FizX Tweaker. I found that Gimli's coding works well that saves to a string on nvS13 but the range and steps (or increments) aren't always right. I finished the first 7 parameters and it is working out quite well. I have been looking at Terry's latest Jaws table for the range and steps but he did not add the following 3 parameters to his tweaker on Jaws. Do you want me to add these?


If you want me to add them, I need to know the range and steps for each of the three parameters above. This is what JLou provided in the past and I need something like it for each of the parameters:

EOS angle, 1 to 10 is enough with step of 0.5
EOS torque 0.1 to 0.99 with step of 0.05
Threshold, it can be from 100 to 3000 with a step of 100 or 50
Hi George,

RampUpLinearity 1 to 6 with 0.5 step is enough i think
CoilRampUp 1 to full swing step 1
CoilRampStartPower 10 to 99 step 1
I have no idea what it is, but I hope you get your answers.

looks sad, I wish you the best,and to get out soon, even if I don't understand what it is.

Bob is renovating his house. As I understand it, he has a beam that has to be replaced.
Hi George,

RampUpLinearity 1 to 6 with 0.5 step is enough i think
CoilRampUp 1 to full swing step 1
CoilRampStartPower 10 to 99 step 1

Bob is renovating his house. As I understand it, he has a beam that has to be replaced.
My wife started with a kitchen reno that became a whole house reno .

We are trying very unsuccessfully to contain costs by doing some wall repair, plumbing and painting ourselves and certain structural issues have emerged etc etc
My wife started with a kitchen reno that became a whole house reno .

We are trying very unsuccessfully to contain costs by doing some wall repair, plumbing and painting ourselves and certain structural issues have emerged etc etc
Unfortunately, my wife want a kitchen reno, so, after, as you know, a complet flat reno... But a really flat reno (floors, windows, cupboards, all to repaint, ...).
I pray silently at night (not for his dead, but for some delay...).
Hi George,

RampUpLinearity 1 to 6 with 0.5 step is enough i think
CoilRampUp 1 to full swing step 1
CoilRampStartPower 10 to 99 step 1

I have finished updating the demo table. I had to make a few small compromises that I don't think anyone will even notice. Terry made the tip and base omegas go from 1 to 100. I could only make go them from 6 to 95 that I am sure will work. He also made BouncingFallOffThreshold have step increments of 10. I had to go with step increments of 50 which is the lower value that JLou requested and I think will work.

I was able to make smaller step increments on RampUpLinearity. I was able to use 0.1 instead of 0.5 that JLou suggested.

There are now 17 parameters being saved to one register (nvS13). There is room for 11 new parameters if you need them.

I need to test the demo table a bit more and should be able to make it available later this week. Then I will post it for you guys to test.
I have finished updating the demo table. I had to make a few small compromises that I don't think anyone will even notice. Terry made the tip and base omegas go from 1 to 100. I could only make go them from 6 to 95 that I am sure will work. He also made BouncingFallOffThreshold have step increments of 10. I had to go with step increments of 50 which is the lower value that JLou requested and I think will work.

I was able to make smaller step increments on RampUpLinearity. I was able to use 0.1 instead of 0.5 that JLou suggested.

There are now 17 parameters being saved to one register (nvS13). There is room for 11 new parameters if you need them.

I need to test the demo table a bit more and should be able to make it available later this week. Then I will post it for you guys to test.
The omegas I believe should go from 10 to 99 (same number of digits in this case two digits)
This technology when refined will allow other Tweaker Paramater sets to be save on other nvS's

for instance:
1. FizX on nvsS13 (up to 28 parameters)
2. George Lighting on nvs12 (up to 28 parameters)
The omegas I believe should go from 10 to 99 (same number of digits in this case two digits)
This technology when refined will allow other Tweaker Paramater sets to be save on other nvS's

for instance:
1. FizX on nvsS13 (up to 28 parameters)
2. George Lighting on nvs12 (up to 28 parameters)

I will post my Excel file to allow others to develop their tweakers more easily. The trick is getting everything to save to 2 digits and the Excel file helps with that.
I have finished updating and testing the Tweaker Tool. I am posting it to let you guys test it now. Be aware that when you test it that you can display any range of numbers on the DMD. The limitations occur when you save your settings. The values that you see on the DMD have to be converted to 2 digit numbers. If the number does not have 2 digits when you save, you will either get a string error or the value that you saved won't match the value displayed after you close the table and play it again. I think I have resolved all that. At least, I reviewed all the changes twice. I like Terry's way of saving changes with the left/right arrow keys, so I added it. You can also save using the "S" key. You start the tweaker by pressing the Special 1 key. I set it up so the arrow and "S" keys are deactivated when the DMD is off so you can't change the settings by accident.

If you want to add the tweaker to your table, search the script for "FizX Tweaker Start" and copy the entire section down to "FizX Tweaker End" and past it into your table. Repeat the search until you don't find anymore sections. You also need to add the timer "FizXTweak_Timer". Be aware that the section where you enter your FizX values at the beginning of the script has been incorporated into a subroutine. The tweaker won't work without it.

This tweaker can be adapted to other applications other than FizX and the spreadsheet I used will help you. I have attached the Excel spreadsheet to help figure out the math functions to perform so you end up with 2 digits. There are actually 2 spreadsheets in one. The left side performs division functions. The right side has multiplication functions. The cells with green test are where you add your entries. The cells with the red text show the results where you look for numbers with 2 digits.

@JLou5641 @AnonTet @Gimli @TerryRed


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I have finished updating and testing the Tweaker Tool. I am posting it to let you guys test it now. Be aware that when you test it that you can display any range of numbers on the DMD. The limitations occur when you save your settings. The values that you see on the DMD have to be converted to 2 digit numbers. If the number does not have 2 digits when you save, you will either get a string error or the value that you saved won't match the value displayed after you close the table and play it again. I think I have resolved all that. At least, I reviewed all the changes twice. I like Terry's way of saving changes with the left/right arrow keys, so I added it. You can also save using the "S" key. You start the tweaker by pressing the Special 1 key. I set it up so the arrow and "S" keys are deactivated when the DMD is off so you can't change the settings by accident.

If you want to add the tweaker to your table, search the script for "FizX Tweaker Start" and copy the entire section down to "FizX Tweaker End" and past it into your table. Repeat the search until you don't find anymore sections. You also need to add the timer "FizXTweak_Timer". Be aware that the section where you enter your FizX values at the beginning of the script has been incorporated into a subroutine. The tweaker won't work without it.

This tweaker can be adapted to other applications other than FizX and the spreadsheet I used will help you. I have attached the Excel spreadsheet to help figure out the math functions to perform so you end up with 2 digits. There are actually 2 spreadsheets in one. The left side performs division functions. The right side has multiplication functions. The cells with green test are where you add your entries. The cells with the red text show the results where you look for numbers with 2 digits.

@JLou5641 @AnonTet @Gimli @TerryRed
I will have to look at your spreadsheets, I am not sure why you added and subtracted numbers
I will have to look at your spreadsheets, I am not sure why you added and subtracted numbers

I think it will be clear when you see the spreadsheet. You can't save "0" but you can add 10 to the "0" to get a 2 digit number that gets saved and then subtract 10 when the number is extracted after saving.
I think it will be clear when you see the spreadsheet. You can't save "0" but you can add 10 to the "0" to get a 2 digit number that gets saved and then subtract 10 when the number is extracted after saving.
Interesting...I was wondering why the debug number didn't match the real numbers that are save in the Strings.

You seem to understand the code well now ! Great stuff

There was a potayto potawto discussion previously with Terry about logistics of what the DMD displays (Current Value, StartUp Value and Default Value) and what is important for the original implementer of Fizx in the table and what is important for end users who may wish to use the tweaker after the fact.

Default values will be totally different for each table and so when you copy and paste the tweaker code the first time...the defaults will be meaningless.

I think Terry felt the Default value wasn't useful ( The Base Value that is set in the code that loads when nvRAM is cleared) for the Table creator like him. But it may be useful for users that would start with Terry's values when they download one of his tables.

I think Terry had it autosave every time you alter any number if I recall which is easy to do.
I think he did have restore to startup ( the option to return to the most recent values before the user starts tweaking)

Anyways , it depends what people want.
You and I have it such that you see the default values of the Table Releaser/creator
and the Startup Values and the Current values.

I added a new option to our code to "restore to startup values" in addition to "restore to default values"
Terry's code was based on the original Tweaker tool and still uses all the availabe nvS slots whereas this new code just uses one nvS and has room for 28 different parameters.


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Interesting...I was wondering why the debug number didn't match the real numbers that are save in the Strings.

You seem to understand the code well now ! Great stuff

There was a potayto potawto discussion previously with Terry about logistics of what the DMD displays (Current Value, StartUp Value and Default Value) and what is important for the original implementer of Fizx in the table and what is important for end users who may wish to use the tweaker after the fact.

Default values will be totally different for each table and so when you copy and paste the tweaker code the first time...the defaults will be meaningless.

I think Terry felt the Default value wasn't useful ( The Base Value that is set in the code that loads when nvRAM is cleared) for the Table creator like him. But it may be useful for users that would start with Terry's values when they download one of his tables.

I think Terry had it autosave every time you alter any number if I recall which is easy to do.
I think he did have restore to startup ( the option to return to the most recent values before the user starts tweaking)

Anyways , it depends what people want.
You and I have it such that you see the default values of the Table Releaser/creator
and the Startup Values and the Current values.

I added a new option to our code to "restore to startup values" in addition to "restore to default values"
Terry's code was based on the original Tweaker tool and still uses all the availabe nvS slots whereas this new code just uses one nvS and has room for 28 different parameters.

I don't get what the problem is. The default values are simply the values that the table developer added to the script like the ones I pasted below. They can be changed to whatever you want in the script. If the end user wants to change them in the tweaker, they are saved to the startup values. The startup values should be automatically loaded when you play the table. To my thinking, the only time you might use the "restore to startup values" option is if you used the option to "restore to default values" first and decided you made a mistake. ...Or I suppose you could have changed the values in a previous session and did some more tweaking that you did not like and wanted to revert back to what you had. I suppose then you might use the "restore to startup values" option although you could do the same thing by exiting the table without saving your changes.

EOSTorque = 0.35
EOSAngle = 2
BaseOmega = 68
TipOmega = 28
LiveCatchDifficulty = 2
BouncingFallOffThreshold = 1000
FlipperBouncingCoeff = 0.75
FlipperBouncingFallOff = 0.55
FlipperStaticFriction = 0.75
FlipperKineticFriction = 0.6
BallKineticSensivity = 1
OverspinDeleter = 1
I don't get what the problem is. The default values are simply the values that the table developer added to the script like the ones I pasted below. They can be changed to whatever you want in the script. If the end user wants to change them in the tweaker, they are saved to the startup values. The startup values should be automatically loaded when you play the table.

To my thinking, the only time you might use the "restore to startup values" option is if you used the option to "restore to default values" first and decided you made a mistake
. ...Or I suppose you could have changed the values in a previous session and did some more tweaking that you did not like and wanted to revert back to what you had.
Exactly !
I suppose then you might use the "restore to startup values" option although you could do the same thing by exiting the table without saving your changes.
yes but you may have already inadvertently saved the table

So for instance when FP is loaded BAM will run the default.cfg file (Default)
and then you can tweak stuff and save the table settings (This will become your "start up" next time)
but you can still go to menu and mess with stuff in BAM and if you get all confused you can select "Return to beginning of Session"
This restores the so called "Start up Values"

I may be the only one this is exactly how I tend to tweak...I jump around playing with tweaking as much stuff as I can before I save...and then find I don't like the result...and I click "Return to beginning of Session" and all is forgiven
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I looked at Terry's tweaker on Jaws. What we call "Default" Terry calls "StartUp" . What we call "Starting" he calls "fpRam". The end user can change values and then can save the settings to "fpRam" through an option on the menu. The next time the table is played, the "StartUp" (or our "Default") is loaded. To switch to the settings the end user has saved, they must open a menu option to load the "fpRam" values. They have to do this every time they play the table because the "StartUp" values are always loaded.

To my thinking, this would seem to be rather cumbersome for the end user though I suppose Terry had a reason to do it this way. ...But like you said, we can make it work like JLou, Anon and Terry want. I think it would be best if everyone uses the same thing or the end users will be confused when they play tables with different authors.
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I looked at Terry's tweaker on Jaws. What we call "Default" Terry calls "StartUp" . What we call "Starting" he calls "fpRam". The end user can change values and then can save the settings to "fpRam" through an option on the menu. The next time the table is played, the "StartUp" (or our "Default") is loaded. To switch to the settings the end user has saved, they must open the menu option load the "fpRam" values. They have to do this every time they play the table because the "StartUp" values are always loaded.

To my thinking, this would seem to be rather cumbersome for the end user though I suppose Terry had a reason to do it this way. ...But like you said, we can make it work like JLou, Anon and Terry want. I think it would be best if everyone uses the same thing or the end users will be confused.
Terry , I believe when he likes the values he saves them to FPRam. But immediatly transfers the values into a file that he has running on his second screen. He then copy and pastes them into the code and these become his new "default" values

But as an end user , I wouldn't be so quick to delete the original values from the code. (as the table creator had them set that way for a reason..I would keep them as a reference that we call "default')
I mean it doesn't really matter and it just semantics what we call "Default" "start up " or what have you.

It makes sense to have one tweaker tool that can be used for both the initial FizX implementer (Table creator/ Official Modder) and the so called "End User"
I think we need to hear from @JLou5641 @AnonTet and @TerryRed.

I personally like our way the best. I doubt anyone other than the table developer would transfer the values to the script. I have to agree with you that there is some benefit in keeping what the author developed in the script. I would like to add our version to Avatar.
I'm out of it for the time being. Work... time of year, life...

Whenever I have some time is to test new FizX if available and try to merge that in my current test tables.

I'll probably be back "full time" in February, sadly.

Just a little add-on after recent developments.
Apparently my morale/ideology/whatever clashes against some rules (not?) applied at PN so, when I do have the time to come back to actually be productive, it won't be here.

My current uploaded tables will continue here. I'm proud of those, insignificant as they may be and everybody has them anyway.

Plus, If you don't share, there's no hobby, just selfishness.
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I'm buzy too this time :/
Since there are no comments, this demo table for the FizX tweaker is released, available for download and use. Feel free to copy the code to your FizX table. I found a small error in one of Gimli's new subroutines and fixed it (missing a colon). The demo table has some new new parameters that will be available in a future release. If you are using a earlier release, I can post an update without the new parameters if you need it.

Feel free to ask any questions.


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      Chat Bot Mibs Chat Bot Mibs: baliw has left the room.