Okay, cool. I have a atgames legend pro 2 player. massive thing, complete with flipper buttonms on the side. proper joystick and arcade buttons. Most of my games should be great with this, as it is bluetooth.

Save your hands for the most important things. :)
So... I finally got around to playing around with the latest VP/VPinMAME update with Windows on the Steam Deck. Gotta say... its pretty damn sweet being able to play all these new VPW releases on this thing. So far they have all been playing silky smooth in desktop and cabinet view.

I haven't tried them all yet, but the newest releases are all running great. Using latest 10.72. Keep in mind... this is running at the native 1280x800... but it looks great on the SD screen. I can run higher with my TV.

Just installed Baller Installer, and updated VPX and PinMAME... VP / PUP / Popper working great so far (I re-installed my original desktop theme for Popper).

Gotta take time to setup all controls for Popper / VP / FP / FX3 so they all use the same standard controls so Steam can map better for them. Sadly the gamepad controls aren't seen in Windows as a gampad... so you currently need to use Steam to make use of them through its mapper functions.
The Windows I'm running is a Ghost Specter "Compact" install (its a custom ISO that removes Defender and most bloatware).

For VP.... if you want to use cabinet view, setting the SD to portrait in in Windows is the only way to get DMDext (the much nicer external DMD display app) to work correctly as it can't rotate its window. So for VP both the table and the external DMDext DMD (which looks much nicer) will work in portrait.... it just means that you will need to use the "camera mode" in VP to create a proper portrait pov (its not automatic for all tables like it is in FP)... whereas if it was run landscape.. the table would automatically look correct in cabinet mode, but the DMDExt DMD cant rotate.

For FP.... cool news! By forcing the FP Backbox display # to something that is NOT "1" in the registry (even though we arent using the 2nd screenbackbox), I was able to use the fake monitor driver for a 2nd "fake" screen to display PinEvent pup-packs on, so they can be streamed into FP so you can see the modern DMD displays with videos, etc.... in any view you want. It runs great!

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awesome Terry.
FP does have problems with displaying things on laptops with the monitors. Drove me nuts for a while, especially since I had only one display out. FP does not like laptops. The simple trick was to use a hub with hdmi and DP, set one monitor to clone the desktop, the other to the BG (Backbox display) Some times FP doesn't play nice. Adding a third screen might be pushing it for me. Have to try it out.
The windows version I will look into. Thanks.
Actually Terry, talking about new win installs,this is a program I use for win 11. It's a scary looking program, but does work great. Removes a lot of crap MS puts in that you never use, restores things we lost from win 10 (like performance mode) and also allows you to restore personalized settings like the start menu back on the left side. There's even a classic win 7 feel back.

Good video (a bit out of date) and some other things, but you should look at this before using the program.
How to change UMA Frame Buffer Size ( VRAM ) in bios. This can help non steam game performance or crashing and also helps in Windows 10 or 11 performance with a boost to graphics memory. Steam deck by default uses 1 gig for video.

Install Epic, Origin, Ubisoft Launchers on your Steam Deck. Plus how to install new proton layers, SD card game installs, library picture files and more.

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Install windows 11 on the steam deck easy! Full guide windows 11 install on the steam deck. complete with all update guides for windows 11.

Came across this post at VPF...

Guide: Running VPX on Steam Deck​

In order to successfully install and run VPX on my Steam Deck, I had to use a conglomerate of information from Youtube, Reddit, and Discord. To help those in my boat, here are the steps to make it happen without all that legwork.

For clarity, this is not a "cabinet brain" or Windows install - there's already a great guide for that. Today we're utilizing Wine & Proton to run it right on SteamOS in a landscape orientation for jackpotting on the go.

Of course, there's another way as well...

No idea what I am going to do. Valve has said they are working on a duel booting setup, so maybe I should just wait. Dunno.
Merry Christmas, it's update time! Steam Deck OS 3.4

pretty big update, some real important new additions.
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