The Universe is big...Really?

Dammit man. I love cats.
I have a cat on my lap right now.
haha, i'm originally a cat person, altho i've come to really like dogs the last few years.


btw, have you seen these sites?
Space is expanding faster than the speed of light. It's just that I don't understand how that puts distance between bodies at the same faster than light speed, but it obviously is. The consensus is that it is not moving them but simply putting more space between them. Easy to say but hard to grasp.

The time light travels before it gets to earth is more than a lot of the stars live. What you are seeing is ghosts. If they are still alive you are still seeing something that is not really there (not at that place anymore)

The Big Chill started the day we could see as far as the speed of light will ever allow us to. What this means is that man will never discover more as far as more size to our universe. no way no how, and the opposite is actually true. If your life span was infinite you could be anywhere and see very quickly (relative to an infinite lifespan) the sky get darker and darker until there is no stars anywhere to be seen.
i have not heard the theory that space is expanding at any certain rate, whether at the speed of light or otherwise. where would i read about such a theory?

what i do know is that observable objects in the universe seem to be moving apart from each other faster and faster, which goes hand in hand with the theory of dark energy (not to be confused with dark matter).

another theory known as the "big rip" proposes that if the acceleration remains constant, the four elemental forces that hold things together in the traditional way will lose their ability to do so... hence the big rip of matter, and perhaps space. note: this is not predicted to happen for several billions of years, which is quite possibly when most cosmic objects have pretty much died out anyway.

just to give a reference on that-- similar to the earth being in the last 10th phase of its period of supporting complex life (we're slowly losing our atmosphere), i've read that star formation across the galaxy is in its final stages. so in other words, the supernovae, gas clouds and other cosmic events which seed new stars are lessening in frequency and potency... a vicious cycle so to speak.

as far as man never exploring further... no idea. but i notice that warp bubble engines seem to be making a lot of progress in recent years. i mean, i seriously question whether an interstellar warp ship will be built before civ. collapses, but it's at least a possibility. makes more sense to me than this preposterous idea to colonise mars, in any case. :p
What's My Point.....Or Is This just Exposition?

With the speed of light a constant(In a vacuum), light from an object is supposed to reach us at that speed no matter how fast we are moving apart. That is according to Einstein anyway. When I think about motion my brain says 'What are you referencing that motion to?' Is there a frame of reference that is not relative to some object some where? At that point I start to wonder what velocity really means. I have the feeling that light is not limited to the same speed every where in the universe. I think the speed of light is limited by the density of fields(mostly gravitational) in the area it is traveling through. I believe light can travel faster in an area devoid of matter. One good question is where does light get the energy to accelerate after being slowed by some media. The last I heard the speed of light had been slowed to a crawl in a Bose/Einstein Condensate. These guys claimed to slow the propagation of light down to 36 feet per second! {edit: That was many years ago. It looks like it has been truly slowed to that crawl} I assume the light returned to it's normal speed after exiting their apparatus. How does light do that? What's my point? I'll have to get back to y'all on that...

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Light is not something that is riding a wave. Light is a force. I don't know the explanation, but it would seem stranger to me if the light stayed 38 mph after leaving.

The force of light is weak but constant and accumulative. The understanding of this brought instant thought of solar sails. and eventual near light speed travel using them.

It would also suggest an expansion scenario without dark energy, but on a different scale. Could light be the 'dark' energy? That would be funny to discover.
Coil_Smoke's Theory of Density Based Universal Tropism

Could light be the 'dark' energy? That would be funny to discover.
:appl:That could be the most palpably ironic concept in the universe!

Me...I don't believe in this dark matter spiel. It is the latest fad explaining the expansion(prefer dispersion) of the universe. I have reasoned it out and am 99% SURE GRAVITY IS ACTUALLY IS (LARGELY) A REPULSIVE FORCE. 'Gravity' rains down on us from all the matter in the universe. The Earth partially blocks this radiation from reaching us(under our feet) and we are pushed towards the Earth. It's like being under God's thumb. It is hard to express all this in this forum. But I can express it as some simple and beautiful equations. Assume all matter gives rise to a repulsive force. Call this force Big G and give it a numerical value of 1 (one). 1 is placed at the top of a fraction. The numerator then is 1. The mass of an object becomes the denominator. so that 1/mass=g (little g). Little g is the value of gravity at the surface of that object. This simple formula g=G/ M is very similar to standard physics but kinda inverted. This is also very draining to write and you are probably tuning out ATM. Any way Big G becomes a limit that is never reached . The larger the mass of a object (M) the smaller the gravitational force g around it. Throw in in the inverse square law to account for distance and you have Coil_Smoke's Theory of Density Based Universal Tropism ... OR ... the Dispersing Universe Theory.

Back to the "Size" of the universe... It occurred to me the other day> Those objects at the edge of the observable universe. Those galaxies flying away at the speed of light 14 billion years ago. Like mentioned above... They aren't there any more... What ever is left of them is now another 14 Billion Light Years away! Placing them 28 Billion LY's distant...May be even more if they continued to accelerate. That would make the "Known" universe at least 56 Billion Light Years across.

"The Best Way To Travel"

And you can fly
High as a kite if you want to
Faster than light if you want to
Speeding through the universe
Thinking is the best way to travel
By...The Moody Blues


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interesting theories, but dark matter <> dark NRG. just sayin, coily.

i mean, two very different theories... each involving the word "dark."

thanks for the links. i'm not a quick learner... will try to recalibrate myself on the matter, tho. :p
Gravity is being re-thought. The theory is well believed to be wrong with some smart people saying gravity does not exist. I watched a program on the subject on Vettle but it was the sort that I would have to watch at least a couple of times. If I find it, I'll link it.

Do you think, if there is a eureka moment, that it would come from the cosmologists or quantum physicists? Or somewhere else?
After all this time we haven't found the force carrier for gravity. Until we find something like a "graviton", how gravity works will be open to new theories.
Mom Always Said..."You Never Know Where It's Going To Come From"

I also saw someone postulate about gravity recently. His notion was the force responsible for entropy or entropy itself expressed it's self as gravity...I don't know...That idea just doesn't feel right(complete?) to me...C_S

Yeha , How does something so easily felt remain so hard to explain. Maybe 'Gravity' propagates in some other dimension ? There are theories that that atoms get their energy from other dimensions. You do have to wonder what keeps them electrons buzzing about. Could the same nuclear aperture that catches that juice also feel 'gravity's' push or tug? Maybe 'gravity' is the source of continuing atomic energization too...

I see evidence of my theory quite often. My notion is that space is filled with a 'gravitational' field that varies in density. This field is most dense in deep space and less dense at the surface of a body. This causes object to move from a area of greater density to an area of lower density.... A rotating sphere is most resistant to the passage of the force at it's equator.(There are more atoms in the way to block the field on the equatorial plane of a rotating sphere) That is what focuses Saturn's rings into a plane around it's equator. The Sun's rotation focuses the solar system into the plane of the ecliptic...

There's no connection to the below bits(not much anyway), just some fun, I hope. C_S


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The mainstream

(this part of the post, added by JPH, sorry Shockman, editing your post by adding this text, just trying to get the latest posts block to behave properly again...)

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Off We Go Towards An Endless Zero Degree Kelvin Forever

I have to separate the 'space' from the stuff in it. Space has to be infinite, right? What could bring an end to it? Like I said before it is not a comfortable though this continuum. There can be no end, no barrier. What is on the other side? The notion that it folds back upon it's self like some cosmic bubble leaves me wondering ...What's outside the bubble? More space? So the endless always of space is where these Big Bangs disperse them selves towards an endless Zero degree Kelvin forever...I feel lonely :blues:
That is a paradox. The universe, as a term, is everything. If there was something outside the bubble it could only be described as universe, and what we call our universe just some kind of cluster.

Having said that, I gotta tell you I don't really believe it.

Some say that outside the bubble is nothing and say it like nothing should be something easy to imagine. The same people though say our universe is expanding into that nothing.

So nothing has room for something to enter it? It's nothing to think about. Unless you do. Then it is something to think about.
random GIF of the day... i had no idea there was such a thing as daytime fireworks, but...


and an even cooler one... flying a drone through a fireworks display. :)

Do You See What I See ???

Yeah Man:salut:...I too saw this story about our surroundings. The structure and distribution of matter around us has never been mapped like this before. Does that look like nervous tissue to you too? Have you ever wondered if we inhabited a gargantuan living being? I am convinced more than ever the universe and every thing in it is alive and intertwined. This makes me feel a little more important and little less like an insignificant speck of grease. Oh... and nice fireworks there Mr"Pinball Porcupine"
dangit mister "inserted," i just read some kind of news update / study / analogy last week regarding the similarity of supercluster formations to... er, like something else man! (like seriously) patterns sometimes repeat in nature, interestingly so.

anyway, the cosmos has consciousness! maybe. i think. i dunno!

like, cognitive dissonance rocks on.
No doubt about it being at the edge of the void is where it's at! :D
there's a big story in the news from yesterday about a researcher finding evidence for parallel universes... based on data from the period of rapid cosmic inflation IIRC.

it's pretty much way over my head, but at least it seems to be a new approach in terms of the existence of a multiverse. for example, other theories have been based on completely different approaches... like pure math and whatnot.
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