VPX Repair Visual Pinball Bug Report


Pinball Hall of Famer
Oct 4, 2018
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Favorite Pinball Machine
gi joe
I don't know if there is a bug report page but I have a few bugs or info that could be helpful. I downloaded Visual Pinball from github https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball and I use Visual Pinball 10.6 to edit on because anything after this version has layers with small tick boxes and sometimes I tick the wrong box the checkboxes are very small I like the other version I can just move item to other layer easily and turn on and off layers. Is there a way to have the old layers view in the new updated versions ? I added an image below:

layers small tick boxes.jpg

And the new version of Visual Pinball reflections from objects are there where they were not there before Is there a way to fix the reflection by changing values or do I have to just turn off reflection in the clickbox below is an image to show the difference in reflections

64 bit shadows.jpg

32 bit shadows.jpg
top image shows unwanted reflection on bottom version it does not. Another thing is when using new version of Visual Pinball it does a static rendering where the 3d object has jagged edges fixing can be done by turning on or off Static Rendering checkbox. Also there is a big problem in 64 bit version when playing the game pauses a few seconds when a ball is going on ramp or kickback plunger the game freezes for 1 or 2 seconds. Is there a fix for this and does anyone else have this happen ?

Jagged Edges
balutito they live.jpg
Remember this is a beta version.
You could post your problem in the VPX10.8 beta topic here..
They will probably say to post your problem on the github site.
It works ok but it does freeze a little I should use version 10.7 then the stable release. I think there is Reflection strength setting for each game I see its on the page here https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/issues/485 I will try to find settings also if I try to load game that was made in new version into old version sometimes it doesnt load it says sound buffer or it loads with no textures just everything white I just try to help out incase dev reads it. I use 2 folders one for old games and one for new games because the old games have reflection and jagged edge and new games dont load into old program, just trying to help.

textures not showing up.jpg
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