Thats what it is! HUD, I managed to get the fade in overlay on top of 2HUD overlays Using a Timer, then you can xbam the layer as Terry suggested.
Im just trying out new things, Im still learning to script.
I couldnt figure out some code for Ravs BAM extention list and there arent any examples, but managed so far to get things working.
Was making it harder than it is, as usual.
I set the timer for the fadeout a bit longer than the sequence or trigger it when somthing happens later (Smalt1lt)
Btw, Terry, you werent kidding, his tables have shit tons of triggers and tiny layers etc. matching all the soound that fizX automates (which is awesome) , People that haven dopped into the otable creation have no idea how big of an achievement Fizx is, its cool, and keeps me out of trouble ! sometimes....
Thank you