What music are you listening to?

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Yo Cousin Nubbins--
Like me perhaps, you seem to be a bit wild at heart in terms of artistic taste, so I wanted to complete the duo of my favorite Avalanche songs.

(they're an Aussie band, and their earlier tune I shared above was about two miners, one of whom began to dance like a ballerina once he heard that sweet, sweet music..)

Anyway, this one is Frontier Psychiatrist, and I hope you're ready! D:

Wicked tune...
Do you know if the Avalanches got significant airplay in WA?

Something that always blows my mind is how there's a single or a band that's SUPER-popular in one region or nation, but NOT the next-region / next-nation over, like in Europe for example.

Even just when it comes to USA / Canada, there can be some pretty wild differences in how the very same music is received or blows up.
As I'm an old man, I like old songs, even if they are played by a young girl...
Moaning Me-- I'm sorry to be so rude here, but there's an OCEAN of great new French songs coming along. ALWAYS coming along, seriously!

Dude-- I'm an "OLD MAN," too.
And you STILL never checked out "Vendredi Sur Mer," did you?

Dude, Poppotte-- tu es provincial français, rien de plus, mssr, Hah!
One great concert! Live After Death tour, has songs from many albums.
I always heard they had the greatest stage shows and props.
I first bought Music for the Jilted Generation in early 90s I believe and from there, I got pretty much everything.
It's one of those bands that kept consistent if you ask me, right up to Invaders Must Die. And what to say about Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned?
Those guys music was on some really heavy shit, much like the authors most likely :D
I guess they were really polarizing and you either hate or love their music.


On TIDAL: https://tidal.com/browse/track/365968042

One great concert! Live After Death tour, has songs from many albums.
I always heard they had the greatest stage shows and props.
Dang dude, they all look so young and fresh!

(one doesn't really get that back with age, now does one..?)
This video contains content from WMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds...

Meanwhile, years ago in Russia...

God damn you to hell, Steve.

And now I have real epilepsy, asshole!
Dang dude, they all look so young and fresh!

(one doesn't really get that back with age, now does one..?)
Well that concert was 29 years ago! Damn!
I always wondered how bands that play really fast tempo music, how in the hell do they get through 2 songs without tiring out?
Notice Bruce Dickenson talks with crowd for a bit of a breather, right before Rime of the Ancient Mariner, which is like a 12 minute song!
My arm would fall off after playing a couple of fast tempo songs! lol
Well that concert was 29 years ago! Damn!
I always wondered how bands that play really fast tempo music, how in the hell do they get through 2 songs without tiring out?
Notice Bruce Dickenson talks with crowd for a bit of a breather, right before Rime of the Ancient Mariner, which is like a 12 minute song!
My arm would fall off after playing a couple of fast tempo songs! lol
Dude, buddy, I have a basic confession to make--

For the longest time, I equated 'metal' music with the drug-culture at my HS. Now TBF those people never bothered me a bit, as we were all pretty chill and didn't bother each other. And seriously, maybe that's a good template for society, lol?

But that's also part of why I've looked down on 'METAL' for so many years, speaking as a 'stupid idiot' who also adores Led Zep!
Dude, buddy, I have a basic confession to make--

For the longest time, I equated 'metal' music with the drug-culture at my HS. Now TBF those people never bothered me a bit, as we were all pretty chill and didn't bother each other. And seriously, maybe that's a good template for society, lol?

But that's also part of why I've looked down on 'METAL' for so many years, speaking as a 'stupid idiot' who also adores Led Zep!
Well at least you made it to highschool!
I went to highschool for 1 day, and dropped out.
Metal heads also had the stigma of being called devil worshippers back then, as well as druggies.
So there are many who probably look down on "Metal", for those 2 reasons.
I grew up listening to rock n roll, thanks to my brother, and was basically raised by bikers, who may have also had an influence on my music choices.
Am I a devil worshipper? Hell no.
Am I a druggie? I do smoke herb, and if that puts me in that category, I am ok with it.
What music I listen to, does not change who I am.
I listen, and enjoy mostly all of the music "categories".
As a 13 year old in 1978 i had never heard a voice like hers, and still captivates me to this day.
So today I'm hearing Alexandra Whittingham
She plays classical guitar and from the link above you can choose your service of choice, hopefully.
This really deserves to be heard on quality speakers so, pick your best hardware and don't use Spotify :p
Currently touring Switzerland and Southern Germany we're listening to the OST soundtrack to Pride and Prejudice.
It's a masterpiece of mainly piano by Dario Marianelli with the English Chamber Orchestra and Jean-Yves Thibaudet.

Wonderful stuff.
What music i like? Well i like rocks songs or the 1980, 1990. Like Bryan Adams, Bon Jovi, Guns n Roses, ACDC, Heart, Kiss, and so on. I have a friend that is the singer of the music band called : Call your Enemy, and is on Spotify. His type of music is Rock-Heavy.

I have seen him today and i see him regulary, i have said to him that his next show, that if he try and have the tools and time, to have diverses camera that film him singing, this beside the others like the guitariste, the drummer; brief the team and stage. I can arrange him a great video-clips. Even if he want could create for him great professional DVD of his songs with the team, even with motions menus, if he want some hidden bonus video as an easter egg.

I could even create some dvd that if he listen on my advices, could make the user choose play the dvd videos all or choose video to play. Depending of if they have recorded each instruments exactly as the stage, that i have the audio of each music instruments alone; i can try to synchronise each instruments with the video. So i could do some Dolby surround 5 speakers, synchroniser with the video : (2 speakers behind, 2 speakers in front, 1 center speaker and 1 subwoofer. So a person could watch the dvd with the audio or choose to watch with Dolby surround audio.
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