I didn't "miss" two separate versions so much as I never downloaded the update to Sorcerer at VPF. I just looked through my tables directory and loaded up Sorcerer to see what it looked like after looking through the IPDB. I didn't even really think about looking for an newer version because I already decided I wanted to make my own at that point. But once I found out about your version, I still thought it better to protect myself (versus the "KC" situation with Dr. Who for example) by not looking at it until I was done with my own table.
I was actually doing a search on System9 tables at the IPDB because I was going through my early to mid'80s table-making spree with a sudden interest in older systems themselves, having made Firepower (system6 & 7 sets), Fire Action (Taito) and Fireball Classic (Bally) already at that point and seeing some pictures of Sorcerer and thinking it looked pretty cool and was the only major Williams system between Firepower and modern WCS that I hadn't made a table for (I already did High Speed, Whirlwind and Earthshaker System11 tables plus I worked on FunHouse). The other two choices were Space Shuttle (Emkaah did that rendered version that I already loved so I didn't even really consider that one) and Hurricane (didn't care for KC's table so it didn't appeal to me very much). Sorcerer looked like the most fun and so I just mentioned I might be looking for any good playfield pictures and I soon had the offer from Wod and Nitrodude in less than 2 weeks.
As for putting a lot of time into the table, I built v1.0 in 2.5 weeks time from scratch so I wouldn't go too far in suggesting I went above and beyond the call building it. I do think it turned out rather nice for such a short amount of time, but then the source material was pretty good, I had many parts already pre-made from Firepower and Fireball Classic and compared to building a '90s table, System6-9 tables are pretty simplistic to make.