American Pinball (TOMY, 1991)

EM Recreation FP American Pinball (TOMY, 1991) v1.0

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Electro-Mechanical Machines
by tomasaco
at 2016-07-05
Type Recreation (toy)

FP Physics 1.0

Mesa American Pinball de la compañia Tomy del año 1991

American Pinball table of company Tomy 1991

- Mesas creadas American Pinball Tomy

Hay dos versiones Distintas , una mesa con habitacion y la otra version sin ella. Cada version de la mesa esta en tres calidades distintas.

- La calidad Normal que es la mas baja seria la que lleva el nombre de American Pinball o American Pinball Habitacion.

- La calidad HD que es la media seria la que lleva el nombre de American Pinball HD o American Pinball Habiatcion HD.

- La calidad FULL HD que es la mas alta seria la que lleva el nombre de American Pinball FULL HD o American Pinball

Habitacion FULL HD.tambien compatible con las nuevas televisiones 4K , con esta calidad de imagen se necesita un ordenador bastante potente.

- Tables created American Pinball Tomy There are two versions, a table with room and another version without it. Each version of the table is in three different qualities.
- The Normal quality is the lowest which would be named after American or American Pinball Pinball room.
- The HD quality is serious mediates named American or American Pinball HD Pinball HD Room.
- The FULL HD quality is the highest which would be named after American or American Pinball Pinball FULL HD FULL HD Room. Also compatible with the new
TV 4K image quality with this a fairly powerful computer is needed.

- MAQUINA USADA : MEDION.Intel Corei3 CPU 530 2.93Ghz + 4Gb RAM + (NVidiaGForce310 512Mb)

Se Mueve a 30FPS @ 1920x1080 Texturas de alta calidad al Maximo Detalle

Pantalla utilizada para la creacion del pinball y comprobacion, Television 40 Pulgadas Sony FULL HD 1920*1080

Creacion de fisica mas realista en el comportamiento de la bola en la mesa. Interior y exterior del pinball intentando crearlo lo mas real posible.

imagenes en alta definicion y los colores creados lo mas real posible. Errores solucionados en el programa

Creating more realistic behavior of the ball on the table physics. Interior and exterior of pinball trying to create as real as possible.
HD images and colors created as real as possible. Fixed bugs in the program.
Pantalla de puntuacion izquierda se puede quitar, pulsando la tecla que hay debajo de esc 2 veces para

quitarlo la primera vez y luego solotenemos que pulsar esa tecla 1 vez para poder ver la puntuacion o


Punctuation left screen can be removed by pressing the key beneath esc 2 times

remove the first time and then solotenemos press that key 1 time to see the punctuation or

remove it.

Para que funcione bien.
Hay programas que al estar funcionando al mismo tiempo que future pinballs puede crear
errores. pausar o parar ese programa.
Para jugar, como lo hacemos con todos los juegos
y mover hacia atras el pluger y dejar salir la bola.
To work well.
There are programs to be running at the same time can create future pinballs
mistakes. pause or stop the program.
To play, as we do with all games
and back the pluger and release the ball.
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  • uptown47 @ uptown47:
    (AI prompt) What is a EM Pinball Machine?
  • ChatGPT @ ChatGPT:
    @uptown47, An EM pinball machine refers to an "Electro-Mechanical" pinball machine. These are the classic pinball machines that were manufactured before the advent of solid-state technology, which uses microprocessors and digital displays. EM pinball machines were popular from the 1930s through the late 1970s.

    EM pinball machines operate using a complex system of mechanical components such as relays, stepping units, score reels, and switches, along with electromagnetic devices like solenoids and coils. These components work together to control the gameplay, scoring, and sound effects.

    The gameplay of EM pinball machines is typically more straightforward than that of modern solid-state machines, with a focus on hitting targets, bumpers, and completing specific sequences to score points. The scoring is displayed on mechanical reels or wheels that physically turn to show the player's score.

    Collectors and enthusiasts often appreciate EM pinball machines for their historical significance, mechanical ingenuity, and the tactile experience they provide. The
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