CiRQuS VoLTaiRe (Bally, 1997)

Bally SS Recreation BAM FizX FP CiRQuS VoLTaiRe (Bally, 1997) v3.0b

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Issue fixed : a meditation error may occur randomly when playing the Amazing Roonie video game.

Bonus :
  • I added a new Summer color set file provided by @GeorgeH that make the display look cleaner than my original Summer color set
  • I renamed my original Summer color set file to "SummerOld"
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Reactions: GeorgeH and Gimli
Issue fixed : the caged ball could sink under the playfield when table nudged.
  • I changed the caged ball mass setting with the value tested by @AnonTet
  • I also improved the caged ball control sub because the script did not work in the case described by AnonTet (if the caged ball successfully jailbreaks, the script detects it and puts the ball back in the cage)
  • I modified the caged ball hit detection to take into account the increased mass because the hit detection generates the caged ball hit sounds

Bonus :
  • I added a read_me.txt file to help with installation and configuration
  • I modified the ringmaster spring model to improve its appearance
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