IPD No. 685
Table Info:
Table Info:
- Across the Special-1-Key *) you can choose and save whether name-entry (initials) on the end of game shall be used.
- Across the Special-2-Key *) you can choose and save the number of balls per game. With this option the highscore will be reseted to the recommended worth.
- If you fade-out or fade-in the HUD-Display across the Toggle-Hud-Key, then this setting will get saved for further game sessions.
- The standard playfield image has a size of 1024 x 2048 pixels. If you like a higher resolution please choose "Spielfeld2048" as "Playfield Image" in the table-propertys in the editor. For further use of this the table must get saved.
- For this table I created my own reset routine for the for the score reels. Therefore, the reset now works exactly as in the original one.
- If the score is higher than the displayable number, then the players score continues at zero again like real EMs and EEs do.