Indianapolis 500 (Bally, 1995) VP9

VP9 Bally SS Recreation Indianapolis 500 (Bally, 1995) VP9 v1.0 2020-01-28

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Indianapolis 500 (Bally, 1995) VP9 v1.0
by JPSalas
IPD No. 2853

VPM table, needs original roms to work. This table is based on my VP8 table.
Thanks to Dorsola for writting the original turbo code and giving me permission to use his code.
Thanks to Sheltemke for testing the table.
v1.0 released 1 Nov 2010

Indianapolis - Bally 1995

OBJECT: To win the most challenging race in the world, the Indianapolis 500 and take a victory lap.

SKILL SHOT: After Ball Launch shoot left ramp to collect Skill Shot Award.

SPEEDWAY AWARD: Outer left loop shot lights Speedway Award. Outer right loop shot awards lit speedway item.

TURBO MULTI-BALL: Outer left loop shot lights Turbo lock. Lock two balls for TURBO Multi-Ball. Shoot for Jackpots on ramps, or relock all three balls in the turbo for Super Jackpot!

PIT STOP MULTI-BALL: Complete the P-I-T lanes at the top of the playfield to light 'PIT STOP'. Shoot right ramp when PIT STOP is lit to start pit stop.

LIGHT-UP TARGETS: Shoot Light-up Targets when flashing. Complete Light-up Bank waves for Jackpots.

SOUVENIR: Collect the Indy Souvenirs and discover the secrets that each unlocks. Collect all souvenirs for Jackpot.

VICTORY LAP: Complete any race status section to light Victory Lap!
  • Indianapolis 500 (Bally, 1995) VP9 v1.0 .PNG
    Indianapolis 500 (Bally, 1995) VP9 v1.0 .PNG
    1.7 MB · Views: 153

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A huge improvement to the VP8 version, making everything better
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