Simpsons Pinball Party, The (Stern, 2003) VP8

VP8 Stern SS Recreation Simpsons Pinball Party, The (Stern, 2003) VP8 v1.5 (JPG-Pins)

No permission to download
by JPSalas, Groni
IPD No. 4674

Based on Stern's table from 2003.
Thanks to:
- Destruk for the manual and pictures.
- Wtiger for pictures
- And to Groni for insisting in making the table and all his work on the graphics and taking pictures of the real table.

Revision History:
1.5 Released Jan 2009
- flipper settings and some graphic changes

1.4 released Dec 2008
- New flipper settings
- Removed the easy flippers
- Added the good old shiny ball for a faster ball flow.
- Fixed hidden passage so balls don't get stuck

- Added secret passage in the garage.
- Changed elasticity on some rubbers (left outlane/inlane)
- Changed upper flipper (it was too easy to hit the ramp and too difficult to hit the green targets)
-Added an entry in the menu to select color TV. Default are the red leds.

- Home's head visibility fix from Drawken
- Added option at the begining of the script to choose the color of the LEDs.

- Added 3 walls to prevent a ball falling off from the upper playfield though the back or the sides.
- Added the "train ramp"
- Added the missing plunger sound

1.0 Released 29 September 2008
Preliminary Rulesheet for Stern's "The Simpsons Pinball Party"
Bowen Kerins (
last update: March 7, 2003 (ROM version 2.00)

The Simpsons Pinball Party is one of the most fun, yet most complicated, games ever made. Playing it to have a good time doesn't require too much effort, since there should always be something to do. Playing it strategically takes more effort than almost every other modern pin, but it sure is worth it. If you haven't played it yet, why are you reading this? Go play the game already.

This is a preliminary rules sheet. Although fairly thorough, it sucks as far as being complete. If you know of things that should be here, please contact me at Square brackets [] mean that it's something I'm not sure of or need more information. Please let me know if you have any thoughts. Thanks to Tim Showalter for his ideas on a rule sheet.


This section describes, briefly, the location and basic scoring of shots. See later sections for specifics on mode and multiball scoring. This is roughly clockwise, from left to right.

- Left inlane / outlane: Standard setup. Either can be lit for Extra Ball. Inlane lights spinner on Right Orbit for extra scoring.

- Lite Otto standup: This target is in roughly the same position as the "G-R" standups of Addams Family. Hit the standup when lit, and Otto's Bus Tour will light at Springfield Elementary, activating 2x scoring on a shot.

- Left (Cletus) Orbit: Through the bumpers, around the back, feeding the upper right flipper. Adds 1 Cletus Kid. See "Cletus Kids" section for more.

- Pop Bumpers: Three, in standard arrangement. The left pop is standard, while the other two have a nuclear cooling tower that "pops", much like Data East's 1990 Simpsons game. Each pop bumper adds to the Nuclear Value.

- Pop Target: Standup target above the pop bumpers. This target is frequently hit while the ball is bouncing in the pops, and can also be hit directly from the upper right flipper. When the timer is active, the Pop Target adds time (2 to 10 seconds, depending on how it was hit). See "The Timer" section for more. The Pop Target also collects the Nuclear Value when lit, and lights Extra Ball.

- Adv. Pops standup: This target is in roughly the position of the Electric Chair shot of Addams Family. Hit the standup to advance one pop bumper's value. [Still need specific values, believe this goes from 1K to 2.5K to 5K.]

- Comic Book Guy standup: This target is directly behind the Adv. Pops standup. It cannot be hit from either lower flipper directly, but can be shot from the upper right flipper or on a plunge. Starts a Hurry Up when lit. Also a Skill Shot. See "Hurry Ups" and "Skill Shots" sections for more.

- Left (Treehouse) Ramp: Directly above the Comic Book Guy standup. This ramp feeds the upper playfield. Collects Treehouse of Horror when lit, and adds 1 or 2 Simpsons letters toward D'Oh Frenzy. See "D'Oh Frenzy" and "Treehouse of Horror" sections for more.

- Left (Kwik-E-Mart) Loop: Inner loop above Left Ramp. Shots through Left Loop tend to hit Bully standups. Kwik-E-Mart collects Kwik-E-Mart value and adds a bonus multiplier. Also a Skill Shot. See "Skill Shots" section for more.

- Kwik-E-Mart standup: Guards Left Loop. Adds small points [random between 1,000 and 9,990?] to Kwik-E-Mart value.

- Garage: Big door in general vicinity of the Toilet shots of South Park. Hit the door and it opens. Go through the door and over a small ramp to enter the upper playfield. Shots that are not powerful enough to make it over the ramp fall to the bumpers via the Left Orbit. Collects "Clean the Garage" random award when lit. Adds 1 Simpsons letter toward D'Oh Frenzy. See "D'Oh Frenzy" and "Clean the Garage" sections for more.

- Right (Springfield Elementary) Loop: Inner loop behind Right Ramp. Shot is straight up the middle and can be made from either lower flipper. Feeds upper right flipper. Starts Otto's Bus Tour 2x Scoring and advances to Chalkboard Award. See "Double Scoring" and "Chalkboard" sections for more.

- Bully standups: Three standup targets along the side wall of the Right Loop shot. Difficult to shoot directly, they are made through the Left Loop. Completing the bank lights a Daredevil Mode. Also a Skill Shot. See "Daredevil Modes" and "Skill Shots" sections for more.

- Right (Moe's) Ramp: Get Duffed. Lights Treehouse of Horror and Extra Ball. See "Treehouse of Horror" and "Extra Balls" sections for more.

- Captive Ball: To right of Right Ramp is a captive ball. Hitting it a short distance starts a Daredevil Mode or advances the value of a Daredevil Mode. See "Daredevil Modes" section for more.

- Right (Krusty) Orbit: Past the upper right flipper, through a spinner, to the bumpers. Spins score increasing points. Lights TV Mode. See "TV Modes" section for more.

- Itchy & Scratchy Drop Targets: Below the upper right flipper are three drop targets. Behind them is the...

- Itchy & Scratchy Sinkhole: Behind the drop targets. Lights, then starts, an Itchy & Scratchy multiball. See "Itchy & Scratchy Multiball" section for more.

- Right inlane / outlane / plunger lane: All three connected. It is possible to nudge the ball into the plunger lane for a free Skill Shot. The inlane can be lit for Extra Ball, while the outlane can be lit for Special.

- Manual plunger: Can be used to try for three skill shots: the Comic Book Guy, Kwik-E-Mart, and the Bully standups. See "Skill Shots" section for more.

-- And now, the upper playfield...

- "Lite"/"Lock" standups: Hit these to light lock. Difficulty of lighting locks is variable. See "Couch Multiball" section for more. These targets can be hit from either upper playfield flipper, though are easier from the lower left flipper.

- Side (Couch) Ramp: Exit upper playfield. If lock is lit, lock a ball in the Couch. If not, feed to the left inlane. Can be shot by the upper playfield's right flipper, but also possible on a carom from the left.

- Light Mystery standup: Light "Clean the Garage" at the Garage if not already lit.

- Upper (TV) Loop: Feeds from lower flipper to upper flipper on playfield. Starts TV Mode when lit. See "TV Modes" section for more.

- Monorail: Drain from upper playfield to right inlane. Normally not a good thing, this is actually a required step in the "Stop the Monorail" TV mode. See "TV Modes" section for more.

The timer is your friend. Don't let the timer run out. All timed modes in The Simpsons Pinball Party run on the same timer.
Starting a timed mode resets the timer to 30 seconds if it is not already above 30 seconds. The timer is displayed on the TV board, and will change colors as it counts down. Green is good, yellow not so good, red means you're running out of time.

What does this one timer to rule them all mean for you? As long as you start something else within 30 seconds, you get to continue EVERYTHING you have started since the timer became active.

This is the most important thing to learn about playing this game
strategically. There are at least 20 things that can reset the timer, so it is theoretically possible to have -timed- modes such as the D'Oh Frenzy running for more than 10 minutes. The timer stops when the ball is in the bumpers, and time can be restored by hitting the Pop Target. Hitting the target after hitting a bumper adds 2 seconds to the timer. Hitting the target directly from a flipper adds 5 seconds to the timer ("Great googly moogly!"). Hitting the target from the upper right flipper as a combo shot from the Left Loop adds 10 seconds to
the timer ("Ahoy!").

The timer is reset to 30 seconds if it is not already above 30 seconds when starting any of these timed modes:

- Any of the 10 Otto 2x Scoring modes
- Any of the 7 main TV Modes
- D'Oh Frenzy
- Any Treehouse of Horror timed mode
- Apu's Giveaway
- Captain's Bounty
- Krusty's Nightmare
- Nuclear Disaster
- [others?]

The timer is -not- cleared when a TV Mode is completed. The timer continues to run no matter what else is going on, including multiballs. There is a grace period of about 3 seconds on the timer (it will read 00). Hurry up and shoot something!

Note that at most points in the game you are no more than 2 shots away from resetting the timer (Lite Otto, then shoot it). Don't forget about it!

Shooting the Right Loop when Otto's Bus Tour is lit starts a double scoring mode. The double scoring modes are indicated by red lights at major shots. A flashing light indicates that the double scoring for that shot is currently running, while a solid light indicates that the double scoring for that shot has already completed and will not be available again until all double scoring modes are completed.

The ten double scoring areas are:
- Bumpers
- Left (Cletus) Orbit
- Left (Treehouse) Ramp
- Left (Kwik-E-Mart) Loop
- Garage
- Right (Springfield Elementary) Loop
- Right (Moe's) Ramp
- Right (Krusty) Orbit
- Itchy & Scratchy
- Living Room (entire upper playfield)

These ten areas are awarded in a random order [or is it?]. Double scoring applies to ALL shots to that area, including shots during TV Modes and multiballs. Double scoring modes continue until the timer runs out or the ball ends. Since the timer can be reset, double scoring modes may run for a very long time. When all ten double scoring modes have been completed (and are not running), the red lights will pulse instead of being solidly lit.

TV Modes are lit by shooting the right orbit. They are started by making the TV Loop on the upper playfield, or by an award from "Clean the Garage". Starting a TV Mode scores an instant 250,000 points.

There are seven base TV Modes. Each resets the 30-second timer. You can control which TV Mode will be next by flipping the right flipper (!!). TV Modes remain active until the timer expires, or until all shots in the mode are completed. If all shots are completed, the TV Mode ends and Victory points can be earned. See "Victory" section for more. Remember that any shot where "2x Scoring" is flashing will double in value at any time, including TV Modes.

Here is a description of each of the seven TV Modes.
-- TV Mode: Duffman --
"Duffman likes your attitude!" Shoot the right ramp to SCORE. Five shots to complete, score from 250,000 to 650,000 by increments of 100,000. "OH yeah!"

-- TV Mode: Homer's Day --
"Wake me up when it's break time..." Shoot the Nuclear plant bumpers, then shoot Moe's, then the Garage, and finally the Couch Ramp. Each shot scores 500,000. "Beer. The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."

-- TV Mode: Wiggum vs. Snake --
"Another dirtbag..." This "chase" goes across the board. Each shot scores 500,000. Try for shots that have double scoring active...

-- TV Mode: Bart's Day --
"Bite me, Skinner..." Shoot Springfield Elementary, then the Kwik-E-Mart, then the Treehouse, then the TV. Each shot scores 500,000.

-- TV Mode: Krusty's Last Stand --
Shoot the right orbit. Five [four?] shots to complete. Score from 200,000 to 600,000 by increments of 100,000. [I could be wrong.] "It's a living..."

-- TV Mode: Stop the Monorail --
In this mode, the ball must travel down the Monorail, the "drain" from the upper playfield. This scores 250,000 and lights all major lower playfield shots for 500,000. Shoot any shot to relight the Monorail "shot". Repeat this three times to complete the mode. Try for shots that have double scoring active. Watch the dot matrix when a main playfield shot is made to see
what is being used to Stop the Monorail...

-- TV Mode: Willie's Woes --
Hit the Bully standups for 250,000, then Springfield Elementary for 500,000. Repeat three times to complete.

When all seven TV Modes have ended, either by the timer running out or by completing them, the TV will be lit for [wizard mode]

Victory Points, sometimes referred to as "Siegpunkte", are scored when a major shot is hit while:
- the timer is on, and
- at least one TV Mode has been completed during the current run

The number of points scored depends on the number of completed TV Modes:
- 1 completed TV Mode : 100,000 per shot
- 2 completed TV Modes: 250,000 per shot
- ? completed TV Modes: 1,250,000 per shot

I am not sure how many completed TV Modes led to 1,250,000 per shot, or whether this is the maximum. Whatever -- it's a big bunch of points, and can be more valuable than a well-played multiball.

Double scoring applies to these points as long as an active shot is hit, so it is possible to make all major shots worth at least 2 1/2 million points by skillfully playing TV Modes and starting Otto 2x Scoring.

A Hurry Up is started by shooting the Comic Book Guy ("CBG") at any time [possibly disabled during multiball]. When a Hurry Up begins, it will light at one of six major shots:
- Left (Cletus) Orbit
- Left (Treehouse) Ramp
- Left (Kwik-E-Mart) Loop
- Garage
- Right (Moe's) Ramp
- Right (Krusty) Orbit

The Hurry Up value starts at 200,000 and counts down to 50,000. Hitting the Comic Book Guy again starts a second Hurry Up simultaneously. When multiple Hurry Ups are active, their value starts much higher [how much?], but will count down faster. When multiple Hurry Ups are active, shooting one collects the value, and adds to the value of the remaining
active Hurry Ups. Double scoring applies to these points (of course!), so you may score double the displayed value.

Hitting the Comic Book Guy from a plunger shot is a Skill Shot and starts two Hurry Ups immediately. When a Hurry Up has been collected, its light will stay solidly on until all six Hurry Ups have been collected. When all have been collected, the lights
will be pulsing rather than solidly lit. Don't drain while a Hurry Up is active, or the Comic Book Guy will lambaste you with his sarcastic "wit".

A Daredevil Mode is lit by completing the Bully standup bank, and is started by hitting the Captive Ball. It is possible to light as many as all four Daredevil Modes before starting one, and the Captive Ball starts only one at a time. The lights in front of the Captive Ball indicate the status of each Daredevil Mode:
- flashing: lit
- pulsing: currently active
- solid: completed

Each Daredevil Mode accumulates points for a particular type of shot. These points are added to end-of-ball bonus. 100,000 points are scored for starting a Daredevil Mode. When 750,000 points (or more) have been scored, a bonus of 250,000 points is added to complete the mode. All in all, this
is a similar system to World Cup Soccer's Ultra Modes, including the fact that they do not score until the end of the ball.

Each Daredevil Mode scores on certain shots:
- Daredevil Ramps scores on any ramp, including the Garage mini-ramp and the Couch ramp on the upper playfield.
- Daredevil Loops scores on either Orbit, either Loop, and the TV Loop on the upper playfield.
- Daredevil Bumpers scores on any bumper or slingshot hit. Not since Mario Andretti have slingshots been worth so many points!
- Daredevil Targets scores on, well, targets.

Hitting the Captive Ball during a Daredevil Mode increases the value of each shot, allowing the Daredevil Mode to be completed more quickly.

Hitting the strobing Bully standup from a plunger shot (via the Kwik-E-Mart) is a Skill Shot, scoring an increasing number of points and immediately lighting a Daredevil Mode at the Captive Ball. When all four Daredevil Modes have been completed by earning at least 1 million points on each, all four lights in front of the Captive Ball will pulse.

Don't tilt, or you'll lose all your Daredevil points!

The Itchy & Scratchy 3-bank of targets hides a sinkhole. To start Itchy & Scratchy Multiball, you must:
1. Knock down the entire bank of targets once.
2. Shoot the hole.
3. Knock down the entire bank of targets again.
4. Shoot the hole to start the multiball.

The rules are relaxed a bit for the first multiball only. For the first
multiball you may shoot the hole without completing the bank of targets. For later multiballs, if you shoot the hole without completing the bank of targets, you do not get progress toward the multiball, and the targets all reset. This is somewhat like the "Danger Bar" in the Last Action Hero game of yore.

Completing the target bank is worth 75,000 points. Beginning with the third time through this process, the bank of targets will reset on its own after a time. There should be plenty of time to make all three targets, but they will reset.

The lit Itchy & Scratchy Multiball will change [how? right flipper?], but all multiballs are similar. Starting the multiball will turn on a brief ball saver and fire a ball onto the playfield. Since Itchy & Scratchy Multiball can be started while other multiballs are active, there may be more than two balls in play.

Jackpot starts at 100,000, and all major shots collect it. Collecting a Jackpot adds its value to the Super Jackpot, which starts at 500,000 and is collected by making the Itchy & Scratchy hole. In each multiball, the Jackpot is raised by something different [need the info!]:
- Spay Anything: ?
- Kitty Kitty Bang Bang: ?
- Field of Screams: ?
- Esophagus Now: ?

Double scoring applies to these points (of course!), producing Double Jackpots and Double Super Jackpots (hee-hee!).

Couch Multiball begins when three balls have been locked in the Couch. Locks are lit by hitting the "Lite"/"Lock" standup targets, then collected by shooting the upper playfield's ramp when the Lock light is on. If the Lock light is flashing, the next Lock shot starts Couch Multiball.

In single-player games, you get free credit for any balls already in the Couch when the game begins, making it easier to achieve a multiball. In multi-player games, each player's locks are retained independently, so there is no "stealing" of locks. Couch Multiball is a three-ball multiball when nothing else is going on, and triggers a short ball saver. All major shots are lit. Most shots score an increasing Jackpot, beginning from 200,000 and increasing by [10,000? 25,000?] per Jackpot. The maximum value of the Jackpot seems to be 500,000. The Left (Treehouse) Ramp scores a Double Jackpot. The TV Loop scores a Triple Jackpot. The Couch Ramp scores a
Super Jackpot, worth 5 times the Jackpot, and relights all Jackpots. Further Super Jackpots may require some shots to relight, but this is unconfirmed.

Double scoring applies to these points (of course!), producing Double Jackpots, Quadruple Jackpots, Sextuple Jackpots, and Double Super Jackpots. The maximum value of the Double Super Jackpot seems to be 3,750,000, a big sum of points.

When the Super Jackpot is lit, a family member's playfield light (look in the center) will flash, and when it is collected, the light becomes solidly lit for the rest of the game. When all five family members have been collected (i.e., 5 Super Jackpots have been collected), progress is earned toward [wizard mode]

Couch Multiball ends when one ball is left on the playfield, but there is a long grace period where one or more additional Jackpot shots may be made.

One letter in "Simpsons" is awarded for opening the Garage, shooting the Garage mini-ramp (to feed the upper playfield), or shooting the Left (Treehouse) Ramp. Two letters can be earned by shooting the Left Ramp after the Left (Cletus) Orbit. Listen for Homer's quality spelling job. "Simpso?!"

When "Simpsons" is complete, D'Oh Frenzy begins. The timer is reset to 30 seconds if not already above 30, and all switches score. The first D'Oh Frenzy is worth 10,000 per switch, and further Frenzies score 2,500 more per switch. D'Oh Frenzy can run for a very long time, since the timer is reset by many different events. See "The Timer" section for more. D'Oh Frenzy ends only when the timer expires or the ball in play ends.

Treehouse of Horror is lit by making enough Right (Moe's) Ramp shots, then collected by shooting the Left (Treehouse) Ramp. There are many possible choices, some which give a quick point award, and others that start a timed round. You won't know what you're about to get until it's awarded, but the
awards seem to cycle (seems like you would get them all before getting one for a second time). On default settings, Treehouse is lit at 5 ramp shots, then 15, 25, and every 10 thereafter.

Here is a description of each of the Treehouse of Horror awards. [This may or may not be a complete list.]

-- Treehouse: Apu's Giveaway --
In this timed mode, the Kwik-E-Mart shot is worth more points than normal, and awards 2 or 3 bonus multipliers instead of just 1 per shot. [More specifics needed.] "Sanjay, give this man more points!"

-- Treehouse: Captain's Bounty --
In this timed mode, each of the Left (Treehouse) Ramp, Garage, and Right (Moe's) Ramp score points. Awards start at just over 100,000 and grow with each shot. [More specifics needed.] "Arr."

-- Treehouse: Krusty's Nightmare --
In this timed mode, each shot to the Right (Krusty) Orbit scores a random number of points. Similar to Odd Change from TZ, the number of digits in the score seem to be random, then a random value is chosen. [More specifics needed.]

-- Treehouse: Nuclear Disaster --
"Mr. Smithers, it's happening again..." In this timed mode, each bumper hit scores 20,000. Earn 1 million points by making 50 bumper hits before the timer runs out. [Is there anything else to do in this mode?]

-- Treehouse: Max Everything --
Max all incrementing awards, such as the Bumper value, Ramp value, and Chalkboard value.

-- Treehouse: Really Big Points --
Awards some number of millions [always 2 million, or random?].

-- Treehouse: Really Small Points -- [Horrifyingly Small Points?]
"Awards" something like 20 points.

-- Treehouse: 10x Nuclear Value --
Score 10x the current Nuclear Value. Also advances Nuclear Value collections toward Extra Ball.

-- Treehouse: Crazy Extra Ball --
Oh boy. Extra Ball is lit at one of the three lanes (left outlane plus either inlane), but you do not get to control the lit lane. The GAME controls the lane, and you won't like its choices. Ball heading out of the bumpers? Oh, the right inlane will become lit. Ball heading down the Monorail? Oh, look, it switched to the left inlane just in time. Hilarious, unless you expect to get the extra ball!

Since it takes an awful lot of ramp shots to collect all of these, it is unknown whether something special happens when all the Treehouse awards have been collected.

Each time you shoot the Left Orbit (directly, or as fallback from a failed Garage mini-ramp shot), you get a Cletus Kid. The display will show the name of the new kid and the point award. Awards start at 25,000 [?] and increase by 5,000 [?] per shot. Great displays here, since all the previously awarded kids are still shown in the animation. [Need: list of the kids' names!] There are 26 kids, so shoot Cletus 26 times to collect all the kids.

There are two shots that give random awards: the Garage and Springfield Elementary. The Garage gives "Clean the Garage" awards when lit, and Springfield Elementary gives "Chalkboard Completed" awards every few shots.

-- "Clean the Garage" --
Clean the Garage is lit to start, and is relit by shooting the standup target on the upper playfield. Shoot the Garage mini-ramp to collect the award. The possible awards include [not a complete list]:

- Light Special
- Light Extra Ball
- Light Lock
- Award Lock
- Light Otto
- Award Otto
- Light TV Mode
- Award TV Mode
- Small Points (multiples of 10,000)
- Big Points (multiples of 100,000)
- Light Daredevil
- Max Bumpers
- Max Right Ramp
- Add to Bonus: 50,000
- Add 1 Simpson Letter
- Add 2 Cletus Kids [3?]

-- Chalkboard Awards --
Chalkboard Awards are given for shooting Springfield Elementary several times. Each shot gives a small number of points, but some shots [every third shot?] also give a random award. The possible awards include [a very incomplete list]:

- Hold Bonus Multiplier
- Hold End-of-Ball Bonus (value, not multiplier)

There are three available Skill Shots in the game. The first is the Comic Book Guy target, which normally starts a Hurry Up. Hitting it from a plunge scores an increasing number of points [value?] and starts two Hurry Ups immediately.

The second Skill Shot is the Kwik-E-Mart loop, which normally adds a bonus multiplier. Hitting it from a plunge adds an increasing number of bonus multipliers: 5x, 6x, ..., up to 10x. [?]

The third Skill Shot is the strobing Bully standup. Hitting the Bully standup (almost always via the Kwik-E-Mart) scores an increasing number of points [value?] and lights the next Daredevil Mode immediately.

Try maxing out one or more of the Skill Shots! You'll like it.

-- Combos --
Combos exist in the game, from 3-Way to 7-Way [?]. A 3-Way Combo is worth 250,000 points. A 4-Way Combo is worth 500,000 points, for a total of 750,000. A 5-Way Combo is worth 750,000 points, for a total of 1.5 million. [6-Way, 7-Way scoring?]

Some examples of Combos are Cletus > Treehouse > TV > Couch (4-Way), and Moe's > Elementary > Treehouse > TV > Couch (5-Way).

-- Kwik-E-Mart --
The Left (Kwik-E-Mart) Loop scores points and adds a bonus multiplier. The number of points awarded by the Kwik-E-Mart Loop is increased by a random score between 1,000 and 10,000 by hitting the target in front of the loop.

-- Nuclear Value --
The Nuclear Value starts at 100,000, and can be increased as high as 500,000. Add to the Nuclear Value by hitting any pop bumper. The Nuclear Value is collected by hitting the Pop Target directly above the bumpers. The value is multiplied according to how the target was hit:

- If hit as a bounce from a bumper, score the base value.
- If hit directly (no bumpers involved), score triple the base value. This is usually done from the upper right flipper, but can be done from the lower flippers by luck.
- If hit from the upper right flipper immediately after a Left [Cletus) Loop, score five times the base value.
[How is the Nuclear Value -lit-? It's not always lit.]

The Nuclear Value can also be scored at a 10x multiplier from a Treehouse of Terror award. Collecting the Nuclear Value advances toward lighting an Extra Ball. On default settings, an Extra Ball is lit at 10 Nuclear Values and at 60.

-- Spinner Points --
Spinning the spinner adds an increasing number of points per spin, beginning at 1,000 and raising by 10 [?] per spin. Going through the left inlane triggers a brief period where the spinner is worth triple, then quadruple. "Nail that clown!" Additionally, a bonus is awarded after a number of spins [60?]. This bonus
is not a lot of points [250,000?], but a nice little addition.

-- Ramp Points --
The Right (Moe's) Ramp scores 25,000 for the first shot, then 5,000 for each additional shot, to a maximum of 75,000.

Double scoring applies to all these points (of course!), so get them while the getting is good.

-- Double Scoring --
When all ten double scoring modes have been completed (and are not running), the red lights will pulse instead of being solidly lit. Then, shoot the Otto shot one more time to start [wizard mode]

Extra Balls can be lit in many ways. Here is a list of some of the ways to light an Extra Ball [not a complete list]:

- Hit the Right (Moe's) Ramp 10 times. Hit it 60 times for another.
- Collect the Nuclear Value 10 times. Collect it 60 times for another.
- Score the first Super Jackpot during Couch Multiball.
- Get "Crazy Extra Ball" from Treehouse of Horror and hope for the best.
- Score few enough points to light the "bozo" Extra Ball on your final ball.

Extra Balls are lit on the inlanes and left outlane. All except the Crazy Extra Ball may be controlled by flipping either flipper.
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    gregonitov has left the room.
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      Chat Bot Mibs Chat Bot Mibs: grh450 has left the room.