From the IPDB: This is a head-to-head game where two players at opposite ends of the PF compete in simultaneous play. Each player has flipper buttons which control only those flippers facing the opponent.
This game has patented "switch-flippers". Each flipper has a wireform switch attached to it which closes when the ball hits the flipper. The switch performs different functions for single-player versus head-to-head games. During head-to-head games, the switches are used to instruct the "Designated Scoring" system to award all playfield scoring to the player whose flipper last touched the ball. During single-player games, the switches are made active only on the opponent's flippers, and a ball striking those flippers causes them to energize and "Auto-flip" the ball back towards the player.
This 2-player 1992 flipper game is not to be confused by name with the 1-player 1992 flipperless redemption game 'U.S.A. Football' from this same manufacturer and which used the same unique head-to-head cabinet style but which has a very different playfield layout.
This game has an American football theme and no up-post between the flippers. It is not to be confused with the 1992 export version 'A.G. Football' which has a soccer (futbol) theme and does have an up-post between the flippers.