future pinball

  1. Popotte

    Bally SS Recreation FP KISS (Bally, 1979)

    You can find KISS here and at IR Pinball too...
  2. Tii

    SS Original Table FP X2

  3. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Alien Trance

    suggested camera mode - F3 http://timofff.tripod.com
  4. Tii

    SS Original Table FP 2 new tables here > http://timofff.tripod.com

  5. Tii

    SS Original Table FP He's the Coolest, He's Crazy Frog 1.2

    now with green and yellow balls multiball added game info dmd added on right 3 rollover star triggers added plunger and faceplate colored flipper buttons changed green changed light lense textures to "trans" squeezed the score display down abit other minor updates and script fixes...
  6. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Fast Draw (Gottlieb - 1975)

    ... is released and now avalaible at IRPinball, main section. Try it, enjoy it!
  7. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Hypnotic Space

    with fake flipper rubber deterioration and hypnotic undulating bumpers + dark ball 100,100,100 and mysterious space jackpot hole... :msgoodguy: http://timofff.tripod.com yet another "Let Snuffy Play Damnit!" 21st century production
  8. Popotte

    Williams EM Recreation FP Magic City and Magic Town (Williams - 1967)

    MC and MT (the add a ball version) are avalaible for your pleasure at IRPinball, main section...
  9. Tii

    EM Original Table FP Sam Peckinpah's Salad Days

    the smallest table you can make per table dimensions.....ha! suggested camera mode - F3 see the video > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja81J0uBPRk play the table > http://timofff.tripod.com p.s. if i just could have made blood squirt all over the table when you hit bumpers...
  10. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Spirit of 76 (Gottlieb, 1975)

    Spirit of 76 (Gottlieb - 1975) is now avalaible at IRPinball, main section... So, try it, enjoy it... It's more fun to compete...
  11. Tii

    SS Original Table FP COLOR BLAST

  12. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Royal Flush (Gottlieb, 1976)

    Royal Flush (Gottlieb - 1976) is now released at IRPinball main section. (also here) So, play it, enjoy it...
  13. Tii

    SS Original Table FP I Luv Cheesy Poofs, You Luv Cheesy Poofs

    just another cheesy table by Tii... aaahhh ha ha!.....aaaaahhhhhh ha ha ha! comes with one free multiball, complete targets to light it again... 1.1 mb > http://timofff.tripod.com
  14. Tii

    EM Original Table FP Sidewinder Pete

    Craziest Sheriff this side of the Pecos! just a simple table i built in my garage with some wood bits & panneling i found... :P http://timofff.tripod.com > please buy my music CD...thank you!
  15. Tii

    SS Original Table FP SAUCER (Original)

    complete lower target banks and spell S A U C E R on the backglass for 1,000,000,000 points - not easy! complete center target bank to light blue multiball kickers and ramp light - hit ramp to reset center targets complete upper lanes or upper right triggers to increase bonus multiplier hit...
  16. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Intruder 1.2¼

    changed light lenses and some colors added hidden white bumper flash lights added blue ballsaver lights in the eyes *added multiball - complete upper targets last score now displayed at start bonus goes to 30 outer galaxy sounds 1.4 mb > http://timofff.tripod.com
  17. Tii

    SS Original Table FP LOL

    there's something strange going on with the backglass, please take a look, maybe you can help me fix it..... :lol: http://timofff.tripod.com
  18. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation BAM FP Abra Ca Dabra (Gottlieb, 1975)

    Abra Ca Dabra (Gottlieb - 1975) is now released at IRPinball main section. (also right here!) Just a problem: I don't know what is the rules to lit (and unlit) these damn#%* bumpers... If you know the rule, tell me, please!!! \:D/ :rtm:
  19. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP MADLAX (Original)

    MADLAX is released - see link below. With this initial release, I have cut back on some things - I cut back on video animations in game, and cut out some advaced rules in order to address performance issues. My hope is that a few of you will comment on the performance as it is and thus provide...
  20. subzero

    SS Original Table FP Welcome To The Fantasy Zone!! Space Harrier 1.1 Released!!!!

    Its finally here - Brought to you by AntZero Productions (Anthias and Subzero) Space Harrier FP - Version 1.1 Is available for download :) Now Available from pinball originals: http://www.pinball-originals.com/dload.php?action=file&file_id=966 All comments/bug reports should be...
  21. patrick

    EM Flipperless Original Table FP MegaloDon releases Table Hockey

    Thanks to MegaloDon, new member and developer, for release that sport themed table with Future Pinball. Patrick
  22. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP 2001 (Gottlieb, 1971)

    2001 is now avalaible at IRPinball (and here) , main section. So, try and enjoy 2001....
  23. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Welcome - Pinball of the Future

    that's right i don't have a life, just a surreality... go into F8 mode and watch the aliens hide under the table *you must turn the game room off to see the aliens, they only like the dark... http://timofff.tripod.com any & all pinball sites are Welcome to nab it and put it up...
  24. U

    Bally SS Recreation FP Silverball Mania (Bally 1979)

    This is the first public release of Silverball Mania (Bally - 1979) for Future Pinball. Graphics and layout were done by myself, and a huge thanks goes to Destruk for his fantastic job with the always great job of scripting. Another release is probable in the future to feature backglass...
  25. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Target Alpha (Gottlieb, 1976)

    Is now avalaible at IRPinball, main section... Try it, enjoy it... It's more fun to compete...
  26. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Kings And Queens (Gottlieb, 1965)

    Now avalaible at IRPinball, main section. Main changes: - new set of plastics (deep thanks to Bernard Margelin), - backglass enhancements, - apron enhancements, - totaly new cinematic for played balls (now, with a ramp), - rubbers adjustment due to new release (elasticity), - ...
  27. Popotte

    Bally SS Recreation FP Strikes and Spares (Bally, 1978)

    I have to deeply thanks: - Bruno: without him, I have just no pics... - Rob046: for his chimes and his advices and his help... I'll have to thanks: - Centinex: he'll find some troubles, as usual... So, as usual, it's my first v1.00 version... Logically, I'll make 2 or 3 updates in the...
  28. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Far Out (Gottlieb, 1974)

    Well........ All is in the title... Back to Gottlieb and drop targets... Far Out - 1974 Thanks to Patrick to let me take pics. Avalaible at IRPinball main section.
  29. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Far Out (Gottlieb, 1974)

    Back to Gottlieb and drop targets... Far Out - 1974 Thanks to Patrick to let me take pics. Now the pics... Big pics avalaible here: http://www.esnips.com/web/Popotte-FP
  30. Tii

    SS Original Table FP CyberMen - Super Update - Ha!

    added bonus multipliers, lights, rubbers, posts, ornaments, many adjustments, changed score to HUD display, added backglass title and a few new sounds... looks better / plays better / cyber sound fx http://timofff.tripod.com > FP Bumper > 2 mb
  31. zerhino

    EM Flipperless Original Table FP Bagatallion

    Finished+uploaded to VPO. Availible when approved. May upload this to PN as well. Yes, those are hand-drawn cab graphics..................don't look at them, they suck....but it's flippereless....
  32. patrick

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Joker Poker - re-draw version

    Re-draw version of Joker Poker, with high quality GFX redraws by EDM. includes a hud scoring system, matchnum .... By EDM and Patrick DOWNLOAD https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/joker-poker-gottlieb-1978.3450/
  33. JonPurpleHaze

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Ice Show (Gottlieb, 1966)

    by Margoni added to IRPinball! http://irpinball.ztnet.com
  34. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Surf Champ (Gottlieb, 1976) avalaible at IRPinball - main s

    Release time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again and again, many thanks to Francis (Mecaflip) for his kindness. Without him, I would be a poor lonesome recreate man without beautiful pics... Special thank to Leon for pushing me to enhance this table (specialy soundsssssss). So, try...
  35. L

    Bally EM Recreation FP 50/50 (Bally, 1965) Now Available at IR Pinball

    With thanks to: Black and Lio Marco Rossignoli Mrhide Realeased at IRP. 50/50 (Bally 1965) Cheers Leon
  36. Tii

    SS Original Table FP P I N M A N

    http://timofff.tripod.com :wink:
  37. R

    SS Flipperless Original Table FP Ghost Train (Original)

    Hi everyone. Ghost Train is now available to download here https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/ghost-train.3368/ Press 'o' to toggle DMD mesh overlays between 'fine mesh' resolutions 1024x768 upwards 'largemesh' resolution 800x600 upwards 'no mesh' lower resolutions or if you prefer it...
  38. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP High Hand (Gottlieb, 1973)

    High Hand is now avalaible at IRPinball, main section... Enjoy it!
  39. patrick

    EM Flipperless Original Table FP Gruesome Mansion

    Original table inspired by the 1965 Gruesome Mansion mini toy pinball. By Patrick. Very small size, easy to code; Written for Pinball Nirvana and VP Originals.
  40. Popotte

    Gottlieb EM Recreation FP Drop A Card (Gottlieb, 1971)

    Released and avalaible at http://irpinball.ztnet.com/ Enjoy it!!! But, remember: "It's more fun to compete" Others tables released: King and Queens and Sweet Hearts. Some pics...
  41. patrick

    EM Bingo Original Table FP Original Bingo Poker released

    Not often that I make original tables. Table specially written for VP Originals and for Pinball Nirvana. Adding flippers to a Bingo layout doesn't really make this an easy game. Only 32 cards and you get 10 balls to make yourself a Royal Flush. Do you think you're up to the task? Good Luck!
  42. Tii

    EM Original Table FP X1

    so right in the middle of these hot table releases i'm going to release my crappy table....ha ha! my first table i was working on when FP first came out, just a simple ball banger table as usual, but good action... i really used the flashers on this one so turn 2 hardware lights on for...
  43. patrick

    Recreation FP Planet pinball: Real and FP version

    I found that toy in a store of wooden toys. The interest was not for the playfield but to see how a plunger and a flipper may be made entirely with wood. Here the box, the machine on my Far out and the FP version. You can used to be able to see it at www.pintoys.com...
  44. scapino

    Gottlieb SS Recreation FP Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Gottlieb, 1978)

    I've fixed a couple of bugs, and fixed the rototarget images for the new release of FP. CE3k is now FP 1.2 compatable. :) Get it here at Nirvana: https://pinballnirvana.com/forums/resources/close-encounters-of-the-third-kind.3415/ Or at www.scapinosvpins.com Kurt
  45. unclewilly

    Flipperless Recreation FP Nesting Birds 1.0

    Nesting Birds 1.0 Lindstrom Toy & Tool Co. 1932-1934 Table currently has backbox due to FP overlay bug. When fixed just change the table style to BallyHoo for a more authentic view. Available at PN and IRP pending approval Also available here...
  46. scapino

    Bally SS Recreation FP Rack Em' Up! FP Eight Ball Champ is here!

    Get it at... http://www.pinballnirvana.com http://www.scapinosvpins.com Release History ***** First Release v1.0 1-24-2006 This was a bit a fun to do. Trying to match the actual behavior of a somewhat complex solid state game! I ran my VPM version, and played a couple of...
  47. tiltjlp

    Chicago Coin EM Flipperless Recreation FP Patrick releases Tit For Tat

    Chicago Coin's 1935 Tit For Tat is an interesting Tic Tac Toe pin, which Patrick has expertly brought to life. A 10 ball game, out balls are returned for replay, and bonuses are awarded for lighting rows, which in the pencil and paper game counts for a win. Besides the bonus, a buzzer tells you...
  48. tiltjlp

    Flipperless Original Table FP Mini Oak Bagatelle released

    Patrick has released his Mini Oak Bagatelle, which is made entirely of Oak, except for the nails of course. This is a 10 ball game and does not have a tilt mechanism. This one has the look, feel, and the sounds of a real life bagatelle. You can get it at IRP or by following his...
  49. tiltjlp

    Flipperless Recreation FP Favorite (Buckley, 1932)

    Patrick has made a FP version of Favorite, using the alternate playfield from the VP version we made together. He has created a Tilt System, which is very good, and has included a Warning bell, so you have no one to blame but yourself if you end up tilting this game. Very nice work Patrick. You...
  50. tiltjlp

    Bally Flipperless Recreation FP Ballyhoo released

    Patrick & tiltjlp have released their FP version of Ballyhoo, the table that started Bally, and which was named for a popular magazine of the 1930s. Although we've linked a sound to the nails, they aren't working. Compare this version to our VP version which is also available here at PN. You...
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