
  1. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation El Dorado (Gottlieb, 1975) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: El Dorado Gottlieb 1975 VP9.21 - This is one of the best looking EM's ever. Read more about this resource...
  2. P

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation El Dorado (Gottlieb, 1975) VP921 2021-11-09

    El Dorado Gottlieb 1975 by Patch IPDB No. 766 Production: 2,875 units (confirmed) Theme: Western Notable Features: Flippers (4), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshots (2), 10-bank drop targets (1), 5-bank drop targets (1), Standup targets (2). Half-moon credit window. Replay wheel maximum: 9...
  3. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Aquarius (Gottlieb, 1970) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Aquarius Gottlieb.1970 VP9.21 - Open playfield and lot's of targets Read more about this resource...
  4. B

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Aquarius (Gottlieb, 1970) VP921 2021-11-06

    Aquarius (Gottlieb, 1970) by Brettski IPDB No. 79 Production: 2,025 units (confirmed) Theme: Astrology Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), Standup targets (10), Kick-out holes (5). Maximum displayed point score is 9,999 points. Replay wheel maximum: 15...
  5. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Solar Ride (Gottlieb, 1979) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Solar Ride (Gottlieb 1979) VP9.21 - Shooting accuracy is involved in this game Read more about this resource...
  6. S

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Solar Ride (Gottlieb, 1979) VP921 2021-11-02

    Solar Ride (Gottlieb 1979) by Satch IPDB No. 2239 Model Number: 421 MPU: Gottlieb System 1 Production: 8,800 units (confirmed) Theme: Outer Space Notable Features: Flippers (3), Pop bumpers (3), Kick-out holes (2), 5-bank drop targets (1), Upper right return ball rollunder. Design...
  7. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Pioneer (Gottlieb, 1976) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Pioneer (Gottlieb 1976) VP921 - 5 ball and 3 ball have a completely different Read more about this resource...
  8. G

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Pioneer (Gottlieb, 1976) VP921 2021-10-28

    Pioneer (Gottlieb 1976) by Jay Phillips IPDB No. 1802 Production: 3,625 units (confirmed) Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Star rollovers (5), 4-bank drop targets (2), Kick-out hole (1), Left and right dual inlanes, Half-moon credit window. End-of-ball bonus. No slingshots...
  9. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Pyramid (Gottlieb, 1978) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Pyramid (Gottlieb 1978) VP9.21 - Fast game Read more about this resource...
  10. jpsalas

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Pyramid (Gottlieb, 1978) VP921 2021-10-26

    Pyramid (Gottlieb, 1978) by JPSalas IPDB No. 1881 Model Number: 410 Production: 950 units (confirmed) Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), Kick-out holes (2), Star rollovers (2), 5-bank drop targets (1), Standup target (1). End-of-ball bonus. Design by: Ed...
  11. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Flipper (Gottlieb, 1960) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Flipper (Gottlieb 1960) VP9.21 - An innovative pinball: Add-a-Ball Read more about this resource...
  12. G

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Flipper (Gottlieb, 1960) VP921 2021-10-25

    Flipper (Gottlieb, 1960) by Jay Phillips (Gottlieb) IPDB No. 891
  13. romolo2002

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Straight Flush (Gottlieb, 1957) VP995

    romolo2002 submitted a new resource: Straight Flush (Gottlieb 1957) - Amusement Pinballs, as American as Baseball and Hot Dogs! Read more about this resource...
  14. romolo2002

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Straight Flush (Gottlieb, 1957) VP995 2021-10-21

    Straight Flush / IPDB No. 2392 / December, 1957 / 1 Player This table is free to be edited / modded / published.
  15. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Joker Poker (Gottlieb, 1978) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Joker Poker (Gottlieb 1978) VP9.21 - Game that was very successful. Read more about this resource...
  16. L

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Joker Poker (Gottlieb, 1978) VP921 2021-10-18

    Joker Poker (Gottlieb 1978) VP9.21 by Leon Spalding IPDB No. 1306 Production: 9,280 units (confirmed) Theme: Cards/Gambling Notable Features: Flippers (3), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshot (1), 3-bank drop targets (2), 5-bank drop targets (1), 4-bank drop targets (1), Standup target (1). The...
  17. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Mystic Marvel (Gottlieb, 1954) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Mystic Marvel (Gottlieb 1954) VP9.21 - You can win at millions at points and specials nice game of the years 50 ( R for instructions). Read more about this resource...
  18. G

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Mystic Marvel (Gottlieb, 1954) VP921 2021-10-07

    Mystic Marvel (Gottlieb 1954) VP9.21 by Jay Philips (Gottlieb) IPDB No. 1652 Model Number: 91 Production: 1,050 units (confirmed) Theme: Magic - Playing Cards Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), Gobble holes (2), Standup target (1). Design by: Wayne...
  19. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Charlie's Angels (Gottlieb, 1978) VP921 by KingZap & Joe Entropy

    Furio submitted a new resource: Charlie's Angels (Gottlieb, 1978) - It's a celebrity themed machine Read more about this resource...
  20. Not Registered

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Charlie's Angels (Gottlieb, 1978) VP921 by KingZap & Joe Entropy 2021-10-03

    Charlie's Angels (Gottlieb, 1978) by KingZap, Joe Entropy IPDB No. 492 MPU: Gottlieb System 1 Production: 7,600 units (confirmed) Theme: Licensed Theme Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshots (2), 5-bank drop targets (1), 3-bank drop targets (1). Standup target (1)...
  21. FranciscoPozo

    Gottlieb EM Flipperless Recreation FP Stage Door Cantine (Gottlieb, 1945)

    FranciscoPozo submitted a new resource: Stage Door Cantine - Pre-WWII EMReal Pinball Recreation. Read more about this resource...
  22. FranciscoPozo

    Gottlieb EM Flipperless Recreation FP Stage Door Cantine (Gottlieb, 1945) v1.0

    Stage Door Canteen / IPD No. 2338 / November, 1945 / 1 Player Manufacturer: D. Gottlieb & Company (1931-1977) [Trade Name: Gottlieb] Date Of Manufacture: November, 1945 Model Number: A Type: Electro-mechanical (EM) Production: 7,500 units (confirmed) Serial Number Database...
  23. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Sky Jump (Gottlieb, 1974) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Sky Jump (Gottlieb 1974) VP9.21 - Fun but difficult pinball. Read more about this resource...
  24. E

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Sky Jump (Gottlieb, 1974) VP921 2021-09-28

    Sky Jump (Gottlieb 1974) VP9.21 by Eala Dubh Sidhe IPDB No. 2195
  25. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Big Indian (Gottlieb, 1974) VP921 by FRMI

    Furio submitted a new resource: Big Indian (Gottleib 74) VP9.21 - Fast and fun game. Read more about this resource...
  26. Not Registered

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Big Indian (Gottlieb, 1974) VP921 by FRMI v1.1

    Big Indian (Gottleib 74) VP9.21 by FRMI IPD No. 257 Production: 8,030 units (confirmed) Theme: American West - Native Americans Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshots (2), 5-bank drop targets (1), Star rollovers (3), Standup targets (2), Vari-target (1). End-of-ball...
  27. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Pinball Pool (Gottlieb, 1979) VP921 by Robair

    Furio submitted a new resource: Pinball Pool (Gottlieb 1979) VP9.21 - Rating on pinball quite positive. Read more about this resource...
  28. Not Registered

    VP9 Gottlieb SS Recreation Pinball Pool (Gottlieb, 1979) VP921 by Robair 2021-09-23

    Pinball Pool (Gottlieb 1979) VP9.21 by Robair IPDB No. 1795 MPU: Gottlieb System 1 Production: 7,200 units (confirmed) Theme: Billiards Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshots (2), Kick-out holes (2), 7-bank drop targets (2), Captive ball (1). Hitting a target...
  29. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Fun Park (Gottlieb, 1968) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Fun Park Gottlieb-1968) VP9.21 - Game with luck and skill. Read more about this resource...
  30. jpsalas

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Fun Park (Gottlieb, 1968) VP921 2021-09-20

    Fun Park Gottlieb-1968) VP9.21 by JPSalas, Duglis IPDB No. 968 Production: 580 units (confirmed) Theme: Carnival - Shooting Gallery Specialty: Add-A-Ball Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), Spinning targets (2), Standup targets (2). Maximum displayed...
  31. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation King Pin (Gottlieb, 1973) VP921 by Robair & Leo Wanker

    Furio submitted a new resource: King Pin (Gottlieb 1973) VP9.21 - Robair/Leon A beautiful recreation Read more about this resource...
  32. Not Registered

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation King Pin (Gottlieb, 1973) VP921 by Robair & Leo Wanker VP9 conversion

    King Pin (Gottlieb 1973) VP9.21 by Robair IPDB No. 1374 Production: 4,350 units (confirmed) Theme: Sports - Bowling Notable Features: Flippers (4), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshots (2), Kick-out holes (2), Standup targets (2), 10-bank drop targets (1). Maximum displayed point score is 99,990...
  33. romolo2002

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Gaucho (Gottlieb, 1963) VP995

    romolo2002 submitted a new resource: Gaucho (Gottlieb 1963) - Maximum displayed point score is 1,999 points per player. Read more about this resource...
  34. romolo2002

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Gaucho (Gottlieb, 1963) VP995 2021-09-19

    Recreation in Vp 9.9.5 of "Gaucho (Gottlieb 1963)". Gaucho / IPD No. 988 / January, 1963 / 4 Players This table is free to be edited/modded/published.
  35. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Ten-Up (Gottlieb, 1973) VP9

    Furio submitted a new resource: Ten-Up. Gottlieb.1973b - the correct name is King Pin Read more about this resource...
  36. B

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Ten-Up (Gottlieb, 1973) VP9 2021-09-15

    Ten-Up. Gottlieb.1973 by Brettski IPDB No. 2521 Production: 2,262 units (confirmed) Theme: Sports - Bowling Specialty: Add-A-Ball Notable Features: Flippers (4), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshots (4), Kick-out holes (2), Drop targets (10). Design by: Ed Krynski Art by: Gordon Morison...
  37. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Drop-A-Card (Gottlieb, 1971) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Drop-A-Card (Gottlieb 1971) VP9.21 - Simple and fun game Read more about this resource...
  38. bob

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Drop-A-Card (Gottlieb, 1971) VP921 2021-09-10

    Drop-A-Card (Gottlieb 1971) VP9.21 by bob IPDB No. 735 Production: 2,600 units (confirmed) Theme: Playing Cards Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (2), Slingshots (2), Star rollovers (4), Standup targets (2), 4-bank drop targets (2), 5-bank drop targets (1). Wedge head. Drop...
  39. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Centigrade 37 (Gottlieb, 1977) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Centigrade 37 (Gottlieb 1977) VP9.21 - One of the last EM Gottlieb games. Read more about this resource...
  40. E

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Centigrade 37 (Gottlieb, 1977) VP921 2021-09-07

    Centigrade 37 (Gottlieb 1977) by Eala Dubh IPDB No. 480 Production: 1,600 units (confirmed) Theme: Fantasy - Science Fiction Specialty: Mechanical Backbox Animation Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Standup targets (2), 4-bank drop targets (1), Kick-out hole (1)...
  41. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Slick Chick de luxe (Gottlieb, 1963) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Slick Chick de luxe (Gottlieb 1963) VP9.21 - Exceptional graphics Read more about this resource...
  42. G

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Slick Chick de luxe (Gottlieb, 1963) VP921 2021-09-06

    Slick Chick deluxe by Gottlieb IPDB No. 2208
  43. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Crescendo (Gottlieb, 1970) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Crescendo (Gottlieb's 1970) VP9.21 - Beautiful graphics Read more about this resource...
  44. G

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Crescendo (Gottlieb, 1970) VP921 2021-09-02

    Crescendo (Gottlieb's 1970) VP9.21 by Jay Phillips IPDB No. 590 Production: 1,175 units (confirmed) Theme: Music - Singing - Dancing Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (5), Drop targets (5), Standup targets (2), Right ball return lane. Maximum displayed point score is 9,999...
  45. Furio

    VP9 Bally Gottlieb EM Recreation Tropic Isle-Moon shot (Gottlieb, 1962 / Bally, 1963) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Tropic Isle-Moon shot (Gottlieb62-Bally63) VP9.21 - Two pinballs with the same table design Read more about this resource...
  46. G

    VP9 Bally Gottlieb EM Recreation Tropic Isle-Moon shot (Gottlieb, 1962 / Bally, 1963) VP921 2021-08-31

    Tropic Isle-Moon shot (Gottlieb '62 / Bally '63) VP9.21 Author: Jay Phillips @Gottlieb IPDB No. 2661 , IPDB No. 1627
  47. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Sky·Line (Gottlieb, 1965) VP921

    Furio submitted a new resource: Skyline (Gottlieb 1965) VP9,21 - What's going on in elevators? Read more about this resource...
  48. G

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation Sky·Line (Gottlieb, 1965) VP921 2021-08-25

    Sky·Line (Gottlieb, 1965) VP921 IPDB No. 3240 Production: 2,000 units (confirmed) Theme: Nightclubs - Nightlife Specialty: Mechanical Backbox Animation Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (5), Slingshots (2), Standup targets (2), Multi-bumper, Dual outlanes. Two backglass...
  49. Furio

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation King of Diamonds (Gottlieb, 1967) VP921 by Robair

    Furio submitted a new resource: King of Diamonds (Gottlieb 1967) - It has been present in arcades for many years for its fun game play Read more about this resource...
  50. Not Registered

    VP9 Gottlieb EM Recreation King of Diamonds (Gottlieb, 1967) VP921 by Robair 08-22-2021

    King of Diamonds (Gottlieb, 1967) by Robair Vp9.21 IPDB No. 1372 Production: 3,200 units (confirmed) Theme: Cards/Gambling Specialty: Mechanical Backbox Animation Notable Features: Flippers (2), Pop bumpers (3), Slingshots (2), Roto-targets (5), Standup targets (5), Backbox animation...
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