
  1. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table The Forgotten Planet - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 4 (Original) 1.1

    4th in the series, EM Table themed on the Murray Leinster novel "The Forgotten Planet" Some updates to the series common script on this one which I will roll out to the others at a later date, Thanks Ichigo for the suggestions. A Note about the art: Although the artwork on this playfield was...
  2. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table The Forgotten Planet - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 4 (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: The Forgotten Planet - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 4 - 4th in the series, EM Table themed on the Murray Leinster novel "The Forgotten Planet" Read more about this resource...
  3. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table The Last Spaceship - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 3 (Original) 1.1

    EM Table themed on the Murray Leinster novel "The Last Spaceship" light SPACE to light saucer. Hit that for multiball. Light LAST targets to light spinners x 3. Light SHIP targets to light bumpers x 3 light THE then hit the target again to set THE flashing. WHile flashing (25seconds) target...
  4. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table The Last Spaceship - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 3 (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: The Last Spaceship = Murray Leinster EM tribute series 3 - The third table in the Murray Leinster EM Tribute series Read more about this resource...
  5. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table City on the Moon - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 2 (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: City on the Moon - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 2 - Number 2 in the Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series, Based on the novel City on the Moon Read more about this resource...
  6. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table City on the Moon - Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series 2 (Original) 1.2

    The second table in my Murray Leinster EM Tribute Series, based on the novel City on the Moon. B2S and wheel included.
  7. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table Space Platform - Murray Leinster Tribute Series 1 (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Space Platform - Murray Leinster Tribute Series 1 - Murray Leinster Tribute Series 1 Read more about this resource...
  8. Anthias

    VPX EM Original Table Space Platform - Murray Leinster Tribute Series 1 (Original) 1.2

    This is the first in a series of EM style original tables dedicated to the science fiction novels of Murray Leinster. light SPACE kickers to light left kicker. Hit that for multiball. Light PLAT targets to light spinners x 3. Light FORM targets to light bumpers x 3 top lanes for bonus...
  9. Anthias

    VPX SS Original Table Road Train (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Road Train - An all original table Read more about this resource...
  10. Anthias

    VPX SS Original Table Road Train (Original) v1.0

    Road Train for VPX by Anthias. I took my test pilots table, gutted it, then built a new layout, using the TP script as a template. The result is, I feel, a very fun, fast paced and challenging table. Note the out lanes are brutal, until you get the hang of the flipper controlled diverter...
  11. Anthias

    EM Original Table BAM FP Cluck Cluck Boom (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Cluck Cluck Boom - Never cross The Road. If you do... Cluck Cluck Boom. Read more about this resource...
  12. Anthias

    EM Original Table BAM FP Cluck Cluck Boom (Original) v1.0

    This is a verry simple, verry silly table. The chicken cartel is a dangerous organisation. You may think that chicken crime is a poultry affair, but these feathered felons are deadly serious. They are led by a dangerous rooster known only as "The Road." He ruthlessly maintains his position at...
  13. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Titan (Original)

    fastdraw submitted a new resource: Titan - inspired by John Trudeau's prototype Read more about this resource...
  14. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Titan (Original) 1.01

  15. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Billiard Queen (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Billiard Queen - It's a cut throat day in the billiard hall when these ladies compete to find out who will be queen. Read more about this resource...
  16. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Billiard Queen (Original) v1.0

    Billiard Queen was a comic I started drawing about 25 years ago. When FP launched, it was among the first tables themes I considered for the platform. A promo poster was in the game room on the the first version of Flame Reaper. Sadly the initial concept layout in FP as well as pretty much all...
  17. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Spider-Man (Original) v1.0

    Spider-Man (Original), An original future pinball table, based on Stan Lee's and Marvel Comics, Spider-Man , The Animated serie's. Table rules, Lighting, "Spider Man" lights specials at the top kicker, ( Special lasts 90 seconds). The roto spinner offers small bonus'...
  18. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table The Games I (Original)

    fastdraw submitted a new resource: THE GAME - inspired by John Trudeau's prototype Read more about this resource...
  19. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table The Games I (Original) 1.1

  20. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Hill Climb (Original)

    fastdraw submitted a new resource: hill climb - inspired by John Trudeau's prototype Read more about this resource...
  21. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Hill Climb (Original) v1.0

  22. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Tyrannosaurus (Original)

    fastdraw submitted a new resource: Tyrannosaurus - inspired by John Trudeau's prototype Read more about this resource...
  23. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Tyrannosaurus (Original) 1.1

  24. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Tidal Wave (Original)

    fastdraw submitted a new resource: tidal wave - inspired by a prototype of John Trudeau never produced Read more about this resource...
  25. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Tidal Wave (Original) v1.0

  26. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Domino (Original)

    fastdraw submitted a new resource: Domino - inspired by John Trudeau's prototype Read more about this resource...
  27. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Domino (Original) v1.0

    https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=5334 aim at the kicker to trigger the random numbers of the domino, then touch the contacts associated with them.
  28. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Pinball Squared (Original)

    fastdraw submitted a new resource: pinball squared - inspired by john trudeau's prototype Read more about this resource...
  29. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Pinball Squared (Original) 1.01

    inspired by John Trudeau's prototype https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=5341
  30. Zobou

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Men In Black (Original)

    New playfield and backglass image, the rest I don't really know... in short it works. Men In Black_Beta-010 - men in black Read more about this resource...
  31. Zobou

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Men In Black (Original) vBeta-011

    Men In Black_Beta-011
  32. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Snooker (Original)

    fastdraw submitted a new resource: snooker - inspired by a prototype by John Trudeau Read more about this resource...
  33. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Snooker (Original) v1.0

    inspired by a prototype by John Trudeau https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=5343
  34. MetaTed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Cars - Lightning Edition

    MetaTed submitted a new resource: Cars - Lightning Edition - Bring out the Piston Cup! Read more about this resource...
  35. MetaTed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Cars - Lightning Edition v1.2

    Cars - Lightning Edition v1.2 Updated display configure options in table script. - multiple options for desktop HUD display - option to stream PUPpack into FP's backglass (should be awesome for VR users!) Updated PUPpack to show a Cars logo on the FullDMD for 3-screen setups. Added delay...
  36. Zobou

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Concept Demo (Original)

    Zobou submitted a new resource: concept demo - fizX3.0 and the SSF sound installed Read more about this resource...
  37. Zobou

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Concept Demo (Original) vAlpha032

    here is a conceptual demonstration of the table that I had imagined for the title Hellraiser, although this table is only a bass idea, you will still find fizX3.0 and the SSF sound installed. fizX3.0 and the SSF sound installed
  38. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Combination Rotation (Original)

    fastdraw submitted a new resource: Combination Rotation - inspired by john trudeau's prototype Read more about this resource...
  39. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Combination Rotation (Original) v1.0

    https://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=5331 This fully functional whitewood game was one of many prototypes designed and built by John Trudeau that, for one reason or another, did not get placed into production. This playfield ultimately got stripped and no longer exists.
  40. unclewilly

    VPX SS Original Table Robot Invasion (Original) FP to VPX Conversion

    unclewilly submitted a new resource: Robot Invasion FP to VPX Conversion - VPX conversion of Polygame's Robot Invasion Read more about this resource...
  41. unclewilly

    VPX SS Original Table Robot Invasion (Original) FP to VPX Conversion V 1.1

    Conversion of polygame's future pinball table to vpx. steve gets the credit he wrote the code and designed the table. unclewilly just rebuilt in vpx and converted the code pretty much line by line. I believe George H also contributed to the original FP code as well so thank you as well all...
  42. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Spiderman Zen (Original)

    fastdraw submitted a new resource: spiderman zen - inspired by zen fx Read more about this resource...
  43. fastdraw

    VPX SS Original Table Spiderman Zen (Original) 1.1

  44. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP The Good Bois (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: The Good Bois - They wont rest till they fetch every outlaw. Read more about this resource...
  45. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP The Good Bois (Original) v1

    It's a frontier town, in the wild west. These dogs are determined to clean the place up, and will not rest until they have fetched every outlaw. The Good Bois have rolled into town, if you have any shady dealings, best you skeedaddle right fast, or they'll be barking up your tree in no time!
  46. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Pi Rats (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Pi Rats - They say rats desert a sinking ship. But these rats are the ones sinking ships. Read more about this resource...
  47. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Pi Rats (Original) v1

    They say rats desert a sinking ship. But these rats are the ones sinking ships.
  48. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Sin-Di-Cats (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Din-Di-Cats - Do you dare to play against the Feline Mafia? Read more about this resource...
  49. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Sin-Di-Cats (Original) 1.1

    Kitty crime got organised! A table about the feline mafia.
  50. Anthias

    EM Original Table BAM FP Lizard Harem (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Lizard Harem - Original table by Anthias - Lizards are a common theme, so are girls. So why not - Lizard girls? Read more about this resource...
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