
  1. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Hatch Rally (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Hatch Rally - 16th anniversary BAM edition Read more about this resource...
  2. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Hatch Rally (Original) v1.2 16th anniversary BAM edition

    This is another 16th anniversary edition, an update to my old Hatch Rally table. This is from the same era as Creepy house, however unlike that table, this one has the FP native DMD set up to replace the earlier Anthias DMD extensions version.
  3. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Creepy House (Original)

    Anthias submitted a new resource: Creepy House - 16th anniversary BAM edition Read more about this resource...
  4. Anthias

    SS Original Table BAM FP Creepy House (Original) v1.1

    The original Creepy House was, lets be honest, graphically awful. It was an original table not on a licensed subject, with a hand drawn playfield etc. It was also produced at a time when FP had no DMD support, but it has a DMD, thanks to my own custom DMD system I coded and used in several...
  5. Neo

    VPX SS Original Table Zone Fury (Original) VPX

    Neo submitted a new resource: Zone Fury VPX - VPX rebuild of Zone Fury, previously made for VP9 Read more about this resource...
  6. Neo

    VPX SS Original Table Zone Fury (Original) VPX 1.3.0

    Hey all. After a considerable amount of work and testing, Zone Fury VPX has been released to the VP world. Zone Fury VPX is my third table for VPX, and is a conversion/rebuild of the VP9 version I made about a decade ago. For those who hadn't played the VP9 version, Zone Fury is based on the...
  7. AnonTet

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Battle of the Planets (Original)

    AnonTet submitted a new resource: Battle of the Planets - Protecting Earth's entire galaxy. Read more about this resource...
  8. AnonTet

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Battle of the Planets (Original) v1.0

    You may recognize the layout from Sonic! I had it here for a while now and before the work done is lost I decided to release it. Nothing was changed from the original version regarding gameplay rules/modes/whatever. This will be my last MOD for quite a while. NO SUPPORT WILL BE GIVEN TO...
  9. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Darth Vader (4.0)

    Mark1 submitted a new resource: Darth Vader (4.0) - an original future pinball table,based on Star Wars by George Lucas and 20th Century fox and Disney Read more about this resource...
  10. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Darth Vader (4.0) 4.0

    Darth Vader (4.0), an original future pinball table,based on Star Wars by George Lucas and 20th Century fox and Disney films. Table rules; Lighting, "D.A.R.T.H." and "V.A.D.E.R.", (by hitting targets on the roto spinner or right side), will light specials in the very top...
  11. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Darth Vader (4.0)

    Darth Vader (4.0), an original future pinball table,based on Star Wars by George Lucas and 20th Century fox and Disney films. (Updated (4.0) version includes some new features and holograms). visit https://mark1pinball.weebly.com/
  12. Wolfanoz

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Metal Slug 3.5 (Original) (BAM) (FizX)

    Wolfanoz submitted a new resource: Metal Slug 3.5 (BAM) (FizX) - Metal Slug 3.5 Read more about this resource...
  13. Wolfanoz

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Metal Slug 3.5 (Original) (BAM) (FizX) v3.5

    'Wolfanoz - v3.5 '-- Fixed HUD DMD and DMD to Display warning when nudging game, subsequent display when tilting the game as well on top of sound alert. '-- Corrected last score and top score displays. Was running into other text when displayed on DMD. '-- Added Graphics to backglass...
  14. AnonTet

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Metal Slug (Original) 3.2 (new .7z format)

    ' AnonTet - v3.0 - FizX Mod ' - Thanks go to (in no particular order): ' -- Brendan for the table and the already good update from Dominique ' -- JLou for FizX and the code to separate DMDExt dmddevice.ini from the VP DMDdevice.ini ' -- Ravarcade for BAM ' -- TerryRed for the instructions on...
  15. AnonTet

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Metal Slug (Original)

    AnonTet submitted a new resource: Metal Slug - Annihilate the enemy! Read more about this resource...
  16. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Aliens Legacy - "Game Over, Man" (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.3)

    TerryRed submitted a new resource: Aliens Legacy - "Game, Over Man" (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.0) - Game Over, Man Read more about this resource...
  17. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Aliens Legacy - "Game Over, Man" (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.3) 1.3

    Aliens Legacy - "Game Over, Man" (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.3) Version 1.3 (Feb 2024) Original table design and concept by: David Eisner Ultimate Pro 1.03 table by: SLAMT1LT Game Over Man, PinEvent Lite, FizX update by: TerryRed Aliens Legacy Pinball started long ago around 2010 as an original...
  18. 20degree

    Original Table FP FP Template Basic Medium Table

    20degree submitted a new resource: FP Template Basic Medium Table - FP Template Basic Medium Table is a empty table but with bigger space into Read more about this resource...
  19. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Blade Runner - Replicant Edition (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.3) 1.3

    Blade Runner - Replicant Edition (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.3) Version 1.3 (Feb 2024) Original Ultimate Pro 1.04 table by: SLAMT1LT Replicant Edition, PinEvent Lite, FizX update by: TerryRed SLAMT1LT's original table captures the visuals, sounds and atmosphere of this sci-fi classic movie. I...
  20. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Blade Runner - Replicant Edition (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.3)

    TerryRed submitted a new resource: Blade Runner - Replicant Edition (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.0) - More Human Than Human' Is Our Motto Read more about this resource...
  21. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP RoboCop - Dead or Alive Edition (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.3)

    TerryRed submitted a new resource: RoboCop - Dead or Alive Edition (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.0) - Dead or alive, you're coming with me Read more about this resource...
  22. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP RoboCop - Dead or Alive Edition (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.3) 1.3

    RoboCop - Dead or Alive Edition (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.3) Version 1.3 (Feb 2024) Original table build by: ROM Ultimate Pro update by: SLAMT1LT Dead or Alive Edition, PinEvent Lite, FizX update by: TerryRed SLAMT1LT did a massive update to Rom's original build of this table years ago for his...
  23. HZR

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Iron Man Ultimate Pro 1.05 UPDATED (FizX WIP)

    hellrzr2k1 submitted a new resource: Iron Man Ultimate Pro 1.05 UPDATED - Updated version of SLamt1lts Iron Man Read more about this resource...
  24. HZR

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Iron Man Ultimate Pro 1.05 UPDATED (FizX WIP) 2023-06-26

    Fun and Playable Update to Slamt1lts Iron Man Ultimate Pro !! Enjoy!
  25. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Indiana Jones - Fortune and Glory Edition (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.3)

    TerryRed submitted a new resource: Indiana Jones - Fortune and Glory Edition (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.0) - It's not the years honey.... it's the mileage. Read more about this resource...
  26. TerryRed

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Indiana Jones - Fortune and Glory Edition (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.3) 1.3

    Indiana Jones - Fortune and Glory Edition (PinEvent Lite, FizX 3.3) Version 1.3 (Feb 2024) Original wip table build by: GLXB & Highlnder00 Ultimate Pro update by: SLAMT1LT Fortune and Glory Edition, PinEvent Lite, FizX update by: TerryRed Do not make the mistake in thinking this is the same...
  27. spookyMoulder

    VPX SS Original Table Phantasm (Original, 2023)

    spookyMoulder submitted a new resource: Phantasm - You play a good game. But the game is finished. Read more about this resource...
  28. spookyMoulder

    VPX SS Original Table Phantasm (Original, 2023) v1.105 b

    While spying on his brother Jody during the funeral of their friend Tommy, 13-year-old Mike discovers that a big man is stealing the coffin the boy sneaks in the house and discovers the presence of aggressive dwarfs. In this pinball you must fight the tall man and the dwarf but stay away from...
  29. spookyMoulder

    VPX SS Original Table They Live (Original, 2023)

    spookyMoulder submitted a new resource: They Live - Chew gum and kick ass Read more about this resource...
  30. spookyMoulder

    VPX SS Original Table They Live (Original, 2023) balutito mod 1.0

    You are a drifter named Nada you find a pair of sunglasses and put them on and you see that people are actually aliens that look like their face fell into the cheese dip back in 1957. You and your friend Frank have to fight the aliens by collecting bubble gum and shotguns. Blow up the aliens...
  31. HZR

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Back to the Future (Original) Ultimate Pro (FizX WIP)

    hellrzr2k1 submitted a new resource: Back To The Future Ultimate Pro 1.03 FIZX 3 - FizX 3 Update To Slamt1lts Ultimate Pro Read more about this resource...
  32. HZR

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Back to the Future (Original) Ultimate Pro (FizX WIP) BTTF Ultimate Pro 1.03C

    FizX3 w.i.p Update to Slamt1lts - Back to the future Ultimate Pro IPD No. 126
  33. Zobou

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Christmas (Original)

    Zobou submitted a new resource: I had thought of creating another board to distribute on Christmas Day 2024. If anyone in the community wants to contribute, you are welcome. For this time I would keep it simple, but fun. Christmas - Christmas Read more about this resource...
  34. Zobou

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Christmas (Original) V 1.0

    I had been thinking about creating another final version board to distribute on Christmas Day 2024. If anyone in the community would like to contribute, they are most welcome. This time I would keep things simple, but fun. Soon the rules of the games...
  35. G

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Blade Runner ULTIMATE Pro 1.04 V2 FizX & SSF DOF

    Gamer7 submitted a new resource: Blade Runner ULTIMATE Pro 1.04 FizX & SSF DOF - Added FizX SSF & DOF Read more about this resource...
  36. G

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Blade Runner ULTIMATE Pro 1.04 V2 FizX & SSF DOF 2023-06-02

    I have added FizX and SSF DOF to SLAMTILT's Blade Runner ULTIMATE Pro 1.04 using Terry Red's Tutorial. I've included the PupSounds Just add the FP_PUP_SSF folder to pupvideos folder if you don't already have it. Hope you enjoy!!!
  37. G

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Strikes & Spares ULTIMATE Pro 1.0 V2 FizX and SSF Mod

    Gamer7 submitted a new resource: Strikes and Spare's FizX and SSF Mod - I've added Fizx and SSF DOF using Terry Red Tutorial Read more about this resource...
  38. G

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Strikes & Spares ULTIMATE Pro 1.0 V2 FizX and SSF Mod 2023-06-02

    I would Like to thank Slamtilt and Popottes for this table they are truly the Great creator's of this table and all the work that went into this table from them. Hope You enjoy the mod !! Go easy on me I haven't done much coding yet. I have included the pupsound put the FP_PUP_SSF in your...
  39. Neo

    VPX SS Original Table Crazy Cats Demo Derby (Original)

    Neo submitted a new resource: Crazy Cats Demo Derby - "Don't Just Tap It...Ram It!" Read more about this resource...
  40. Neo

    VPX SS Original Table Crazy Cats Demo Derby (Original) 1.1.0

    Hey all...After months of work and testing, I am ready to go ahead and release Crazy Cats to the VP community. Crazy Cats is my second table for VPX. This table is dedicated to longtime friends who have effectively become family to me who are or have been part of the Crazy Cats demolition...
  41. HZR

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Nightmare On ElmStreet Ultimate Pro FizX 3.0

    hellrzr2k1 submitted a new resource: Nightmare On ElmStreet Ultimate Pro 1.04 FizX Mod - FizX Update To Slamt1lts Ultimate Pro Please comment with any suggestions and give it a chance, its an addicting table Read more about this resource...
  42. HZR

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP Nightmare On ElmStreet Ultimate Pro FizX 3.0 V_107

    ********************************************************************* NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET ULTIMATE PRO 1.07 Designed and Created by SLAMT1LT...
  43. R

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP 5Th Element, The (rom)(X2)[rom Collection Edition][FP Physics Adjustment 2.4](fizx)

    RLR submitted a new resource: 5Th Element, The (rom)(X2)[rom Collection Edition][FP Physics Adjustment 2.4](fizx) - TEST - TerryRed ALL in One Example table Tutorial Read more about this resource...
  44. R

    SS Original Table BAM FizX FP 5Th Element, The (rom)(X2)[rom Collection Edition][FP Physics Adjustment 2.4](fizx) v0.1

    THANK YOU GUYS great music, great fun, great hobby
  45. Slippery Jim

    SS Original Table BAM FizX Lite FP X-Wing (Original) v1.10 BAM FizXLite

    X-Wing (Original) v1.10 BAM FizXLite by Slippery Jim Simple "solid State" style table with Star Wars X-Wing theme. Instructions:
  46. Slippery Jim

    SS Original Table BAM FizX Lite FP X-Wing V110 BAM FizXLite

    Simple "solid State" style table with Star Wars X-Wing theme, it's no JAWS Bigger Boat but it plays well and IMO is fun to play
  47. Neo

    VPX WIP Crazy Cats Demo Derby VPX WIP

    Hey all, here's a look at my current pintable I've been working on the past few months, Crazy Cats Demo Derby. Crazy Cats is my second table for VPX. It's intended as an 80s Williams System-9 style game with LED score displays as well as a running jackpot on the backglass. This table is...
  48. M

    EM Original Table FP Sydney Roosters (Original)

    MickSul submitted a new resource: Sydney Roosters - Sydney Rooster Tribute (NRL) Read more about this resource...
  49. M

    EM Original Table FP Sydney Roosters (Original) v1.01

    Special thanks to Martin Brunker for permission to mod his original table & script design. Sydney Roosters 1.0 is my first graphics mod of the Chicago Cubs table. See also: Michigan Wolverines, Boston Celtics, Boston Redsox etc... Tweaked some lighting, Sound FX & Soundtrack. No changes were...
  50. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP RIGEL 7 (Original) v1.0

    RIGEL 7, An original future pinball table. Table rules, Lighting "RIGEL 7" for special at the top kicker, by (hitting targets on the right side), ( special lasts for 90 seconds). getting the gold drop targets seven times brings a chance for bonus, in the center of the table, Also...
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