
  1. wrenchien

    VP8 SS Original Table New Table Out: Trap Doors

    As june and half of 2003 comes to a end, I wrap up the half with a doubly strange table in the table, Trap Doors .. .... A update on a c-64 table i did named trap doors. It's been done about Tanya trap, a half-moth human girl who, while tripping on the skateboard in a old house she called her...
  2. wrenchien

    VP8 SS Original Table New Table Out: Owl Girl

    Owl Girl As june comes to a end and the animals, the birds and all of nature's wild things volley for a position in pinball for june, I do another birdly table.. Considering I've done them about penguins and vultures and cardinals and parrots and someday soon, Pelicans, the owl would have to...
  3. Anthias

    VP8 Original Table Anthias' releases with flippers.

    Hi, since this is a generic 'every thing else VP' Forum, I'll start this thread for my evil, nasty, dirty "Flipper Tainted" tables (lol). Rather than put a full blurbing thread for each new release, I shall simply ad a reply to this thread for each new table that cannot be claimed as being...
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