
  1. starman7007

    VP8 EM Flipperless Original Table Bronco Buster Flipperless...

    Hi! I'm glad to present Bronco Buster's flipperless version. Unusual moving posts and new slingshot arrangement will bring you fast and furious (tiltjlp's words) action. Man, that's true - it's really fast! :lol: I think the Add-a-ball feature is a nice enrichment... Multiball is not...
  2. starman7007

    VP8 EM Original Table New Bronco Buster available...

    Hi everyone, Bronco Buster got a new face! And beside the graphical improvement also some rules enhancement. The flipperless version follows in days...be patient. :wink: Big thanks to all involved, John, tiltjlp and Scott, SDB for their approval to release this Table, JonPurpleHaze...
  3. StevOz

    VP8 EM Original Table Blazing Trail aka wild west...

    Still getting there, slowly but surely..
  4. Rockinghorse

    VP8 Flipperless Original Table Snakes & Ladders Released

    Hi All, YES. Snakes & Ladders is available at Rockinghorse Originals. Come and get it..........Check the Table Info for rules CU RH BTW Here is a SS
  5. Anthias

    VP8 EM Original Table The Mysterious Cities of Gold

    FEW! after barely stepping away from my computer for a week, I have completed version 1.0 of this long term project. I think it is interesting to note how long ago the wip for this one was originally announced, and how many other tables I have released since, but finally, after all that time and...
  6. Rockinghorse

    VP8 Flipperless Original Table Snakes & Ladders for Tiltjlp CD

    Hi All. Just came up with this idea and I have only decided on size and idea but it will include the usual ups and downs of Snakes and Ladders.... I'll keep you posted. BCNU RH BTW Screen shot below
  7. Anthias

    VP8 EM Flipperless Original Table Aftershock at TMOF

    Aftershock at TMOF Hi all, This table, to be included on tiltjlp's CD, has just been uploaded to the magic of flipperless. While not graphiccally perfect, I felt that the theme denied this table any right to prettyness I think the presentation works in relation to this. Gameplay is...
  8. P

    SS Original Table FP Blue vs Pink (Original)

    Hey guys, I just joined here so I just wanted to say hello, some of you may already know me from the VPF. What a nicely decorated forum! Hope to see you all around here in the future. Brendan
  9. Anthias

    VP8 Original Table Ranma 1/2 update - V1.8 released

    Hi all, just a quick note to say that this table has been udated.' Huge graphical changestothe table. Is at elusium studios http://galileo.spaceports.com/~anthias Later, Anthias
  10. starman7007

    VP8 VP9 SS Original Table Rapid Vienna - Kick'n Roll (Original) (VP8 & VP9 versions)

    Hi all, time for a new fresh look and a new challenge. The update includes among other fine tunings: °Viewing figures added (more chances to get extraballs) °Goalaward added °New save/load code (thanks to Kinsey and Destruk) °Save initials (highscore/viewing...
  11. Rockinghorse

    VP8 SS Original Table Heretic - Finally

    Hi All, Heretic is done Come and get it Here is a SS BCNU RH
  12. JonPurpleHaze

    VP8 EM Original Table tiltjlp's Table Updates

    Releases by an Involuntarily Absent tiltjlp, posted by JPH. TMOF has been updated with enhanced versions of my latest three tables, Reactions Bagatelle and the dual releases of my Bronco Buster flippered and Flipperless editions. Reactions was a solo effort, with help from a number of...
  13. Anthias

    VP8 SS Original Table The Dr Is IN! Zoidberg released

    Hi all, Surgery with Zoidberg is now available at Elusium Studios. http://galileo.spaceports.com/~anthias Enjoy, Anthias.
  14. wrenchien

    VP8 SS Flipperless Original Table New table out: Shake, Shake, Shake

    Another week, another pinball, i guess.. but what a unusual one, even for me. It's called, Shake Shake Shake ... And it's one of the first truly unflippered pins I've ever designed (and it's not a pachinko or a gun game recreation)... While it has all the comforts of regular pins, it...
  15. wrenchien

    VP8 SS Original Table New Table Out: Trap Doors

    As june and half of 2003 comes to a end, I wrap up the half with a doubly strange table in the table, Trap Doors .. .... A update on a c-64 table i did named trap doors. It's been done about Tanya trap, a half-moth human girl who, while tripping on the skateboard in a old house she called her...
  16. wrenchien

    VP8 SS Original Table New Table Out: Owl Girl

    Owl Girl As june comes to a end and the animals, the birds and all of nature's wild things volley for a position in pinball for june, I do another birdly table.. Considering I've done them about penguins and vultures and cardinals and parrots and someday soon, Pelicans, the owl would have to...
  17. Anthias

    VP8 Original Table Anthias' releases with flippers.

    Hi, since this is a generic 'every thing else VP' Forum, I'll start this thread for my evil, nasty, dirty "Flipper Tainted" tables (lol). Rather than put a full blurbing thread for each new release, I shall simply ad a reply to this thread for each new table that cannot be claimed as being...
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