solid state

  1. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Star Lord

    Download >>
  2. theGhost787

    VPX Atari SS Recreation 4x4 (Atari, 1983) VPX v1.0 2020-01-28

    4x4 (Atari 1983) VPX IPD No. 3111 Here is 4x4 pinball 1.0 for Visual Pinball 10.0. Game has sound effects and has been tested. Game is for slower PC's If you want to enable all 8 playfield knock balls open scripts and remove the ' Line 1093, 1094,1095,1096. the color should change from green...
  3. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Green Lantern

    Download >>> G R E E N = 5,000,000
  4. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Astro Zombies - Super Update

    Download >>
  5. theGhost787

    VPX SS Original Table Friday the 13th (Original) VPX v1.0 2020-01-28

    Friday the 13th Pinball For VPX. 10.0. This is version 1.0. Includes Cabin, Crystal Lake Forest.. 3d Jason. New sound effects and music. Upper Level. Scoring functions. DMD scripts. Enjoy the game. This game is freeware and may not be sold. Game is created by free sources found on the internet...
  6. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Flash Gordon

    GO >>>
  7. theGhost787

    VPX SS Original Table Bart Vs. the Space Mutants (Original) VPX v1.1 2020-01-28

    Bart Vs. The Space Mutants. Simple pinball game with Simpsons theme. Includes scoring, doughnut bumpers, lots of sound effects. This is version 1.1 an update will be made unless I drop dead first. Happy New year. Enjoy the Game. This game plays on VPX 10.0. Free to Upgrade. A backglass is...
  8. Tii

    SS Original Table FP updated ver of Nitronic (Fifth Element coming soon)

    Download >>
  9. theGhost787

    VPX SS Recreation Monsters (Dream Pinball, 2008) VPX v1.1

    Monsters Dream Pinball VPX. May need better physics. This is version 1.1 Includes 3 ramps, Sound effects, Scripts, Original Sounds and music, Re Drawn Playfield. Game has been tested and works on VPX 10.0
  10. W

    VPX SS Original Table The Table With The Least Comprehensible Theme Ever (Original) VPX v1.1f 2020-01-28

    Yes, that's the name. "The Table With The Least Comprehensible Theme Ever". There has been much discussion about Dialed In being a bad theme for a table. My thought process was along the lines of "Bad theme? I'll show you a bad theme!" This is a VPX remaster of a nine year old table...
  11. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Star Guider

    Download >>
  12. theGhost787

    VPX SS Original Table Silent Night Deadly Night (Original) VPX v1.0 2020-01-28

    Just in time for the Holidays. Silent Night Deadly Night the pinball game. Imported from Future Pinball, Playfield re drawn. Better Sound effects Moving Axes, Santa Snowball fight, Bouncing Presents. Last game of the year. Have fun. This is version 1.0 and plays on VPX 10.0
  13. Tii

    SS Original Table FP funny Terminator?

    at least the pic is includes animated T800 model shooting at you (drop targets) Arnold's motorcycle model that revs and increases bonus T800 ramps complete = multiball spell S K Y N E T for 25 million jackpot some futuristic arcade sounds and a few quotes from Arnold Download...
  14. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Thunderball (3.0) updated.

    Hello everyone, My latest table is an update of my original table, "Thunderball". Version (3.0) has some new features and improvements . Download here, in the future pinball download section, or,
  15. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Thunderball (Original) v3.0 2020-01-28

    Thunderball ( 3.0 ) An original future pinball table, based on Ian Flemings James Bond. ( 3.0 updated version has many improvements (and is a little harder to play).
  16. theGhost787

    VPX SS Original Table Asteroids (Original) VPX v1.0 2020-01-28

    Asteroids pinball, playfield design from pinball builders. Re draw by ghost, Game plays good. Includes sounds from original asteroids game. Also has rotating asteroid, and lighting. Some scripts. Scoring issue where score jumps up then back down. Middle island needed adjustment for shooting...
  17. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Cat-Women of the Moon Released!

    Download >>> Happy Holidays :D
  18. theGhost787

    VPX SS Original Table Rob Zombie's Spookshow (Original) VPX v1.0 2020-01-28

    Welcome to the Spookshow. Enter Captain Spauldings Museum of Monsters and Madmen. Just in time for Thanksgiving "try some of our tasty fried turkey, It just taste so damn good" Game includes. Art By Horley, original music from ghost based off Rob Zombies music, Created in FL Studio. Moving...
  19. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Machine Man 1.1

    oops, forgot to reset the drop target bank at game end :trippy: Download ver 1.1 here >>>
  20. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Mr.Burns (2.0) Updated !

    Hello again everyone I've also updated my "Mr.Burns" table, (Updated version (2.0) has many new holograms and many improvements). You can get it in the downloads section or here, Visit...
  21. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP The Ramones (2.0) Updated !

    Hello everyone, I've updated my "Ramones" table, ( Updated version (2.0) has many new features ,improvements and a few new midi renditions, Some very well made Midi renditions of The Ramones music were used for background music.) .You can get it in the downloads section or here...
  22. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Mr. Burns (Original) v2.0 2020-01-28

    Mr.Burns, an original future pinball table,based on The Simpson's By Matt Groening and 20th century fox television. (Updated version (2.0) has many new holograms and many improvements).
  23. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP The Ramones (Original) v2.0 2020-01-28

    The RAMONES, An original future pinball table,a tribute to the rock band "The RAMONES". ( Updated version (2.0) has many new features ,improvements and a few new midi renditions, Some very well made Midi renditions of The Ramones music were used for background music.)
  24. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Machine Man

    Download >>>
  25. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Did ya Robo Santa ?

    Download >>>
  26. theGhost787

    VPX Stern SS Recreation Batman 66 (Stern 2016) VPX v1.0 [Demo] 2020-01-28

    Batman 66 (Stern 2016) VPX [Demo] IPD No. 6355 This is a playable mock-up of Batman 66, including a crane model by the artist "Dark," with classic Batman sounds & samples from the TV series. The game works with Visual Pinball 10. VPinMAME is not required. This is version 1.0 and may need...
  27. theGhost787

    SS Original Table FP Pinball Killer (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Our last FP pinball game. We are now officially switched over to VPX. :salut: we salute you. adios.
  28. theGhost787

    VPX SS Original Table Retro Zombie Adventure Land (Original) VPX v1.0 2020-01-28

    Rare pinball for VPX. Retro Zombie Adventure Land. Please install font before playing. This is version 1.0 very much playable. An upgrade will be made at a future time or if anyone can improve on this feel free. For VPX, visual pinball 10. Includes new spinner disk, ramp pool, sounds,original...
  29. theGhost787

    VPX SS Original Table Mortal Kombat (Original) VPX v1.0 2020-01-28

    Mortal Kombat. Plays on VPX Visual Pinball 10. No Roms Needed.
  30. shiva

    Bally SS Recreation BAM FP Star Trek xse v1.3 (Oct 2016)

    After 3 years, a update to Star Trek xse. Version 1.3, this features updates to the flippers (version 2) new physics and game play, and some special additions including a new lens and bulb effect with ball interaction, better backglass etc This uses BAM, and was done with the 2.5 exe. The xml...
  31. shiva

    Bally SS Recreation BAM FP Star Trek xse (Bally 1979) v1.3 2020-01-28

    Star Trek xse (Bally 1979) by Shiva IPD No. 2355 After 3 years, a update to Star Trek xse. Version 1.3, this features updates to the flippers (version 2) new physics and game play, and some special additions including a new lens and bulb effect with ball interaction, better backglass etc This...
  32. theGhost787

    SS Recreation FP Captain Nemo (Quetzal Pinball, 2015) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Captain Nemo (Quetzal Pinball 2015) v1.0 IPD No. 6465 This is Captain Nemo. Version 1.0 includes DMD, ramps, sounds, cab art. Scripts from ghost. layout from shawna. Playfield by Quetzal. Plays good. If ball sticks to right ramp wait and nudge, ball will come loose.
  33. theGhost787

    SS Recreation FP Magic Girl (John Popadiuk et al, 2011-?) v1.0 WIP

    Magic Girl 1.0 for future pinball. table by shawna. plastic, scripts, and sounds by ghost. Free for upgrades. Version 1.0 includes green magic ball for double score. 2 ramps. DMD, Hologram and lighting. Soundtrack from Soundcloud. Enjoy the game...
  34. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Zombie Madness

    3rd and final Halloween table for 2016 zombie rotator, animator, spinners rotating zombie arms to grab you bloody chainsaws and eyeballs with a couple of axes to finish 'em off zombie groans and spacey sounds music by Rob........can't remember his last name ;) Download >>...
  35. theGhost787

    SS Original Table FP Tommy Robot (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    Tommy Robot 1.0 New Pinball Must Play !! Artwork by tommy Game by Ghost787
  36. theGhost787

    SS Original Table FP JabberJaw (Original) v1.0 2020-01-28

    JabberJaw 1.0 Playfield art by Eala Dubh, table creation by shawna, Cab art, plastics, Sound and Scripts, by ghost.
  37. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Have you seen The Unseen for Halloween?

    Maybe you should check here >
  38. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Bugs Bunny (3.0)

    Hello again everyone, I've also updated my "Bugs Bunny" table, Updated 3.0 version includes new features, holograms and many improvements. you can download it from the "downloads"section,or here, Visit...
  39. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Jupiter (3.0)

    Hello again everyone, I've updated my "Jupiter" table, version (3.0) has many improvements. you can download it from the "downloads"section,or here, Visit, and...
  40. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP The 80's (2.0)

    Hello everyone, I've updated my "The 80s" table, version (2.0) has many improvements. you can download it from the "downloads"section,or I also made a "lite" version,you can get that here...
  41. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Jupiter (Original) v3.0 2020-01-28

    An original future pinball table. Table rules, lighting "J.U.P.I.T.E.R." with the roto spinner, and "The Four Moons", will light specials. (Background music includes some very well made midi versions of rock music). Updated version (3.0) has some new features and many improvements.
  42. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Spaceship

    Download >>
  43. Tii

    SS Original Table FP First working "Blade Runner" pinball machine (Real or Virtual) in the world!

    :salut: :D DOWNLOAD >>
  44. Tii

    SS Original Table FP BATMAN ORIGINAL

    Download >
  45. Tii

    SS Original Table FP One for the ladies > Space Girl Pinball

    Download >>
  46. Tii

    SS Original Table FP Do you know this guy named Bob Rocket?

    well he's on my site with his sexy girlfriend...
  47. Tii

    EM SS Original Table FP Some new pins here >
  48. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Darth Vader (3.0)

    Hello everyone, I've updated my Darth Vader, Star Wars table, Version (3.0) has many improvements and changes. You can get it in the "future pinball downloads" section or here, Visit my web site for other...
  49. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Darth Vader (Original) 4.0

    Darth Vader (4.0), an original future pinball table,based on Star Wars by George Lucas and 20th Century fox and Disney films. (Updated (4.0) version includes many new features and holograms.)
  50. Mark1

    SS Original Table FP Sgt.Pepper (2.0)

    Hello everyone, I've Updated my Sgt.Pepper table,version (2.0) has many improvements. You can download it from the "download" section, or from, Visit or...
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