SlugFest (Williams, 1991) VP8 v1.0
by TAB, Destruk
IPD No. 3281
A modern version of the classic "Pitch and Bat" baseball game. Player one chooses the type of pitch and player two bats; players then switch roles. Includes a pop-up ramp and a "Hit the Heckler" bonus.
The cabinet is roughly the...
by Destruk, Skalar
IPDB No. 2644
Thanks to Guru for The pictures and information
Thanks to Apocalypse for Playfield Layout Assistance
Thanks to Skalar for graphical Assistance
Top Dawg (Williams, 1988) VP8 v1.0
by Destruk, TAB, John041160
Notes: Hit F3 once or twice after first starting the game. This shuffle-bowler has some of the better graphics and sounds out of the small collection here. --@Ike Savage
Title Fight (Gottlieb, 1990) VP8 v3.0
by Joep, Destruk
IPD No. 2573
Note from Xenonph:
This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins.
Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder.
Find Bally 6803 &...
Stern 2005,
IPD No. 5053
v1.6 Fixes the spinner area so the ball moves more smoothly behind it by making the nearby wall and ramp have more distance between them.
Thanks goes to:
Destruk for the sound samples, sound/music script and...
by JPSalas
IPD No. 2508
Note from Xenonph:
This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins.
Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder.
Find Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack here...
Joep / El_Condor / Destruk
IPD No. 2508
Note from Xenonph:
This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins.
Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder.
Find Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack here...
Data East 1993,
IPD No. 2493
VPM table based on Tales from the Crypt by Data East, 1993.
Thanks to Lander (RIP) for his old table which I used as a reference to build this table, since I have never seen nor played the real table. I also used some of his routines, like the...
by JPSalas, Groni
IPD No. 4674
Based on Stern's table from 2003.
Thanks to:
- Destruk for the manual and pictures.
- Wtiger for pictures
- And to Groni for insisting in making the table and all his work on the graphics and taking pictures of the real table.
Gottlieb 1991,
IPD No. 2461
Note from Xenonph:
This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins.
Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder.
Find Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3...
Eala Dubh Sidhe/Neurokinetik/Destruk/Gaston,
Atari 1979,
IPD No. 2454
Note from Xenonph:
This table needs to be played using VP6. The display is messed up when using VP8.
Find VP6.exe here...
by Destruk, Warez Dood
IPD No. 2436
Thanks to Magnox for providing the manual.
Thanks to MrHide for providing the pictures.
Thanks to Warez Dood for the gfx work.
Destruk, Zaphod, Jive
IPD No. 3427
Note from Xenonph:
This table needs a Pre-Initialized nvram file to accept coins.
Download Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack and place contents of zip file in nvram folder, located in VPinMAME folder.
Find Bally 6803 & Gottlieb GTS3 nvram pack here...
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