Support File BAM Future Pinball and BAM Info Guide by TerryRed

HI. Very new to Pinball sims and very light on working with Digital Pinball / cabinets, so go easy on my question(s). I am working through Terry's guide with the goal of playing Future Pinball through my atGames Legends Pinball (in OTG mode) that is also new to me. First huge question, and this has tripped me up on a few attempts prior to discovering this guide....
I am installing on a gaming laptop that hopefully is good enough. When I do the install do I need to have FIRST connected to the ALP and configured the screens because that makes doing anything really difficult to follow with the laptop screen, playfield, backglass all over the place. Can I do the entire setup process using just the laptop or does it need to see screens/setup to update registry keys, etc. I am NOT a programmer, etc. so go easy on me. I have been working at this for a couple of WEEKS now with 0 success so was trying to scale back and get ONE working (tried pinball emporium but too much). End goal is to play my favorite Williams Cyclone (1988) table on my ALP. Thank you in advance.

I don't even know what an ALP is so you are ahead of me in that regard. You don't need any front end stuff for a laptop only installation. I just play on a PC with a single monitor. My guide is for a basic install of FP and BAM only. It is pretty basic:

I suggest using PinUp Popper as your front end to VPX, FP, FX3 tables etc. There's a wiki that has a ton of information on how to install and setup (very easy to install Popper). Per Terry's post- find Wagner's video on youtube for FX3 information and I suggest this video for configuring the buttons for FX3 using the Arcade Controller (if you have it for the ALP):
I tried to run FP as explained by TerryRed. When I start the new table (to test the basic installation), I press "5" but I don't see coins getting inserted. I can't move the flippers too. All I can do is nudge the table. Any help is welcome. Thanks.

I'm running Windows 11 and all drivers are fully updated.
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I tried to run FP as explained by TerryRed. When I start the new table (to test the basic installation), I press "5" but I don't see coins getting inserted. I can't move the flippers too. All I can do is nudge the table. Any help is welcome. Thanks.

I'm running Windows 11 and all drivers are fully updated.

Be sure you are running FP in fullscreen to keep it in focus.

Also, be sure you have FPLoader.exe set to run in Windows 8 compatibility mode, and be sure you are running FPLoader.exe not FuturePinball.exe
REQUIRED Video settings

Small update and some clarifications on "required" FP Video Settings. These settings aren't suggestions. They are very much needed to ensure all tables will run correctly... to prevent crashing... and to have proper lighting. Many tables are made based on needing 7 hardware lights enabled, etc. If you lower some settings, the table lighting may look horrible, flicker terribly, etc.

It now seems that Trilinear Filtering finally DOES make a graphical improvement! For years, this setting seemed to make no change on FP. Maybe it was more on cabinet views.... but for whatever reason it never seemed to help much... even if I forced it in GPU driver settings.

I just tested it on Star Wars DSA GE, and sure enough... it finally makes a very nice difference in the wire ramps / x-wing fighter and anything that has bump maps.

My guess, is that it's more noticeable with BAM's New Renderer, and the newer lighting techniques we've been using.

So now.... my current recommendation is to try enabling it and see if it makes a difference.

Use Texture Compression may also help for those with low VRAM.

Both options may cause tables to take longer to load.

The updated settings can be seen below.

FP Video and Editor settings.jpg

FP and 4 GB of RAM access

FP and BAM now need the 4 GB patch (which allows them to address up to 4 GB of ram) to play my newer table releases coming out (like Star Wars DSA Galactic Edition). You'll need a 64 bit version of Windows and at least 6 GB or more of RAM.

More info on how to apply the 4 GB patch is here (its super easy):

BAM and Windows 8 Compatibility

Windows updates (or possible lack there of) "may" cause BAM (FPLoader.exe) to crash when the tables start. Newer BAM updates and Windows updates seemed to have solved this issue. However, if you seem to have crashing issues, try setting FPLoader.exe (in BAM folder) to Windows 8 compatibility.

Win 8 Compatibility.png
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I need help. My old Pinball machine system started to flack out, so I upgraded the whole system. Now I cannot get future pinball to run from Pinballx. What seems to be the issue is the /play option in the command line. Future pinball run fine by itself or will load without that command, but as soon as I add it back in the table freezes at the load screen. I have tried the 4G update, the windows 8 compatibility setting, various version of both bam and future pinball to no avail. I can find no crash or system log that says windows is blocking the app nothing. Here is the sample command line "C:\Games\Future Pinball\BAM\FPLoader.exe" /STAYINRAM /open "C:\Games\Future Pinball\Tables\bond50\Bond 50.fpt" /play /exit /arcaderender. Please help if you can.
Remove /arcaderender option. I don't have PinballX but I did create a .bat file so I can simply double click an .fpt file and launch it. It always worked for me... without that option

Also sometimes FP leaves future Pinball.exe opened. Make sure you call task manager when you exit a table to check this and kill any FP processes before launching another table.

I'm not saying it /arcaderender is the problem. Just that I never used it and I can't test it at the moment.

Why don't you just check the "Arcade Mode" and select 270º rotation in FP video settings? FP wil always launch in fullscreen that way making that option useless, probably.
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I found the issue, but not sure how to fix it. On the old system I was able to do the three-monitor trick by editing the reg key for the second monitor height, so it stretched over the third. Now if I try that the table loads just fine from the main window but if I use this command line it gets stuck at registry check. Does anyone have a possible fix for this or is this one of those windows/driver updates that may have broken the functionality?
If you updated recently you should try to rollback the drivers, especially if you own amd gpu.

Of course, microsoft has updated yet again recently so it might be the case of windows "updating" your drivers which you do not want.
I tried to run FP as explained by TerryRed. When I start the new table (to test the basic installation), I press "5" but I don't see coins getting inserted. I can't move the flippers too. All I can do is nudge the table. Any help is welcome. Thanks.

I'm running Windows 11 and all drivers are fully updated.
did you managed to solve that problem ?
did you managed to solve that problem ?
I can't remember exactly what I did. But I clearly remember trying to run all exe files need "as administrator". I think that was what did the trick...
I can't remember exactly what I did. But I clearly remember trying to run all exe files need "as administrator". I think that was what did the trick...

Normally you should have neither FuturePinball.exe or FPLoader.exe set to Run as Administrator. Doing so can cause problems for things like PUP or DOF if you use those features / apps.

If you had FuturePinball.exe set to Run as Admin, but not FPLoader.exe.... then that will for sure mess up things, as that prevents BAM from accessing FP.

That said... its not unusual to need to run FPLoader.exe as Admin at least "once" to tell Windows to allow it to create settings for FP in the registry, etc.... but after that, you should set it back to not Run as Admin (and keep both FPLoader.exe and FuturePinball.exe like that).
Terry, thanks for the in-depth guide. I watched the video, but unless I missed it, I did not see where you applied the 4GB patch. I've yet to update my FP to run your latest tables... I wanted to be sure how to install the 4GB patch and apply correctly.

So I ask... is it simple and follow your nose patch... execute, select Future Pinball.exe and FPLoader.exe files?
Terry, thanks for the in-depth guide. I watched the video, but unless I missed it, I did not see where you applied the 4GB patch. I've yet to update my FP to run your latest tables... I wanted to be sure how to install the 4GB patch and apply correctly.

So I ask... is it simple and follow your nose patch... execute, select Future Pinball.exe and FPLoader.exe files?

The Mega Guide will be updated for the more recent updates and changes eventually. I tend to not do it until after multiple big changes are going to be added.

Also.... with every video guide... always use what is shown in the written guide, as video guides will always be out of date in comparison.

The 4 GB patch info can be found here, and this same page is also included with each of my PinEvent V2 table upload's Install Instructions.

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The Mega Guide will be updated for the more recent updates and changes eventually. I tend to not do it until after multiple big changes are going to be added.

Also.... with every video guide... always use what is shown in the written guide, as video guides will always be out of date in comparison.

The 4 GB patch info can be found here, and this same page is also included with each of my PinEvent V2 table upload's Install Instructions.

Thanks Terry.... your tables are fantastic looking.... I just need to get the system updated to play the newer ones.
Terry with your thorough guide and great videos I was successful with updting my FP/BAM files and installing each of your incredible tables. Thanks again for your time and hard work.
Version 4.0, June 2023

Changelog 4.0

- updated all new relevant info
- removed outdated info
- removed info about FP sites that no longer exist (pinsimdb, SLAMT1LT's site)
- updated Install STEPS to now use the "FP and BAM Essentials AIO" files

The updated FP and BAM Mega Guide can be downloaded on the first post

você é um mito estou precisando de uma ajuda, e com certeza você é a pessoa mais capaz desse mundo para isso. Com qual software posso abrir o arquivo FP .fpm e convertê-lo em .step ou .iges?

You're a myth I'm in need of a helping hand, and surely you're the most capable person in this world for that. What software can I open a FP .fpm file and convert it to .step or .iges?

É uma grande satisfação ver que você me respondeu. Não sei nem como agradecer.
Me ajudou muito.
Muito obrigado
Do NOT use Windows 8 Compatibility!

In the past, previous Windows updates caused Future Pinball to crash for some people. The easy solution was to set FPLoader.exe to Windows 8 Compatibility. Newer Windows updates and newer BAM updates have long since solved that issue.

In my guides, I have only ever recommended to set this to FPLoader.exe "if having crashing issues". Since that is no longer the case, I no longer recommend that as even an option. If you are having crashing issues, update your Windows, update your GPU drivers, sound drivers, etc. (disable the Nihamic driver / services if you have them installed, as it causes problems)

I have found that enabling Windows 8 compatibility causes FP-BAM to have serious performance issues! (ball stuttering, etc) Make sure you do NOT have this set on either FuturePinball.exe or FPLoader.exe (and in BAM Open VR folder if using that)

Never did enabled that but thanks for finding one more cause of issues.
Welcome to the ALL NEW and updated...

Future Pinball and BAM Info Guide

(formerly known as the FP and BAM Mega Guide)

by TerryRed

Version 1.0, Nov 2023

This INFO Guide covers general information about Future Pinball, BAM, and their more advanced features and settings. It also covers basic information for other apps that can also be used with Future Pinball.

This guide is now completely updated and renamed as the FP and BAM INFO Guide

- I now have all my guides and tutorials in PDF format
- this new guide has been created to be used with the FP and BAM Essentials AIO package
- all my guides and tutorials are now only included with the FP and BAM Essentials AIO package

You can download the FP and BAM Essentials AIO package (and the FP and BAM Info Guide) here:


A video tutorial that walks you through this guide can be seen here


00:00 Start
02:19 FP and BAM Features
05:27 Settings and how to run FP (covered in install video)
06:03 Start FP BAT files
12:55 Fullscreen, Windowed, Borderless Windowed
14:18 Borderless Windowed workaround
16:56 FP settings in the registry
19:21 Playing and exiting a FP table
20:25 FP Tables
22:22 FP files and where they go
23:45 BAM Ball textures (toggle with n or p)
25:06 BAM CFG files (pov, etc)
27:24 BAM menu settings
41:21 BAM Static Camera views (how to make your own)
45:22 Physics (older tables)
47:22 FizX physics (new nFozzy-like physics for FP)
49:49 DMDExt, Real DMD, virtual DMD
51:29 PUPDMD
52:21 DOF
53:09 Pinup Player
54:13 PinEvent
56:07 DOFLinx
57:36 Front-ends
58:28 BAM OpenVR
1:02:18 Demo of BAM features and settings (in-game)
1:04:05 Lighting
1:04:48 Plugins - COM Extensions
1:05:32 Plugins - Bloom and SSAO
1:07:13 Addons - Force Arcade Mode (cabinet view)
1:08:45 Addons - Config Ball and Shadows
1:10:00 Addons - Ray Cast Ball Shadows
1:13:04 Addons - DMD Bulb size
1:13:19 Addons - Hide FP logo
1:13:35 Addons - Hide Overlays
1:15:11 BAM New High Score Plug-in
1:17:13 Setup FP for a cabinet
1:23:22 Stereo 3D settings
1:23:42 Adjust POV
1:24:39 Adjust FP Backbox screen
1:26:08 Cabinet mode play demo (Sonic Pinball Mania)
1:27:42 Closing
For anyone who runs FP in fullscreen for VR or normal 2D mode... you may want to consider enabling this setting. FP is an older app that uses the older exclusive fullscreen mode (instead of borderless fullscreen, etc.). This mode was forcefully replaced for all apps with a "new fullscreen" mode in Windows 10, years ago. For many older games and apps, it runs fine. For some people, FP runs worse when using Fullscreen with vsync on because of this (small ball stutters or lower fps can occur). So try enabling "disable fullscreen optimizations" for futurepinball.exe and FPLoader.exe (in BAM and BAM Open-VR folders). This will allow FP to run in the original exclusive fullscreen mode, and may run better for you. (It does for me.)

While testing for FizX... I noticed some inconsistent fluctuations on the FP performance graphs (F9) on the AIO Example table and even New Table. I thought it was something related to my new GPU or my GSync TV, etc. Turned out to be this age old issue with FP (and other older apps). You don't see this problem when windowed or with vsync off. You may not notice it much during gameplay if at all... but changing this setting allowed FP to run much better... or should I say... correctly.

(I may add this to an updated version of the guide)


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