Silent Hill

I had not yet spotted this wip concerning this table. She just looks really amazing.:appl::appl:
take the time you need to finish it, I will wait patiently for its publication😉
Happy Halloween from Silent Hill

I didn't have time to make a new video for this year's Halloween, so I figured I'd show my video from last year for those who may have never seen it. The table looks very different today compared to this video... but its still fun!

I still haven't been able get back to working on Silent Hill yet. After I'm done updating "Halloween - Big Bloody Mike" and "F-14" for PinEvent V2 and FizX, etc... then I'll be glad to get back to work on Silent Hill. Some newer Future-Pinball-BAM updates and FizX physics will make the table MUCH better than it would have been before.

These new Silent Hill game and movie announcements have got me so damn excited to get back to it!

Forgot how cool that video was.
Hope your health is stable and cant wait to play.
Took a rest on pinball for a while. Its more a winter thing, plus somehow my front end got all f..... up on my cabinet and nothing works.correctly.
Forgot how cool that video was.
Hope your health is stable and cant wait to play.
Took a rest on pinball for a while. Its more a winter thing, plus somehow my front end got all f..... up on my cabinet and nothing works.correctly.

Still waiting for heart surgery. Hooping soon.

I have the "Halloween BBM" and "F-14 Tomcat - Afterburner" updates to finish for PinEvent V2, then back to Silent Hill. Halloween is basically done already though.
Wish I had a full size cab to enjoy the pin event
It's been a very hard year 1.5 years for me (since having my stroke and other things)... but working on (many) table updates and learning so much, creating PinEvent V2, and learning how to use JLou's awesome FizX to change FP physics for the better, has kept me busy while waiting for heart surgery. Well that date is coming very soon.... and the last of the PinEvent V2 updates are finally done!

So, I'm here to say... I'm taking a break...

...from working on anything else....

...except for THIS table... for a long time.... until (hopefully) it's done!

I am SO excited to return to the fog and otherworld of Silent Hill!

God Speed TRed. I had not seen anything prior to this with respect to your health issue. I hope your health continues to improve and your quality of live continues to improve. You tables are Amazing!
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I'm sure everything will go very well for you. Take care. Let us know of your progresse, when you can. Lots of positive thoughts in your direction.
best wishes. you do so much to make these tables way cool.
loving the fizx and the 8k ball and updates, they have come a long long way since i joined 2 years ago. thank you for all your hard work and support to make fp and everything else awesome. hope your surgery goes well , as it will, and you make a fast and uncomplicated recovery. cant wait to play silent hill.!
c'est un travail de malade houlala , une table de flipper avec une histoire de fou , j'adore ça vivement joué a ça
top pour l'équipe .:appl: :grêle::grêle::danse des fruits:

et surtout que tous ce passe bien pour toi, a bientôt
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Silent Hill (PinEvent V2) for Future Pinball - BAM


Many people know I was working on my Silent Hill table a long ways back. I had to take a long break due to having a stroke / heart surgery, etc. I've returned to working on it... completely redoing most of the table, and adding many cool new features (that I can't show yet).

Well... I finally decided to take the time to learn how to recreate the table in Blender, with the hopes to do some form of texture pre-baking. This is similar to what some newer VP table creators do to create their pre-baked lighting... only in this case FP does most of it's lighting dynamically.... so I want to try to use this for baking in global shadows combined with FP's dynamic lighting, etc.

This game is different than other pinball games, in that it is literally multiple pinball tables in one game. It changes up the playfield / layout as you progress through the game (and changes from foggy world to nightmare Otherworld, etc).

So doing this in Blender makes creating the different playfields and adding / creating the 100s of models I use... a much easier task. (3d editors are so damn nice) I've only got the one main layout done in Blender, but I have at least 8 playfield layouts so far in the game, and more coming. In Blender, there are no inserts or playfield / plastics art yet, as that comes later (it all needs to be redone for each layout).

That said.... dang.... I have to say... I think this is not bad considering this is my first time trying this. There will be much more to the final game than what you see here.

Here's a few test renders in Blender.

(note: these are NOT in-game screenshots!)

Silent Hill - Render Test - GI On - Sun On.png

Silent Hill - Render Test - Dome Flasher On.png

Silent Hill - Render Test - Town Alt.png

Silent Hill - Render Test - Hospital.png

Silent Hill - Render Test - SpotLights.png
Silent Hill (PinEvent V2) for Future Pinball - BAM.
Update 2:

Yay... I got the 2nd playfield and layout for Silent Hill added to Blender. The upper part of the playfield is completely different than the earlier levels, with different wireramps, town buildings, etc.

There are a couple of magnets that can be activated, and you need one of them to make the right ramp shot. You get to the left ramp through the right orbit, but it takes 3 shots to knock down blockers that are hidden in the top which drop you down through the right left lanes of the upper loop. Inserts are already on the real game, but art comes later... once I figure out how exactly I'm going to try to use any baking.

More to come....

SH - Layout 2.png

SH - Layout 2 - Right.png

SH - Layout 2 - Left.png

SH - Layout 2 - Top.png
@TerryRed The blender screenshots look fantastic you have great skill I have question how did you import game into blender ? did you import each and every model separate or is there an import addon I don't know about. I also wanted to add (Not sure if you are aware of this or not) but Blender is also a game engine I just have not had time to learn the basics of it. Blender Game Engine On a side note the blender game engine is also little buggy so save multiple files incase it crashes or does something unexpected.
@TerryRed The blender screenshots look fantastic you have great skill I have question how did you import game into blender ? did you import each and every model separate or is there an import addon I don't know about. I also wanted to add (Not sure if you are aware of this or not) but Blender is also a game engine I just have not had time to learn the basics of it. Blender Game Engine On a side note the blender game engine is also little buggy so save multiple files incase it crashes or does something unexpected.

You need to use an older FP Import plug-in for Blender, and an older Milkshape plug-in for Blender. These will only work with an older version of Blender (2.79). The old page from PinSimDB that explained it is no longer around, but you can try this page and links to see if you can find those same files / tutorials on how to set it up.

Let me know if this has it. i see the io_scene_ms3d plugin in the plugin folder


    110.2 MB · Views: 6
a link to Blender WITH working milkshake3d and future pinball addons
took me a minute but got them working, i couldnt import a fpt file but the models worked.

Nice. For anyone who is new to Blender, you will need to goto User Preferences and then Addons, then enable "Import : FPx format". Then Save User Settings. Then you can import the table. Be patient as it takes a long time to import (it will seem like nothing is happening).

After you have imported your table, etc.... I'd recommend saving it as a *.blend file. Then close this older Blender and use the newest Blender to open the *.blend to do whatever you wanted to do.

Beyond that.... it's better to ask Blender stuff in a dedicated topic, so others can chime in there.

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After you enable the plug-in, yes. Most Blender plug-ins require that to be enabled manually. Then you get a new Import option after you save settings.
I know that, otherwise I would not have said it was working. I probably didnt wait long enough for the table to import
I know that, otherwise I would not have said it was working. I probably didnt wait long enough for the table to import
Yees, it does work indeed!, it takes a LONG time to import a table. You will get blender (not responding) just keep waiting.
So I did good, the future pinball and Milkshak plugins both work.
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