Silent Hill (PinEvent V2) for Future Pinball - BAM
Many people know I was working on my Silent Hill table a long ways back. I had to take a long break due to having a stroke / heart surgery, etc. I've returned to working on it... completely redoing most of the table, and adding many cool new features (that I can't show yet).
Well... I finally decided to take the time to learn how to recreate the table in Blender, with the hopes to do some form of texture pre-baking. This is similar to what some newer VP table creators do to create their pre-baked lighting... only in this case FP does most of it's lighting dynamically.... so I want to try to use this for baking in global shadows combined with FP's dynamic lighting, etc.
This game is different than other pinball games, in that it is literally multiple pinball tables in one game. It changes up the playfield / layout as you progress through the game (and changes from foggy world to nightmare Otherworld, etc).
So doing this in Blender makes creating the different playfields and adding / creating the 100s of models I use... a much easier task. (3d editors are so damn nice) I've only got the one main layout done in Blender, but I have at least 8 playfield layouts so far in the game, and more coming. In Blender, there are no inserts or playfield / plastics art yet, as that comes later (it all needs to be redone for each layout).
That said.... dang.... I have to say... I think this is not bad considering this is my first time trying this. There will be much more to the final game than what you see here.
Here's a few test renders in Blender.
(note: these are NOT in-game screenshots!)