How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

Thanks for the suggestion Shooby Doo, found arr copy and series queued.
since we've basely devolved unto TV in this topic, is anyone else excited about FARGO? like, from the coen brothers!


two episodes are online... out of ten total, i think.

in another forum, we are debating the artistic license involved in the characters talking the way they do. is it the accent from the coen's childhood? is it a canadian newfoundland accent? the debate rages!

dr watson from sherlock / young bilbo from LoTR is one of the main characters.
whoa... nine thumbs up! oO

lego movie looks hilarious from trailers and stuff. godzilla also sounds like a surprisingly decent film... shot from the man in the street's POV so to speak.
Not that this matters, but the AMC cable channel site is offering a handful of full episodes. The free offerings are labeled as "No Log in Required". Everything else requires a subscription to a cable tv provider.

There are a couple of "The Walking Dead" episodes available here:
speaking of spearchucker...
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time to build a lego table I see
Word about, Ramar?
YouTube says "This video is Private".

"Chicago" and "Shaolin Soccer" are online, though they may not be available in other countries:
shaolin soccer is pretty hilarious. meanwhile i thought "kung fu shuffle" was slightly disappointing based on how great the premise was.

i got about halfway through the lego movie and thought it was pretty clever. most people should dig. also watched the simpsons lego episode on that note... about the same... clever, not brilliant... most people should enjoy.

still trying to get through M*A*S*H. great series, but hard to reel off more than 2-3 eps at a time. almost done with season five.

pawn stars is getting more and more sketchy and formulaic all the time. if only the antiques roadshow people were a little more amusing.

trying to catch up with sylvain chomet, who did the brilliant "triplets of bellville" animated movie. but in general, so many great french flicks to catch up with... bah.
Well, it pays to live in a city with a good library system.
I have a library card for Los Angeles and I've spent half the day looking at the available e-media, particularly online movies that I can "borrow" at no cost, same as checking out a book.

This is the page for the Los Angeles system, and if you have a card with a number and, depending on your local rules, a PIN, you might want to find your local library's online page, if available, and see if they offer any of these partners. Pay particular attention to Hoopla and OverDrive.
They have quite a few surprising titles, including "Bruno" (huh!?), E.T., George A. Romero's Survival of the Dead", the original "The Evil Dead", and "The Men Who Stare at Goats (Hoopla), and "Django Unchained" (OverDrive).

That last one knocks me out. I've wanted to see it since new, never got around to it, never realized that Django Unchained is a Spaghetti Western-style, by Quentin Tarantino (knew he did it though). Great styling, right down to music by the original Ennio Morriconi!

And if your local library doesn't offer these, then ask them Why the Hell Don't They...
that library one is a good idea, yea. i think i remember the names of those services from something or other. cleveland has a fine library system, and i even play TT at the community center right next to a big branch.

i didn't realised django unchained was as you said. i think i was confusing it with "seven years a slave" or something.
Django is a mix of "Sergio Leone", "The Great Northfield Minnesota Raid", "Brother From Another Planet", and Mr. Tarantino. Django becomes a free man in short order.
chevy chase with pryor Good Link
A B C Movie Of The Week ?

Thanks for helping some old memories kick back in. There where some decent made for TV movies back then. The deliciously bad "When Michael Calls" haunted our young thoughts{'Help Me Auntie My Helen'}. I still like "Duel" with that faceless truck driver chasing Dennis Weaver's 1970 Mopar all over the desert South West.<a href="<iframe width=" 420"="" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="">">">">"><a href="<iframe width=" 420"="" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>
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PN's Page eDITOR Made Me Do It......

Let's see what happens this time.Thanks for helping some old memories kick back in. There where some decent made for TV movies back then. The deliciously bad "When Michael Calls" haunted our young thoughts{'Help Me Auntie My Helen'}. I still like "Duel" with that faceless truck driver chasing Dennis Weaver's 1970 Mopar all over the desert South West.
<a href="<iframe width=" 420"="" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="">"><a href="<object width=" 420"="" height="315">

<embed src="//" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="315" width="420">"><iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>
I've been thinking that Spielberg should remake "Duel" with Tom Cruise as an ISP surveyor scouting out the dead zones, hopelessly dependent on The Internet for his information and contacts, and the faceless trucker P.O.'d over GPS tracking on truckers 24/7 as his last stand, as a former King of the Road.
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Jeez 'Sleepy' you are a wellspring of ideas. Me and my truck driving buddy would pay actual money(BitCoin?) to see "DUEL 2020" at a theater near you soon. Staring Tom Cruise and Woody Harrelson. Because it crosses state lines it needs a psychotic FBI or DOT/TSA agent with a Napoleon complex that is afraid to drive....
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Yo, that one sounds like the current project, C_S.
So...maybe "Duel" is balled up in several copyrights?
Oh well...
What the Hell?

EDIT: Alright now.
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