How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

Got... Through A Scanner Darkly

I guess you need some kind of special effects aplenty to bring that to the screen. Left me creeped, paranoided and do I or Don't I want to ever get loaded again? Wondering ... Can this story/movie be understood? Do I have to read the book? I am compelled to watch Scanner Darkly again. Repetition usually helps. Even Firesign Theatre albums make sense after you listen to them 40 or 50 times. Some good examples of these >"I Think We are All Bozos On This Bus" and My Favorite> "Every Thing You Know Is Wrong" Any way if the reader get gets it, I need a hint...:help:The title 'A Scanner Darkly':help: ... What's that mean to you?



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  • Firesign Theatre - 02 -Every Thing You Know Is Wrong.mp3
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I find out all kinds of new info here :)

Scarfarce is OK, but I prefer Carlito's Way. De Palma's newest film "Passion" was pretty good. It didn't take itself too seriously and felt like De Palma was really in his groove working on that.

I'm not sure that Carlito's Way holds up that well today. I watched it a few years ago and... I don't know. I think, at the time it came out, I was just so relieved that Brian and Al didn't make it into a Scarface 2 kinda thing that I probably liked it more than it deserved. Or i could just be overlooking the most important thing... Penelope Ann Miller's breasts look as good now as they did 20 years ago!
blame ralph bakshi. linklater first did a digital version with "waking life"... then it seems to me that various commercials (and yes, GTA) jumped on that wagon.

i think it's a nice wagon, tho!

@coil smoke,
thanks, mate! just started listening... sounds like kind of an ernie kovacs successor roughly 60's-style. or maybe a much hipper, wilder version of the skits from "a prairiedog home companion." anyway, that's great scripting and great voice-acting IMO... although for a limited audience, to be sure. :/

anyway, PKD is in fact my favorite author, but i've always skipped reading 'scanner' because it sounded too dang depressing. either way, IIRC it was allegory (or whatever) for a bunch of his friends who either died or became brain-damaged by... heroin use, i think?

if so, check this out: btw mate, are you farsighted by chance? every time you hit CTRL-+ on the keyboard, it will blow up the text a bit larger.

@shooby dooby do, where are you?
as a fellow dickhead :), may i ask what are your favorite books and movies? myself--

bladerunner and total recall (duh)
and yes... a scanner darkly

note: i haven't yet seen confessions of a crap artist, impostor, next (nicolas cage, ugh), radio free albemuth, and adjustment bureau. (so in other words, i've only seen 7/12 films. hum... better get hopping!)

dr. bloodmoney, or how we got along after the bomb (did a certain film later borrow the title??)
man in the high castle
time out of joint
martian time-slip
counter-clock world
a maze of death
our friends from frolix 8
A Scanner Darkly = a human of sight and of vision, shining brightly,
then blowing it all sky darkness.
@shooby dooby do, where are you?
as a fellow dickhead :), may i ask what are your favorite books and movies? myself--

bladerunner and total recall (duh)
and yes... a scanner darkly

note: i haven't yet seen confessions of a crap artist, impostor, next (nicolas cage, ugh), radio free albemuth, and adjustment bureau. (so in other words, i've only seen 7/12 films. hum... better get hopping!)

dr. bloodmoney, or how we got along after the bomb (did a certain film later borrow the title??)
man in the high castle
time out of joint
martian time-slip
counter-clock world
a maze of death
our friends from frolix 8
I'm a huge Total Recall fan. Yes, it's a bit cheesy, which is also what makes it good fun. Bladerunner is good too... I hear Ridley Scott is planning a sequel including Harrison Ford, but I'm not too sure how that would work out.

The PKD books that stick in my mind are "Ubik", "Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said", "The Penultimate Truth", "A Scanner Darkly" (yes, it's depressing, but classic PKD - basically an undercover cops who does drugs to fit in with the addicts he's watching and slowly loses his identity as to whether he's a cop or an addict), the "Valis" trilogy is OK but insane. I almost said "A Door to Summer" but that's Heinlein. There are others I know I read but can't think of at the moment. I went through about 12-15 PKD books in a row at one point.
I'm not sure that Carlito's Way holds up that well today. I watched it a few years ago and... I don't know. I think, at the time it came out, I was just so relieved that Brian and Al didn't make it into a Scarface 2 kinda thing that I probably liked it more than it deserved. Or i could just be overlooking the most important thing... Penelope Ann Miller's breasts look as good now as they did 20 years ago!

Yeah, it is definitely dated... I always cringe during the sex scene as it starts playing "Yooouu arrre sooooo beautifuuuuul, to me". Though Scarface is hugely popular and didn't age very well either. I like Pacino's character in Carlito and the pacing (even though it's long) and his narration. It works well. De Palma knows how to shoot beautiful women better than most directors
I'm really bummed out by the movies. For many years now, I have had low tolerance for things the locals might pull on you or me in real life because they are bored with themselves and can afford it. And then I get to watch the same crap in a movie, passed off as a bogus 'cautionary tale' when they damn well wish for it against normal good people.

One of them decided to inflict a car accident on me the other day. I've been subjected to their peculiar sense of fair justice because of what they did, and of course, they manage to make it my fault for their stunt, which is leverage to them. Control freaks for business they are, because they do not own the legal rights to what they are attempting to control.
I do.
And that they want The Future without allowing transfer of ownership for the past. Dreamers they are.

Last night I watched "Christine". Not bad on the face of it, and quite good if you read between the lines.
Jeese 'Sleepy', Sorry to hear you had that run in. I guess there's more than two sides to every ones idea of fault. That is what makes that Steve King story real appropriate right about now*. It's the cars fault, mostly ... I do like that movie, a lot. What appeals is it's not a-bunch-a compu-crap. That was John Carpenter, wasn't it. He made that film with brute hydrolic force. Heavy chains and come-a-longs. Also that book is a great read. Every guy that went to high school in the 50's 60's seventy's should read 'Christine' Though it is fairly long novel I could not put it down. those 350 some pages flew by in like 3 days and the morning of day 3 I went to the opening premier matinee. The book will take you right back to those high school years . The good and rough times too. Are you thinking the "accident" was deliberate? Like the kid in that movie don't lets those hybrid snobs yank ya' about.
sorry to hear that, sleepy.

and pardon my ridiculosity, but does this mean you'll be taking the bus?

Uhh...yeah. Deliberate. I also suspect Disney money in the Progressive Flo.
It also didn't help matters that they managed to slip me a ragweed mickey just prior to 'the accident'.

I looked right. It was clear. I looked left. Waited for a car to pass.
As it passed, I started to accelerate for a left turn and turned my head at the very same time, and his truck was midpoint in front of my eyes cutting across my front left fender, making his sharp left turn at the driveway instead of from the traffic center lane for a left turn. I hit the brakes and came within an inch of stopping, but he turned in sharp right there, and I believe he actually turned in to my bumper.
The paint is rubbed on the front, the main contact point at the 45 degree corner with a wide rub, and scratches on the side fender. He shouted, "Watch where you're going. Can't you see?". And within a second after the very mild impact, he backed up and pulled into the driveway, running over my bumper and causing the main dent over top of the one from the actual accident. He did not have to back up or drive around me to enter the driveway. It was the shopping center's main driveway, designed for tractor trailers. It is large, and the impact was on my side of the driveway.
He drove nearly 15 M.P.H. through the parking lot, over speed bumps, about 75 feet away from the accident. I thought for a moment that he was fleeing.
He then pulled in near the Chase Bank. I did a U-Turn and pulled in nearby.
He was sitting there behind the wheel smoking a cigarette and thinking.

I asked if he had insurance. He asked me. "Yes". He stepped out of his truck, mind you, how much higher a truck step is.

I was uninjured. He was walking around. He had a camera smartphone, but forgot to take a pic before driving 75 ft. away in a hurry from the main driveway where it occurred. I wrote down a description of his dent, at the time thinking it was my fault for pulling out, but I had stopped within the pullout zone (the parking lane near the curb). I had him sign it. At first he scribbled an unintelligible scrawl. I said I can't read it. You need to sign this again. So he did, this time legibly so.

He Then decided to take pictures of his damages. He reached for the pocket of his smartphone. It wasn't there. He reached for a second pocket. It wasn't there.
He fumbled around and then seemed to remember where he stuck it, but pulling it out, he looked ackward as if he was trying to look as if he had no trouble finding it after all.

I went home and reported to my insurance that same day. He didn't call.
I talked again the next day. By this time he had called my company from work, but filed no report. Two weeks later my agent informed me that he had acquired an attorney, claiming "back problems". I told her that he was walking around. She said that soft tissue injury can take several days to show up. I asked if he had sent her the cameraphone pics. She said that that was his private property. That he had not.

Later, my company determined it was my fault because my agent claims that I said "I didn't see him". I had repeatedly asked my agent why he didn't see me.
"My agents" insist that he had the right-of-way for pulling in from a street.
I pointed out that a center lane left turn and a driveway to left turn neither have the right-of-way in California; that both drivers are required to execute the turn only when it is safe. However, it is clear to me that he just tore up the street, slashing behind the traffic that I had to wait for, and probably never slowed down until the driveway (on my side). Yes, I had pulled out, but I stopped. My rear wheels were still on the driveway ramp after stopping.

I had pictures of my scratches, and my agent sent me the ones that the agent took of his dent (double-dent when he pulled in). I can tell from the pics what happened.

Now the game is to wait because his attorney is holding on to whatever medical bills that he decides to run up, plus whatever for "lost wages". My company is fighting that part... ...whatever. But they settled $800 for a $350 rear quarter panel, likely to appease the lawyer and bogus bills. Trust me. He creased around my standing bumper. Twice. I felt zero repercussion on impact. I wasn't moving.
And he rocked as he turned against my bumper and stopped, at about the force of a speed bump in a truck. His speedy drive through the parking lot afterwards was harsher.

And oh yeah. I went to the store the other night. He lives in the area near the store.
I didn't see him, but when I came out of the store, my right side corner lamp had been torn out by somebody. It was good before I went in to the store.
Somebody popped it with their hands.
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What kind of a bus stop is that? Are those supposed to be bus benches, or high art?
Who's paying for the art? Does it affect the fares that they charge?
I was iffy on that Arkham movie...

Yeah it was worth a watch, though then again more on the iffy side, some moments there, though it could have been so much more...

I'd give it 3 jokers out of 5..

Now Divergent, I rate 8 hopes out of 10, nice post apocalyptic si fi thriller, well acted throughout.
A Million Ways to Die in the West...

Perhaps the best western comedy ever, right up there with the classic Blazing Saddles though a rather different story, still funny as fuck though...feel good flick!

mmm, kind of gets canned by the critics, still what the hey I liked it.

I give it 5 stars, 2 sheep, a horse, a moustache and a rattler! :D
Last night I watched this movie "Frank":

It looked kind of like a light quirky film, I'm always looking for originality, so I figured I'd give it a go.

It's about a young struggling musician who joins a band of eccentrics who's led by "Frank", who wears a big fake head 24/7. They go to a remote area in Ireland to record an album... basically the protagonist is stuck in a cabin with a bunch of weirdos for months on end.

Can't really say too much more without giving things away, but it was well worth the watch. I thought it was a very original script with an amazing ending. Probably one of the more memorable films I've watched this year.

A Million Ways to Die in the West...

Perhaps the best western comedy ever, right up there with the classic Blazing Saddles though a rather different story, still funny as fuck though...feel good flick!

mmm, kind of gets canned by the critics, still what the hey I liked it.

I give it 5 stars, 2 sheep, a horse, a moustache and a rattler! :grin:

Yeah, that was funny as hell. I saw it in the theater and will be watching it again this weekend.
nice little story riff on buckethead, the residents, daft punk, deadmaus...?
Something To Look Forward To...

A Million Ways to Die in the West DVD release date announced for October 7, 2014. :appl:
just watched "vertigo" ( 1958 ) for the first time in ages. i saw a lot of hitch's films when i was a teenager and was wondering how this one would hold up after such a long time.

i found it pretty much as mesmerising as ever altho had to break a couple times due to the length. most movies i tend to analyse, but this one felt like something beyond my skill and experience. i mean, the themes and psychology run pretty deep, and i'll never have a really accurate idea of what things were like and what the 'rules' of film-making were in those days.

couple things i found interesting:

- this film has overtaken "citizen kane" as greatest ever according to many lists and sources.

- the film was a critical and financial disappointment at the time, angering hitchie and leading him (and many others) to blame james stewart for seeming 'too old' to audiences. they never worked together again. i personally had no problem with he, kim novak and their screen chemistry.

- the opening scene in which stewart is left with his head spinning and hanging for dear life on a weakening drain pipe gives serious rise to the theory that the rest of the film is an extended vision as he lays dying on the sidewalk many floors below. hitchcock could be a little sloppy with his plot holes, and apparently did not have this idea in mind, but i find it a very reasonable and compelling theory.

the gal i'm dating now likes hitch's films, so i have a feeling we'll be watching more in the near-future. i think i'd rather hit up some classic film noir, but we'll see how it goes...
Aw no. Jimmy didn't die. He was a victim of his own self-doubt and suspicion of inadequacy,
and so was she. Twice. Remember, Hitchcock's next film was EDIT: Not Psycho. It was "North by Northwest" in 1959. It was followed by "Psycho" in 1960. The book by Robert Bloch was published in 1959. Duh. End of EDIT.

I don't know. I never met him.
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It's probably been 10 years since I last watched Vertigo, but I do know it's my favorite Hitchcock next to Rear Window, which is just amazing to watch when you know how they did it.

This is a cool little montage:

...and i'll never have a really accurate idea of what things were like and what the 'rules' of film-making were in those days.

Didn't Hitchcock create a lot of the 'rules'? I've seen a ton of director commentaries and they quite often reference him and Orson Wells as the inventor of a huge number of modern film making techniques.

Unrelated, but this cracks me up. Stop giving him more wine!

Aw no. Jimmy didn't die.....
yes, you're probably right:

merely a case of a space-time rift opening right below him 10 seconds later when his fingers gave out. OR the great gazoo was passing by and saved another dumdum human from folly. just that the studio had to cut out that part since 50's audiences wouldn't have understood.


...Didn't Hitchcock create a lot of the 'rules'? I've seen a ton of director commentaries and they quite often reference him and Orson Wells as the inventor of a huge number of modern film making techniques. ...
that's my understanding as well. just that i haven't seen enough earlier-era films to understand the nuances of all those advances... and i don't like aping what the experts say they were. i gots to own it, man!

for example, in terms of a set of transitions-- much easier for me to understand how and when the star wars franchise turned to horseshit since i saw it from the very beginning and could note all the changes firsthand.
Rules, yeah. The "shower scene" in "Psycho" with the multiple angles and edits, like the stabs of the knife, was not initially planned. And the long pull-back shot from "Frenzy" was enabled by the use of the Steadicam mount. This was a counter-weighted mount that stabilized the camera when moving the shot. Certainly a device that is near and dear to my heart. The other possible solution at that time would have been a gyroscopic mount, but Steadicam used a counter-weight instead.
In the years since, electronic stabilization and computer controlled electromechanical mounts and servos have pretty much displaced the use of Steadicam.
And with the modern lightweight digital cameras and computer controls, some of that will be taken over by helicopter drone mounts.

The last time I saw them, Steadicam was shacking up on San Fernando Rd. in Burbank several years ago. But they disappeared shortly thereafter.

EDIT: Well, that is interesting. Steadicam moved elsewhere, but they claim 1975-76 as the year of introduction. I was talking about it in 1965-66.
I still believe it found use years before '75. It is a closed shop device.

All I know is, when I worked the Summer of '71 at the service station where my old man pretended to work, at the age of 17 up in Eagle Rock "on the other side of the tracks", I was once encouraged to quit smoking by George Kennedy, and was flirted with by Dianne Baker without provocation. I guess she felt I needed it.
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finally got around to watching first ep of the cosmos series reboot. quick review:

pretty basic information... i hope this introductory phase is quickly concluded.

feels a bit overproduced. that voyage through the cosmos on a flying saucer schtick dips pretty close to awkward.

tyson's trying so hard he's starting to sound like levar burton on reading rainbow.

i like the sagan reverence. not sure it's strictly necessary, but cool to see.
been finishing up season six of futurama.
surprisingly, i'd say it's been better than the first half (aired separately), which was certainly better than the straight-to-video movies that they later reconstituted as season five.

if season seven maintains the same quality as that and "simpsorama" i know of no reason why a network / channel would not order more. then again, there's a lot of things i don't know. woop-woop!

btw, assuming someone reading doesn't know this, there is a special episode made that was only shared via the video game or owning one of the movie DVD's. the animation is different, sort of roto-scope meets ligne clair (tintin style artwork). but it is indeed on youtube:

futurama, the lost adventure


btw, i did happen to watch most of the tintin movie by spielberg not too long ago. it felt very much like his indiana jones films. which is certainly not a bad thing IMO. not exactly the original georges remi feel, but high quality that i think modern audiences should like.
just watched the first ep of the odd couple reboot on CBS' website.


wow that formula has not aged too well. or at least, not when it sticks so closely to the original. jack klugman was also worlds better than matthew perry at the slob role.

i think part of the problem is that when you have shows like frasier that have articulated (and developed) the felix unger role so deliciously, you have a hell of a model to top. the guy in this reboot does better at that role than perry does in his, but it's not nearly enough.

i actually tuned in to see dave foley (kids in the hall, newsradio), likely the most mega-talented of the bunch. well, shoot... he was completely wasted... just picking up paychecks i guess. :(
Not that Dave Foley? Was it?

You mean there was an Odd Couple reboot? Again? There was one in the 80's, I think.
Not that Dave Foley? Was it?

You mean there was an Odd Couple reboot? Again? There was one in the 80's, I think.
kids in the hall was something like the canadian version of monty python. it is a much beloved show and they still perform every once in a while.

newsradio was a show about a bunch of crazy characters who staffed a... news radio station in NYC. foley starred and it had a great ensemble cast at the peak of their powers. unfortunately when phil hartman's wife shot and killed him, it was the beginning of the end.
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