How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

damn cool visual design, there. i have little to zero interest in the transformers, but i'll try a clip of that one.
It has nothing to do with Transformers , I was merely making a statement about how cutting edge it is as far CGI is concerned...
i understood that and was extrapolating a small pt in complimentary fashion.
Got to admit it exceeded my expectations, 9 stars and no stripes!
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Just watched that one, Steve. The best superhero movie I've seen since the Avengers, and probably the closest the Marvel Universe will come to making a Dark Knight Nolan-esque film. It makes Spiderman 2 look like a play put on by second-graders (BTW, Spiderman 2 is fucking awful).
Well I haven't seen Spiderman 2 yet and whats with that, have there not been 3 spiderman movies already, should this not be Spiderman Fore!

Oh and I just queued The Sherman and Peabody movie. :)
Actually, this should be Spiderman 5! They rebooted it a couple years ago. It's horrible and has no reason to exist. It makes me say things I used to find appalling, like "Spiderman 3 was better than this!" or "I miss James Franco!" Hope you get through more of the Sherman and Peabody movie than I did! Ready for an adventure about how hard it is for the dog to send his pet boy off to school? That's when I hit stop. Not everything has to be made into a movie, isn't that right Rocky & Bullwinkle and Dudley Doright?
Aw shit. Dudley Doright was my graduating class mascot.
Some fool printed him and Nell on the graduation program.
Class of '72. Aw shit.

We had "School's Out" for our shit man.
This is the Google Maps for the filming location for M*A*S*H*.
It is not very cooperative. Follow the blue road to the marker and Zoom there:

Using the above link, pan south to the shore a short distance away.
You might have to Zoom. When you see the peninsula for Malibu, Ca, Zoom further until you see the legend for "Point Dume State Beach".
Center the map and Zoom until you see the "Pirate's Cove" legend.
Then place the Little Man (street view) on the "Pirate's Cove" legend so that the green circle beneath him lands precisely on the "Pirate's".

This was a clothing-optional beach until it was outlawed in 1980.

Using the keyboard arrows and watching the compass in the upper left corner (you may have to click on the map first), look South 6 O'Clock. You might recognize a rock formation there, though it is long withered. Now swing around to 10 O'Clock.
You might find your Destiny here, though a significant landmark is missing from the map. You can find that Lady elsewhere.
Actually, this should be Spiderman 5! They rebooted it a couple years ago. It's horrible and has no reason to exist. It makes me say things I used to find appalling, like "Spiderman 3 was better than this!" or "I miss James Franco!" Hope you get through more of the Sherman and Peabody movie than I did! Ready for an adventure about how hard it is for the dog to send his pet boy off to school? That's when I hit stop. Not everything has to be made into a movie, isn't that right Rocky & Bullwinkle and Dudley Doright?
what really sucks is that all three of those were superb cartoons back in the day. dudley in particular was the most loonily timeless of the three IMO.

I think everyone our age liked the Dudley cartoons the best. It was the equivalent of sitting through the Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner hour to get to that Roadrunner gold!
Well I got through Peabody, though yes it was a watered down production for 3 to 6 year olds and seriously lacking in the educational values and humour of the original series..ho hum..
"boyhood" by richard linklater sounds f'n amazing. took ~12 years to film because they wanted to follow the same actor growing from childhood in to a young man. but more than that, it just sounds like a great, fascinating film.

meanwhile, on that marvel film front, "guardians of the galaxy" actually sounds pretty good. i might not have to bail on that one, hopefully earning a little medal from steve. :)
I'll definitely catch Boyhood, but with reservations. Linklater's either really good (Dazed and Confused) or really bad (Bad News Bears remake).
OTOH, I can already give thumbs-up to Guardians without even seeing it, since director James Gunn already did one of the best superhero movies of modern times with Super ( ). This regular guy becomes a superhero flick had the misfortune of coming out at the same time Kick-Ass did, and got lost in the shuffle, despite the fact that it's a superior movie. Weird, violent, funny as hell, depressing as fuck... everything you want in a super-hero movie! I think it's available on Netflix.

@Steve: I was iffy on that Arkham movie... DC animated movies are much like Linklater films... really good or who cares? Let me know which side of the scarred coin this one falls on! BTW, it seems like we're stealing our movies from the same place!
reservations might be needed in some theatres. (duh-hyuk!)

but i mean, strange how linklater wasn't able to do much with a bad news bears remake. sounds like such fertile ground, no...?

instead we have such lebowski-inspired tripe as this:

(for limited bonus pts: identify the four actors!)
Owen Wilson is the guy on the couch (can't hide that nose ever!)
the others I don't recognize at all
but as to the subject matter..huh?
Owen Wilson is the guy on the couch (can't hide that nose ever!)
the others I don't recognize at all
but as to the subject matter..huh?

That's Woody Harrelson, Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr, and Winona Ryder... no Owen Wilson though. I really like "A Scanner Darkly" and thought it did the book pretty well, though I'm a big Phillip K. Dick fan.

Anyone ever seen Linklater's movie "Suburbia"? It's one of those low budget 90's independent films that depends on heavy dialog. I think I read somewhere that the same actors even performed it on stage. I enjoy it... it really encapsulates the suburbs for late teens in the 90's. I was 18 when it came out and it always stuck with me. It was never released on DVD and the digital copy I have is copied from a VHS.

I watched "Appleseed Alpha" last night and was kind of disappointed by it. I love the 2004 "Appleseed" and have it on DVD. I'd like to see the 1988 version.
Anyone ever seen Linklater's movie "Suburbia"? It's one of those low budget 90's independent films that depends on heavy dialog. I think I read somewhere that the same actors even performed it on stage. I enjoy it... it really encapsulates the suburbs for late teens in the 90's. I was 18 when it came out and it always stuck with me. It was never released on DVD and the digital copy I have is copied from a VHS.

Hey, Shooby, you know who Eric Bogosian is? He's been in a bunch of stuff... he played the captain on Law and Order Criminal Intent for years. Anyways, that movie's based on a play he wrote. He's written a lot of interesting stuff over the years. If you like Suburbia, I highly recommend Talk Radio, Bogosian's first time on film, directed by Oliver Stone and also based on one of his plays. It's pretty decently mind blowing.

@nic: Jesus, Scanner now has the same animation style of a GTA game! Crazy!
Talk Radio...ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha......

...and shit...

Well. I'm burned out now.
You know, never could get on the Scarface bandwagon... and not for lack of trying!
Hey, Shooby, you know who Eric Bogosian is? He's been in a bunch of stuff... he played the captain on Law and Order Criminal Intent for years. Anyways, that movie's based on a play he wrote. He's written a lot of interesting stuff over the years. If you like Suburbia, I highly recommend Talk Radio, Bogosian's first time on film, directed by Oliver Stone and also based on one of his plays. It's pretty decently mind blowing.

@nic: Jesus, Scanner now has the same animation style of a GTA game! Crazy!

I find out all kinds of new info here :)

I've seen Talk Radio and really enjoyed it. It's been a while I should re-watch it.

Scarfarce is OK, but I prefer Carlito's Way. De Palma's newest film "Passion" was pretty good. It didn't take itself too seriously and felt like De Palma was really in his groove working on that.
and now a brief pause for puppies

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