How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

Just watched "The Man Who Saved Pinball" and well you have to see it if you didn't yet. I liked the way it presented itself history-wise from start to finish. It is funny, and informative without being boring, it's a documentary and a movie and I don't know how they pulled this one off so well but it works for me.

I saw it in 4k HDR so the lighting and the tone changes are perfect for both today's (documentary parts) and epoch (movie parts) scenes.

But on top of this, do try to use the best speakers you can because the sounds when pinball machines are on the shot (and even when they're not) are... all there. Listen carefully.

Recommended for the whole family, not just pinball fans because gaming history is still history too... just more fun to learn :)
Got to agree, The Man Who Saved Pinball is a great watch.

Just watched Linoleum and well worth a watch, can't do spoilers, though the ending is fantastic!

They say space is expanding, and recently noticed that everything is moving faster and faster away from us.
This is a very low quality bait that astronomists use to wring our money from politicians. I would have no problem with it if
1. they would put that money to good use... I mean all of it... for example the part with which they buy food; I was affiliated for a period with a sub-agency of the European Space Agency and I must say am thoroughly dissapointed!
2. this kind of news didn't hurt digestion, arguably the cornerstone of human existence
Space is expanding for some (tens? hundreds?) billions of years and then contracts for some (tens? hundreds?) billions of years. It's like peristalsis, except it has no vulgar things like teeth and anus. Those were probably gifted to girls... and boys, if you had the misfortune to be born in Greece.

But to be on-topic, I have seen "Inside" which just came out, mainly a one-person-act starring Willem Dafoe. It was directed by a guy named Vassili Ketchup (... so I assume he is Greek). The premise is good, an art thief trapped in an apartment -- of an architect nonetheless! -- filled with art. The bad part is that the movie is so diluted it would be an 8/10 only if it was condensed into 20 minutes. Unfortunately it takes 5 times as much to go through it... 8 / 5 = 1.6 but I will be generous and round that up to 2/10.

Almost forgot, I also saw Tetris. It's not as good as Pinball / The Man Who Saved Pinball, mainly because the constant flip-flop between "hey this character is a caricature" and "hey this character is not a caricature" is so jarring. While I would give a similar score to both movies, Tetris I would not watch again. Pinball / The Man Who Saved Pinball I saw twice and is in my collection to see maybe in a couple of years (or to show to innocent victims who never heard of pinball).
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Hmm, spoiler tags are working for me:

So I see they are, if you watch the movie then, pray tell, how my praise could be considered worthy of such superficial tags?
So I see they are, if you watch the movie then, pray tell, how my praise could be considered worthy of such superficial tags?

I thought you said you couldn't do spoiler tags.
So I double-checked them in XF BBC and gave you a code example you could use if you wanted to share a spoiler.
Almost forgot, I also saw Tetris. It's not as good as Pinball / The Man Who Saved Pinball, mainly because the constant flip-flop between "hey this character is a caricature" and "hey this character is not a caricature" is so jarring.
While I would give a similar score to both movies, Tetris I would not watch again. Pinball / The Man Who Saved Pinball I saw twice and is in my collection to see maybe in a couple of years (or to show to innocent victims who never heard of pinball).
Ah, too bad.
I always thought the "Tetris" story was pretty fascinating. I even have a pretty good graphic novel about the licensing of it, which got kinda wild, frankly.

Meanwhile, I haven't actually watching "The Man Who Saved Pinball."
IIRC it's about Gary Stern, who definitely deserves a world of credit.

I guess my reluctance to watch it relates to the fact that Stern Pinball seems increasingly to be kind of a dodgy operation, more interested in finding ways to make money off its buyers than being the industry leader it was for a little while there.

Note: Not saying that's my direct experience, as I haven't owned pins in ages, but it's what some friends & colleagues are saying, plus of course a good chunk of the great Internet unwashed. :p
Here is a movie I watched when I was 10 years old. (Damn 41 years ago!)
Quest for Fire

Ron Perlman (Hellboy) is in this movie. (Damn how old is he?!)

This is quite possibly the first movie I ever saw that had nudity in it, and I was allowed to watch it.
Good movie for its time.
I tried watching Quest for Fire some years ago.
Ron Perlman's only good role was in Drive, in my opinion. Probably the only movie he plays it straight.
I tried watching Quest for Fire some years ago.
Ron Perlman's only good role was in Drive, in my opinion. Probably the only movie he plays it straight.
I liked him in Alien Resurrection (My brother loved the scene where he shoots that spider. He hated spiders! lol), and Pacific Rim where he shoves that knife in dudes nose lol.
Also liked him in Monster Hunter.
He has played in alot of sci-fi movies.
I remember channel surfing late at night and catching Mutant Chronicles on HBO. It was just Ron Perlman with a couple of soldiers, arguing while making their way through some bleak landscape. It's a nice b-movie memory. Thanks Ron!
Hey, that looks like a real nice film! (I wonder why I never saw it?)

I've added it to the top of my watch list. (Quest for Fire, that is)
Here is a movie I watched when I was 10 years old. (Damn 41 years ago!)
Quest for Fire

Ron Perlman (Hellboy) is in this movie. (Damn how old is he?!)

This is quite possibly the first movie I ever saw that had nudity in it, and I was allowed to watch it.
Good movie for its time.
One I lost a digital copy of a few months back :(
I also saw it at a young age. to be honest probably one of it's kind but perfectly depicts the image I had about the subject. I still think it is an awesome movie today.
Hey, that looks like a real nice film! (I wonder why I never saw it?)

I've added it to the top of my watch list. (Quest for Fire, that is)
One I lost a digital copy of a few months back :(
I also saw it at a young age. to be honest probably one of it's kind but perfectly depicts the image I had about the subject. I still think it is an awesome movie today.

This movie won a bunch of awards, and was great movie for its time.
I agree with @AnonTet
This movie is one of a kind, and I still think it is an awesome movie even today.
Honestly, I don't get this. That is, the following:

Stephen Fry & Hugh Laurie to me are a couple of the most talented comedic-dramatic actors in the history of the universe. And further-- I submit to you that Jeeves & Wooster is just... just *rich* with talent, hilarity, and hey-ho! As seen here:

Yet the sum of the parts are oddly... underwhelming.
WHY is that...?

I think a major part of that is maybe because the show-runners keep trying to shoe-horn multiple books in to each episode. For example, you know how even average sitcoms or "dramedies" make sure to time the plot-arc nicely to the end of the episode?

In Jeeves & Wooster, it's the damnest thing.
Like that basic guide is tossed right out the window, hey?

For example-- too many times, J&W wraps up the main plot, and then there's 10min left over to bumble around about this or that. Who DOES that..?
I'll confess I've only seen Sam in a couple things, as well as dancing various late-night hosts in to oblivion, but dude-- this scene with Drew Barrymore, from one of my favorite films, has me stone-cold laughing like a seriously disturbed person whenever I rewatch it:

I watched "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3" and liked it.
I went back and watched the rest of Jeeves & Wooster, and I realised that it made a lot more sense when watched consecutively from episode one. There's a lot of recurring characters, and if you missed their first appearances, then it's more confusing as a viewer. Also, since most episodes attempted to co-mingle plots from two books or short stories, I think it's best to enjoy the series as sort of an anthology that builds momentum as it goes.

So in short, I mostly disagree with my earlier remarks, and think it a fine series, sort of like a farcical version of Downton Abbey. Series four did lay it on a bit thick, though.

Also, finally started watching Quest for Fire. A have a couple quibbles so far (sapiens did not typically live in caves, and did not have huge brow-lines like Chuka from Land of the Lost), but overall it seems like a well-produced, interesting film.
This A.I. stuff reminds me of a great scifi movie called Moon.
It stars Sam Rockwell, the guy with 2 heads in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy movie.
Getting back to Hitchhikers Guide... lord a mighty!
I read the trilogy / quadrology in the early-to-mid 80's, and pretty much thought to myself-- and now have I found my modern Bible.

Hitchhikers was beyond hilarious & brilliant to me, and I figured I'd be re-reading it again for many years, as my 'new bible.'

The tale got a bit more twisty, afterwards, but those were the days, my friend. :D
King Arthur vs Lancelot, one of my favorite scenes of all time:

Merlin was my favorite character from Excalibur there was a Merlin series in 1998 that was good to watch. For me Excalibur was slow and boring in some parts, the Conan films had more action and even comedy where Conan throws the witch in the fire. A good "b" rated medieval movie is Deathstalker 2 I re-watched it and it has some good laughs.


Getting back to Hitchhikers Guide... lord a mighty!
I read the trilogy / quadrology in the early-to-mid 80's, and pretty much thought to myself-- and now have I found my modern Bible.

It says so on the back of every book "Volume x in the trilogy of five". I wonder how I know that :p

There's also a movie (2005) and a BBC TV Show that I have... But the books is where all the magic is and I recommended all.

I'm also sure that everyone knows at least a few quotes from this "trilogy" :D:

"So long and thanks for all the fish"
"42" <- Which is mathematical proven here :D
"Don't panic"

Recommended for all ages. Douglas Adams RULZ

PS: I also recommend Terry Pratchett but it is a different type of comedy that I understand might not be for everyone's taste.
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