BWAHAHAMachine Gun Girl anyone?
The Ghost is indeed great, though there are many anime that would be it's equal or better depending upon ones taste.
I find the anime TV series are better than most of the movies.
Here is my listing top to bottom.
I get a message that says the list is empty. Is there a way to fix it?
Glad you found it, I have the Android app on my phone which notifies me when my new episodes are aired, it also has a share option for links, contacts and such, strange it did not work, oh well just part of the imperfect world we navigate I guess...But I did find it here:
Glad you found it, I have the Android app on my phone which notifies me when my new episodes are aired, it also has a share option for links, contacts and such, strange it did not work, oh well just part of the imperfect world we navigate I guess...
Cowboy Bebop
"Ed Wood" is one of the greatest movies in human history, IMO.Just to jump into this conversation I have always enjoyed the movie Ed Wood the movie is about a film maker who makes awful movies that is based on real events of "plan 9 from outer space" Tim Burton always does a great score and the characters act goofy throughout the film. Some of my favorite parts are when Bella Lugosi has to fight a giant octopus or Depp walking around holding a plant. The movie is strange and funny at the same time. I don't know if anyone else mentioned the movie but I am not reading through 38 pages to find out.
How do I know ? The movie just reminds me of watching old movies late at night the 50's science fiction era that was way before my time. I just like the movie its a comedy so it makes me laugh and the characters are absurd but not in a bad way."Ed Wood" is one of the greatest movies in human history, IMO.
But, Spooky-- how do you know about "Ed Wood," eh..?
Did you have us silly American movies playing in your country, back in the day?How do I know ? The movie just reminds me of watching old movies late at night the 50's science fiction era that was way before my time. I just like the movie its a comedy so it makes me laugh and the characters are absurd but not in a bad way.
It's too bad you should watch Ed Wood if you get a chance it's a good strange comedy.I have not seen the movie "Ed Wood" but I have seen "plan 9 from outer space". I liked it even though it is considered by many to be the worst movie ever made.
Sorry matey, but you know the code, right?It would be nice if you did not give out my locations. Silly Goose ? I'm not sure what your deal is but posting private location is not cool I hope you remove it.