How did you like that movie / TV show / book?

Yeah, he was AMAZING in that role.
WTF happened to him?!

Kinda reminds me of Phillip Seymore Hoffman, who passed away around the same timeframe, I think?

My understanding is that Heath Ledger committed suicide but Wikipedia says he died of an accidental overdose of medications on January 22, 2008.

I remember Philip Seymour Hoffman for his for his portrayal of the author Truman Capote in "Capote" (2005). He died on February 2, 2014 of a drug overdose of several drugs.
Thanks Stevoz! I'll have to see where I can get it!
Here is a movie you guys probably never heard of.
Megaforce made in 1982. (I was 11 years old.)
This movie came out in my GI JOE collecting years!
It is about a specialized fighting force that battles evil. (Sounds like GI JOE! lol)
They have all of these specialized vehicles, like motorcycles with rocket launchers!
Funny thing is, the costumes were all created by Mattel, a toy company. (Maybe to compete with Hasbro's GI JOE franchise?)
It is kind of corny, but this was cool when I was 11 years old!!
Oh yeah, I remember seeing that same ad across many months of Marvel comic books, 1982 alert!

Didn't Trey Parker & Matt Stone do sort of a tribute movie to that one... couple decades later?
I watched the first episode of "Ugliest House in America". The ugliest looked like a theme park for Poseidon. The strangest one that made me laugh is a family that lives in a funeral home. The kids called the play room. "The Other Side".
If you guys have not watched Battlebots lately, it looks like this will be a good year. Every team has improved their bots. I never like the bot "Huge" that much but even their team made improvements that make them good contenders. If you are not familiar with Battlebots, watch this video:

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If you guys have not watched Battlebots lately, it looks like this will be a good year. Every team has improved their bots. I never like the bot "Huge" that much but even their team made improvements that make them good contenders. If you are not familiar with Battlebots, watch this video:

So, you know how the average BattleBot has gotten lower & lower to the ground, and more & more sloping over these many years? (sheesh what's it been, like 20+yrs now?) Sorta like this classic battle, haha:


Anyway, not sure if you caught it, but recently there was a new BB model that tried to turn that whole situation on its head, meaning it was shaped like a damn-near vertical column (via gyroscope), with these spinning sawblades running. (like... okay, guess that's alright in theory?)

Unfortunately, before it could even touch the opponent, it tripped on some obstacle in the arena, and damn-near decapitated itself via it's poorly-placed sawblades. XD

There was a good clip on Reddit, I'll be sure to share it if I run in to it again.

I also seem to remember that The Mythbusters (Jaime & Adam) were so good at building killer BB's that they quickly wound up getting kicked off the show.
Love that movie!
Alita is one of the better special effects movies!
(Special Effects play a huge role in whether I like a film or not.)
Avatar currently holds the number 1 spot in my list for best special effects. (Can't wait to see the new Avatar movie!)

Speaking of cyber upgrades...
This reminded me of Ghost in the Shell!
Great special effects also!

And speaking of cyberpunk...
Another great special effects movie.
Cities that are mobile.
Not sure if these huge machines are powered by steam, otherwise could call it Steam-Punk!
Huge cities on wheels that battle each other.
Mortal Engines

And to solve the fossil fuel crisis, we need to come up with something like in that movie Explorers.
A force field that can be controlled.
We could all float around in bubbles!
Love this movie! River Phoenix and Ethan Hawke when they were kids.
Explorers 1985

And a similiar movie with almost the same plot as Explorers, that came out 1 year later after Explorers movie...
Flight of the Navigator 1986...
(haha, so what the hell's my dumbass been doing, all the whilst?)

Also, Steve & Charles, if you don't mind my asking--
now *what* exactly is the legacy of GitS, anyway?

Because to me-- GitS (Ghost in the Shell) is one of the greatest anime cartoons ever.
Seriously, I wish more people knew about this one,
because it's some crushingly-good sci-fi anime IMO.
The Ghost is indeed great, though there are many anime that would be it's equal or better depending upon ones taste.

I find the anime TV series are better than most of the movies.

Here is my listing top to bottom.

I agree. TV Series is better than movie.
Here is Series my brother introduced me to.
It's called Hellsing.
You ever see this one?
The Ghost is indeed great, though there are many anime that would be it's equal or better depending upon ones taste.

I find the anime TV series are better than most of the movies.

Here is my listing top to bottom.

That is quite a collection. There is a series that I thought was really good that is still being produced that is called "Pantheon" (2022). It is about some people that were on their last leg of life and had their minds transferred to a computer.
It is about some people that were on their last leg of life and had their minds transferred to a computer.

Though of a somewhat different twist on computer control. I can highly recommend Psycho-Pass.

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agree. TV Series is better than movie.
Here is Series my brother introduced me to.
It's called Hellsing.
You ever see this one?

I have indeed watched that series, though long ago, maybe time for another viewing...

For darker anime, I might suggest...

M3GAN was rated by critics on Rotten Tomatoes at 95 but I thought it was bad. It is supposed to be a funny horror movie? You got me on that.
Somebody was talking about a Treasure Book, but I can't remember who or where the post was.

Anyways here is a real treasure book made in 1982!
It is called The Secret A Treasure Hunt.
There were 12 Treasure Boxes hidden, and so far only 3 have been found.
The clues to find these are hidden in the book.
So that is 9 Treasures to be found!!
I actually saw episode of Expedition X with them talking about this book, and finding 1 of the treasures under Home plate at baseball park in Boston.
This was the last treasure to be found back in 2019.

More info here..
The Secret is a treasure hunt created by Byron Preiss. The hunt involves a search for twelve treasure boxes, the clues to which were provided in a book written by Preiss in 1982, also called The Secret. These boxes were buried at secret locations in cities across the United States and Canada that symbolically represent events and peoples that played significant roles in North American history. Anyone who uncovered one of the treasure boxes was entitled to exchange it with Preiss for a precious gem; after Preiss died in 2005, his estate assumed the responsibility of honoring the terms of the treasure hunt. As of 2022, only three of the twelve boxes have been found. Preiss kept no record of the treasure boxes' exact locations before his death, leaving it a possibility that the remaining boxes may never be recovered.
Yah, I'd mentioned 1979's Masquerade by Kit Williams the other day. It was hella hardcore, as unlike most of these puzzle quests that followed, you had to infer the rules yourself, and only had nonsense rhymes and mysterious (but quaintly charming) paintings to go off of.

I did find a copy of The Secret online in epub format, and it looks like it's a little easier to understand, with cohesive text and a load of pics & photos.

I think I'll copy this over to my phone when I get a chance, and take a closer look!


  • book!.zip
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Late to the party.

I have Alita at home, seen it on cinema with all bells and whistles, and i've read the manga. For those that did not read it, do it. Even the characters look alike. I have to read it again one of this days as I forgot about most of it now though :(

Mortal Engines, I was a bit meh with the trailer but once I seen it... maybe I'm to biased for this kind of thing but yeah, liked it and I have it here too :D

Regarding GitS I only have to say "Aeria Gloris" if you forget the latest 3d shit that popped up on netflix.
And Inner Universe song can be heard in loop for days at a time. It's one of the best songs EVER and rarely a song fits a theme so perfectly in so many levels. And while you're at it Rise is also worthy of being in anyone's playlist.

I actually have GitS S.A.C and S.A.C. 2nd Gig on DVD too and it is not uncommon to ear the intro (very short version) 3 or 4 times before actually watch the episode... which is bothersome because it takes a long time to watch the show this way :D

About the other suggestions @xenonph thanks. I'll make sure to watch those.

One note about psycho-pass... SEE IT. It was another one that grabbed me that I binge watched it if if some times the damn girl annoys me but that also kept me going. The concept alone is ... I really am amazed on creators can come up with this ideas and make a show coherent through out a season or more. So yeah, I recommend this too.
Hmm, that Inner Universe song by the late Origa is pretty interesting. Sort of a mashup of chittering industrial sounds, vocal harmonics, chaos theory, musical stage drama and... Irish keening! (Cranberries alert) I think I could get used to it. :-)

Weirdly, as much as I loved GitS back in the day, I somehow never watched the second movie, series, or checked out the mangas. I will certainly have to remedy that!
She passed away too soon at only 44 years old but this song (if none other) will remain timeless if you ask me.

If you have the time, insted of the SAC movies, watch the TV Shows from Stand Alone Complex, SAC 2nd Gig and Solid State Society instead of the movies (which are just a montage of the tv show for cinema).

Then watch Ghost in the shell (1995 movie please, not the latest thing that is mashup of a lot of stuff) and then GitS: Innocence.

The rest is optional. I didn't bother with GitS SAC:2045, it's so good to look at that I didn't finish the 1st episode... Maybe I missed a good story but yeah, I can't watch it.

Final Fantasy Spirits Within (2001) or Captain Harlock: Space Pirate (2013) look way better. How can someone mess up so much when at there are one guy "studios" that can make a lot better at home these days is beyond me.

PS: of course, reading the manga is also something one should do if possible.
I watch new korean sci-fi movie a few days ago.
If sci-fi like GitS above is your thing, give this one a go. It's on netflix and of course, being korean it has to have drama but I think the story flows nicely,

Also, unfortunately was the last performance of one actress that died shortly after the movie was done and to whom is dedicated.
Overall a nice movie but i'm not a reviewer. I either enjoy a movie or not and since i'm biased towards the theme...
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