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Here is another version of blank template. 4800x400
00 aPinball-Nirvana-Blank sides templateb_Nero AI_Professional_x4.png

I tried upscaling the pinball but it turned out horrible... (This is one of JPSalas' pinballs from his collection that we are currently using.)
pinball b_Nero AI_Professional_x4.png

Looks like crap.
So I went looking for new pinball and found this one...
What do you think of new pinball?
It comes with a shadow beneath.
It is already 1200x1200 in size.

Added original size of pinball we use right now here...
pinball b.png


  • pngegg.png
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Not a big fan of the new ball the blurring reflection is not a great look.

That said, I do know @JonPurpleHaze had a few rolling around on his desk a few years back maybe he could show us his photography skills?

Though along those lines we do have members that do have pinballs. So maybe we could post a callout for pinball owners to show their balls with the best balls getting the chance for the girls to sit upon! 💃
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All we can do is post and hope for some feedback, though it does seem difficult to engage our members in these callouts.

So for a thread title maybe "Pinheads, show us your balls!", might attract some feedback.

Then detail the purpose of the thread in the first post, not sure how to word that or where to post. Though it should entice all to want that privilege of having the pin chic's sit on their ball!
We should also ask that the shots be taken with the ball on a preferably pure white or black background. I imagine that's what's needed to extract a usable image or they can submit any image that they may already have or know of.
All we can do is post and hope for some feedback, though it does seem difficult to engage our members in these callouts.

So for a thread title maybe "Pinheads, show us your balls!", might attract some feedback.

Then detail the purpose of the thread in the first post, not sure how to word that or where to post. Though it should entice all to want that privilege of having the pin chic's sit on their ball!
Yes and the pinball in the pic, needs to be at least 400x400.
* Above edited...
On the note of coercing greater participation in the first post we should include @ all known regular posters that we can invite to add submissions, like Pete and I bet popette or shiva may have some images ready to go.
I just sent JPSalas message, asking if he had any HD Pinball Pics at least 400x400, so we shall see.
Told him we were currently using his Pinball in our logo.

On the note of coercing greater participation in the first post we should include @ all known regular posters that we can invite to add submissions, like Pete and I bet popette or shiva may have some images ready to go.

Great idea to get participation from members, specially the regulars!
On the note of coercing greater participation in the first post we should include @ all known regular posters that we can invite to add submissions, like Pete and I bet popette or shiva may have some images ready to go.
Were you going to make this new thread?
Or did you want me to?
You are better at the wording and such.
Thought I better ask. lol
A few moments of preparation is better than hours of disappointment.

Just made that one up. :archery:

Guess my Zen powers are kind of still working, just wanting to make this contribution as enticing and successful as possible.

The @ list, I guess they should not get notification if mention here, actually if they do then we can explain why and point them to the thread.

@Pop Bumper Pete



Any others you can think of @xenonph

Also feel free to draft the wording, of the initial post, and we can both work on bringing in the bacon. 🐷
Yes best not to rush things. Took me a long time to figure that out.

So with the pinball we have, I left it max size, I doubled the res to 2400x400.
I can't make the girls bigger as the hands wont fit on Pinball if they are bigger. Made it so they fit the current ball that is at max size.
000 new 2x.png

So next I want to add that grass with cow, but 2x size, so we can test this by uploading it to your theme, and then you take pic of new 2x cow.
It will take awhile to add the grass.
Looking good so far, I can see now why we need the higher resolution ball to get it back into correct proportions.

I wouldn't go to crazy getting the Easter logo resized perfectly because until we can get that bigger better ball I think we should still go with the current logo. That said, we can definitely test the bigger logo. 🧪
Also @druadic

Best be careful not to exclude anyone...

Also, we need to test the large image to see if it works and if there are limits to the source image size and that the render is worth the extra effort, of note was the way the forum software refused to render the 1200x image above 300%, for me, it must still work at 240% to render full screen width @ 2560x1440 and I am sure I would not be the only one with a 2560x1440 monitor. :geek:
Here it is ready to test. This is just 2400x400.
Will upload it to your theme as soon as you reply.
0000 cow test.png
I can see that damn cow clearly!!

After this test I want to try and upload the 4800x800 image, and see if all goes well.
Fire away!
I added 800 pixel high chickaball girl to the 4800x800, for the next test. I will be switching theme to your shades of grey so I can see it too!
Just holler.
000 new 4x.png
So not sure why but only on the Shades of Grey theme, the logo does not go all the way across. (I noticed this before but just thought it was my setup.)
So I changed the numbers in the options in ACP to 2000x400, and the logo went all the way across.
Here is pic....

and after i changed numbers in ACP to 2000x400

So for this particular theme, I think the numbers in the ACP should be 2000x400

We are increasing the resolution and definition of our forum logos and need high resolution quality images or photos of a pinball for our pinball babes to sit upon. Requesting your Big, Bold and Bountiful Balls to be included in our sites' logo.
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So not sure why but only on the Shades of Grey theme, the logo does not go all the way across. (I noticed this before but just thought it was my setup.)
So I changed the numbers in the options in ACP to 2000x400, and the logo went all the way across.
Here is pic....

Interesting, I just keep hitting the + magnification on Firefox until it fills the screen, which was 240% for fill at 2560x1440. Be interesting if things change, does that setting effect all themes or are they individual and if so are they the same?
Interesting, I just keep hitting the + magnification on Firefox until it fills the screen, which was 240% for fill at 2560x1440. Be interesting if things change, does that setting effect all themes or are they individual and if so are they the same?
They each have there own settings.
Yes it has same settings as the rest, but this one is the only one that does not go all the way across like the rest with same settings.

On my setup at 100%, there is space on each side of logo. (The blue color space to left and right of logo.)

all of them except Shades of Grey is like this for me.
Yes it has same settings as the rest, but this one is the only one that does not go all the way across like the rest with same settings.

Well the one I like best is quirky, figures... 🃏
how does new 4800x800 logo look? I mean chickaball girl is huge!!!
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