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Either way, we will have another guess the pinball parts competition! :mrhappy:
Do you have a link to Jack in the Box VP table?
My head is hurting going through all of these tables trying to find a center target.
I started in the A's and went up from there.
These lights are lit!
Just need to cut them out.


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Though I think your first suggestion is looking better.
I agree, plus I can't get that light to turn on with Jack table!
It is on with the other one!

Just a nudge...:pinball:

We expect the kingpin may take the podium... :tenisclap:
Here is shoot again light cut..
I need to reboot, as I think I have opened too many tables, and my memory is low or something.


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ok set at 150 width and I changed color to match Pinball Nirvana color.
Here we have great assortment of fireworks...
Here we have great assortment of fireworks...

I did look at a lot of these, though the one I presented I thought looked like it may work best?
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Great job with the logo's guys! I was trying to get caught up and it's still so impressive to me, fantastic ideas you guys have!
21st Birthday coming up!:birthday::birthdayboy:

Dang it wouldn't let me upload it. Not a valid image!
View attachment 41794

The 2400x400 is uploaded on your theme.
See if you see a difference in load time.

I just tried it, and it loads way faster!
I just researched .webp support and it's in XF 2.3, a beta was released recently so it shouldn't be too long:

We seem to have all the pieces, just need to glue them together, looks like we made the deadline. :appl:

Though we know Jon likes Vikings, so maybe there might be room for a tiny long boat? :vi1:
Just finished giving dad his daily bath.
I will start putting the pieces together that we have made in a few.
Looks sweet and complete. I have an idea for the placement of a tiny long boat, I have seen some simple black on white long ship graphics that could work. We could float it on top of the SAME PLAYER, either side, or maybe both sides? :smileyvike:
Ship one...


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Ship 2


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