Political Nonsense

7 years ago I walked into my hospitals ER with a health issue.
within 2 hours I was on the operating table for the first of 12 procedures. I would not leave the hospital for 2 months.
Total cost to me was $90 for the medicines I took home
7 years ago I walked into my hospitals ER with a health issue.
within 2 hours I was on the operating table for the first of 12 procedures. I would not leave the hospital for 2 months.
Total cost to me was $90 for the medicines I took home
health care is another huge problem here.
cost of HealthCare has skyrocketed.
doctors are dropping out of the HMO health care programs because it doesn't cover the costs or not getting paid.
wait times for an appointment can be 3months because there are not enough doctors in the HMO network to cover it.
a decent out of pocket healthcare can easily cost $1000-$2000 dollars p/month!!
from what i know socialism has some perks but has super high taxes to pay for it.
it's not like that here.
inflation has created huge problems here.

here in the US gas and diesel is by the gallon.
gas was over $5 for awhile and diesel was almost $6p/gal
gas is now at @$4 and diesel is pushing $5p/gallon.
what's it like in australia for regular 87octane gas and diesel??
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health care is another huge problem here.
cost of HealthCare has skyrocketed.
from what i know socialism has some perks but has super high taxes to pay for it.
You have no idea on what you are talking about
(Australian) Medicare is paid for with a surcharge on your (Australian) taxes, a 1.5% surcharge. (In Australia)You would pay 30% of that $100,000 in tax. So a little more than the USA's 24%
So, if you earn $100,000 for the year, you will pay an extra $1500 to cover medical (In Australia)
If you do not pay taxes, the hospital will give you the same treatment (In Australia)
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edit....sorry, double post....i dunno what happened...
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You have no idea on what you are talking about
Medicare is paid for with a surcharge on your taxes, a 1.5% surcharge. You would pay 30% of that $100,000 in tax. So a little more than the USA's 24%
So, if you earn $100,000 for the year, you will pay an extra $1500 to cover medical
If you do not pay taxes, the hospital will give you the same treatment
that's (australia) Medicare.
read it again.
(american) Medicare is for americans 65yrs+
a lot of americans are not on Medicare.
i'm talking about the HMOs.
everything everywhere is doing a lot of cost cutting because of skyrocket inflation.

copy/paste in search bar --- are HMO's the same as medicare
how old do you need to be to get medicare in the U.S

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the word scheme has multiple meanings, including:
  • A plan or program of action, especially one that is secret or crafty
  • A systematic or organized configuration or design
  • The way that something is arranged or organized
  • To make plans to do or get something in a secret and often dishonest way
how is it a scheme?
pete in #26 seems to be happy with it.

you and pete had Australian medicare and American medicare mixed up.
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a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining a particular object or putting a particular idea into effect.
so you are saying Australia is British Monarchy?
so, what does that have to do with the Medicare healthcare system?.
nobody seems to be complaining.
British references the definition. British references the English language.

Dictionary 101
An Australian news channel that tells it like it is.
How is it not racist to say black men need to vote for Kamala because she is black?
Our "race" is human. We are all just people, in a big, wide, multi-ethnic world. That's what we have to talk seriously about, instead of pandering to the ignorant eugenic fantasy that racists promote. Maybe we should just stamp out racism by desisting from talking as if we accept the racist's idiotic premise, that there's a single soul on the planet of a different "race" to ourselves.



racism is programmed from birth.
if you teach a kid to hate at an early age he or she will always be racist as an adult and cannot be erased.
the hate programming needs to be "stomped out" from an early age then the racist hate might change.
All forms of racism are stupid

My grandchildren have grandparents from 4 different continents
They are neither to blame for the 'crimes' of their ancestors, nor should they feel aggrieved due to actions against their ancestors
All forms of racism are stupid

My grandchildren have grandparents from 4 different continents
They are neither to blame for the 'crimes' of their ancestors, nor should they feel aggrieved due to actions against their ancestors
as long they don't have a racist attitude, don't make racist remarks and treat everybody with respect no matter
what color they are they should be fine.
people remember this kind of behaviour attitude.
have they been accused of being racist?
I'll be honest-- I'm an American Peace Corp baby, born NOT in the USA, but moreso in S.America & Bruxelles, Belge. I've been a fully-American, legal / authorised, American citizen since around 2yo, since around 1968.

Which makes me eligible to VOTE in this absolute disaster of a redneck, huge mess of a moron-brigade election dedicated upon MAGGOTS, hoping and wanting to do everything they possibly can to bring down democracy, with Vladimir Putin's transparent aid.

QUESTION: What the FUUCCKK are some of you idiots doing, waffling around with your pathetic "Trump support," effort, heh?

Do you actually think that YOU are going to get some special status, idiots? Hahaha-- Nah, YOU are going to be FIRST under the axe.

American FUCKING idiots-- hahaha, check out their dumbasses, non...?

So I log into my Gmail and I get an email from Pinball Nirvana to see "What I've Missed". To my surprise I see a rant from this deranged lunatic wondering why we prefer President Trump over a dementia ridden piece of garbage criminal and his retarded communist sidekick. Can we stop sending emails quoting idiots, like these, in the future?
Eh polititions...

why we prefer President Trump over a dementia ridden piece of garbage criminal and his retarded communist sidekick.
So basically, classic right-wing lunatic strategy-- ignore facts & reality, then do the complete projection routine upon accusing others of exactly what YOU are in fact are doing...?

Hehe, thanks Vladimir Putin, and your little, traitorous hand-puppet that stinks to high-heaven!

(seriously, see what people are saying about what it's like to spend time near the 'orange dude,')

It's kinda WILD (look it up)
So basically, classic right-wing lunatic strategy-- ignore facts & reality, then do the complete projection routine upon accusing others of exactly what YOU are in fact are doing...?

Hehe, thanks Vladimir Putin, and your little, traitorous hand-puppet that stinks to high-heaven!

(seriously, see what people are saying about what it's like to spend time near the 'orange dude,')

It's kinda WILD (look it up)

You delusional and diseased democrats are all the same. I really need to question your intellect for voting for a mildly retarded person that can barely speak, let along answer a question. Those two idiots are responsible for the war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East. They are warmongers. Get your things in order because you're in for a rude awakening on Nov. 5th.
So basically, classic right-wing lunatic strategy-- ignore facts & reality, then do the complete projection routine upon accusing others of exactly what YOU are in fact are doing...?

Hehe, thanks Vladimir Putin, and your little, traitorous hand-puppet that stinks to high-heaven!

(seriously, see what people are saying about what it's like to spend time near the 'orange dude,')

It's kinda WILD (look it up)
look what up?
what are you talking about???
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You delusional and diseased democrats are all the same. I really need to question your intellect for voting for a mildly retarded person that can barely speak, let along answer a question. Those two idiots are responsible for the war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East. They are warmongers. Get your things in order because you're in for a rude awakening on Nov. 5th.
Now, question-- would you prefer me to call you "Vladimir," or "Vladimir-proxy?"

One must have the civility of choice, after all...? :D
Oh man,

They are neither to blame for the 'crimes' of their ancestors, nor should they feel aggrieved due to actions against their ancestors
With all due respect, get the fuck out. Yes that's a nice, thoughtful, comforting-ignorant-piece upon the invader, but YOU (and we) are the ones who pulled off this shit, and who mainly contributed to that via why we're undergoing these recent trials.

SAME TRIALS, get it...?

So don't give me that bullshit, Pete. I mean, please..
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