Political Nonsense

Bit of a racist tone there.
If someone had said similar to your first line but replaced white with black , you would have been screaming from the roof tops.
A LOT of the world support Trump because he is REALITY, and the WORLD NEEDS reality.
Hope you abide by democracy when there is a repeat of 2016, Nov 5th.
i know i will probably get a beating for this.
i don't know what you mean by "reality".
Rabid, Trump says he supports MAGA and get back to the constitution and "restore order".
we still have democracy but Americans have become worried about that.....
the existing regime has been drifting away for many decades doing whatever the hell they want to do with all the bad policies, bad spending, poor management, printing of $$$, out of control inflation chasing jobs out overseas for decades, out of control spending, waste, lack of border enforcement for many decades and goes on....
inflation is out of control....the gap between inflation and wages keeps increasing....wages did not keep up with
Americans and young adult Americans are struggling, loaded down with debt because of poor wages, lack of decent paying jobs, out of control inflation and feel they will never get out of debt or buy a house.
this is just the beginning.
we are so far down a rabbit hole we may never crawl out of....this is what is fueling the anger.
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I have watched from the UK as Harris prattles on about doing this and doing that, yet SHE and Biden have had 4 years
to do what she claims needs doing right now, all talk, thats why i say about getting back to reality.
Trump is needed not just for the USA, but for the world, since Biden became president there has been nothing but trouble in the world.
Seems to me that happens whenever there is a democrat govt in the USA.

And dont get me started on the nightmare brigade that got voted in here by the gullible :lol:
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I have watched from the UK as Harris prattles on about doing this and doing that, yet SHE and Biden have had 4 years
to do what she claims needs doing right now, all talk, thats why i say about getting back to reality.
Trump is needed not just for the USA, but for the world, since Biden became president there has been nothing but trouble in the world.
Seems to me that happens whenever there is a democrat govt in the USA.
ok, i see your point....oth,
people all over the world have been asking for some equality, fair changes, fair wages for thousands of years.
nothing changes....i could go on but this is not the place for it.
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I think Plato was correct about democracy...

Plato's Socrates raises a number of criticisms of democracy. He claims that democracy is a danger due to excessive freedom. He also argues that, in a system in which everyone has a right to rule, all sorts of selfish people who care nothing for the people but are only motivated by their own personal desires are able to attain power. He concludes that democracy risks bringing dictators, tyrants, and demagogues to power. He also claims that democracies have leaders without proper skills or morals and that it is quite unlikely that the best equipped to rule will come to power.
Joe was popular for Halloween.
It's time for...


Cyberocracy describes a hypothetical form of government that rules by the effective use of information. The exact nature of a cyberocracy is largely speculative as currently there have been no cybercratic governments; however, a growing number of cybercratic elements can be found in many developed nations. Cyberocracy theory is largely the work of David Ronfeldt, who published several papers on the theory.
let's try and keep the tone of the posts down....
it's getting to heavy.
big bro is watching.....
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I think Plato was correct about democracy...

Plato's Socrates raises a number of criticisms of democracy. He claims that democracy is a danger due to excessive freedom. He also argues that, in a system in which everyone has a right to rule, all sorts of selfish people who care nothing for the people but are only motivated by their own personal desires are able to attain power. He concludes that democracy risks bringing dictators, tyrants, and demagogues to power. He also claims that democracies have leaders without proper skills or morals and that it is quite unlikely that the best equipped to rule will come to power.
Wasn't he part of the Roman Empire? That conquered many countries? lol
Do as I say, not as I do? lol

I will be happy no matter who becomes President.
I have Democratic friends, and Republican friends.
This will not change, no matter who wins.
This too shall pass, and life will go on.
United we stand, and divided we fall.

Make pinball, not war!
Wasn't he part of the Roman Empire? T

It seems greatly unlikely. The Republic was written in, oh, roughly 370, give or take 20 years it doesn't really matter. Plato spent his life in Athens, Syracuse and generally in Greece and the then Greek bit of Italy. He had no direct contact with Rome, and Rome was not the Rome that people are more familiar with - this was not the late Republic at all. In fact this would predate Rome being heavily influenced by Greek culture, if my rough chronology is right.
More proof racism is a myth , we are all in this together and of the same human race.

I am liking this Australian news channel!
Sky News is owned by...

Draw your own conclusions on the bias. >_<
The majority of news channels here in the US are totally biased favoring democrats.
ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC. Even PBS, a supposedly non-partisan public broadcast station, is biased favoring dems.
They are all in lockstep pushing the democratic agenda. (propaganda)
I think republicans have only 1 news channel that favors republicans, and that is FOX news.
So it is nice to see this Australian news channel, seeing how I don't get FOX news channel anymore.
Sky News Australia is great in comparison to the Sky News we get to view in the UK , its leftwing biased to the hilt.
Just googled , looks like two totally different companies although same logos and name etc which is weird.
Third paragraph, i dont get it how can they both use the same logos and name but arent linked.

What i find with the left is they are all for democracy, as long as its the result they wanted. (hypocrites)
Most media/tv is leftwing biased here in the UK too.
Im wanting Trump to win mainly because our two tier fascist setup Labour govt we have right now bashed him
like no tomorrow over the past few years, and i cant wait for him to sort them out.

On that mellow note im off to bed :lol:
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Sky news is a joke
It is extremely right wing and nobody watches it
Makes a change from most of the extremely left wing media worldwide then.
NB:- im no fan of the far right either, but i have got fed up in the 21st century with all the twisted A-Z concepts that the left
have come up with.
Left or Right winged makes them basically flightless birds, and what's worse is their singing is nothing but absolutely awful squawking.
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Left or Right winged make them basically flightless birds, and what's worse is their singing is nothing but absolutely awful squawking.
They keep flying in a circle. lol
It would be nice to have news station that reports the true facts with no bias to either side.
Sky news is a joke
It is extremely right wing and nobody watches it
I only said I liked it, because you wouldn't see news like that on all of the major channels here.
I thought maybe it was a just regular Australian news station, but alas you have corrected my assumption.
I was ready to move down under! lol
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