Political Nonsense

Spoiler Alert...
They shoot and kill the president at end of movie.
I am sure that will make alot of people happy.
Lines right up with some peoples views of "Democracy".
You either think, and vote like them, or you are a threat to their vision of democracy, and are banned, threatened, or just told you are fucking idiots.

@Isaac Sauvage
Doesn't sound very "Democratic" to me.
As a matter of fact, you can see this 2020 map showing Red areas where Republican won, and Blue area where Democrat won.
View attachment 43812

Find Map here...

So all of those red areas are "American Fucking Idiots", and threats to democracy, unless they think and vote the same way as others?
Looks to me like there is way more red, than blue.

Yeah...Xe...the red parts? That's nearly uninhabited land where only a few people live. Those blue areas? Those are major metropolitan areas and cities were the majority of Americans reside.

Those red areas mean diddly squat and the idea that "almost all of America is red" was debunked two decades ago when Bill O'Reilly tried to push that garbage as anti-Bush fervor grew after Katrina.

Don't be that person.

That's it. I'm going back to pinball. Carry on.
Yeah...Xe...the red parts? That's nearly uninhabited land where only a few people live. Those blue areas? Those are major metropolitan areas and cities were the majority of Americans reside.

Those red areas mean diddly squat and the idea that "almost all of America is red" was debunked two decades ago when Bill O'Reilly tried to push that garbage as anti-Bush fervor grew after Katrina.

Don't be that person.

That's it. I'm going back to pinball. Carry on.

This is why we have an Electoral College.
So we don't have just the big cities on each coast the only ones choosing which candidate wins.
Otherwise candidates would only have to campaign in the big cities on the coasts, and the rest of America would have no say who can be president.

I posted that map, to show at least half of the country voted for Trump, and would probably take offense to what was previously posted.
Carry on.
This is why we have an Electoral College.
So we don't have just the big cities on each coast the only ones choosing which candidate wins.
Otherwise candidates would only have to campaign in the big cities on the coasts, and the rest of America would have no say who can be president.

I posted that map, to show at least half of the country voted for Trump, and would probably take offense to what was previously posted.
Carry on.
Meanwhile, some would argue that the "Electoral College" is not just a complete disaster, but yet another example of right-wing lunatics attempting to stack the deck in terms of steerage, for example gerrymandering (altho, I guess which works moreso in local elections).

But in the general sense -- fraud and money for votes.

For example, you have a seemingly large, mostly-empty territory roughly in the central-west, USA, and there you can successfully campaign some shit: 'keep out the rednecks, son!,' even though EVERY possible stat shows that Mexicans do a *fantastic* job per wage hour, and that they're critical to helping those similar communities across the States' stay alive. NOPE, not come election-time!

And where do you think the money comes from...?
Meanwhile, some would argue that the "Electoral College" is not just a complete disaster, but yet another example of right-wing lunatics attempting to stack the deck in terms of steerage, for example gerrymandering (altho, I guess which works moreso in local elections).

But in the general sense -- fraud and money for votes.

For example, you have a seemingly large, mostly-empty territory roughly in the central-west, USA, and there you can successfully campaign some shit: 'keep out the rednecks, son!,' even though EVERY possible stat shows that Mexicans do a *fantastic* job per wage hour, and that they're critical to helping those similar communities across the States' stay alive. NOPE, not come election-time!

And where do you think the money comes from...?
Contrary to popular belief, all states do not want to be ran like the big Democratic ran cities.
Look at Sanfrancisco, and Portland, just to name a couple. They have feces in the streets and a severe homeless and drug problem.
They actually legalized all drugs in Portland including fentanyl, (which they just recently reversed), so there were people overdosing left and right.

You can show me all the stats in the world showing that "Mexicans do a fantastic job per wage hour", and I will tell you that is the problem.
You say Americans won't do the jobs that Mexicans will do? No, Americans won't do it for less than minimum wage.
When you pay Mexicans less than minimum wages, that is called modern day slave labor.
Contrary to popular belief, all states do not want to be ran like the big Democratic ran cities.
Look at Sanfrancisco, and Portland, just to name a couple. They have feces in the streets and a severe homeless and drug problem.
They actually legalized all drugs in Portland including fentanyl, (which they just recently reversed), so there were people overdosing left and right.

You can show me all the stats in the world showing that "Mexicans do a fantastic job per wage hour", and I will tell you that is the problem.
You say Americans won't do the jobs that Mexicans will do? No, Americans won't do it for less than minimum wage.
When you pay Mexicans less than minimum wages, that is called modern day slave labor.
Hahaha... so the very WORST examples you could EVER have picked upon your hill to die on...? HAHAHA

Let me tell you something, little guy-- if Kamala eventually wins, then it's going to be through a major gauntlet, ie. the longest bunch of BS that a legitimately-elected ever through up, via three fraudulently-elected supreme court justices.

How's THAT for "democracy," eh?
Hahaha... so the very WORST examples you could EVER have picked upon your hill to die on...? HAHAHA

Let me tell you something, little guy-- if Kamala eventually wins, then it's going to be through a major gauntlet, ie. the longest bunch of BS that a legitimately-elected ever through up, via three fraudulently-elected supreme court justices.

How's THAT for "democracy," eh?
Well it is a good thing the polls are showing a tight race, otherwise maybe they kick Kamala to curb like Joe Biden when polls were down, and put someone else on the ticket who was not voted into this place, or even had a primary..
Very Democratic.

No matter who wins, I will be glad when it is over, so we can get back to having fun.
It will not be the end of the world, no matter who wins.
I am sick of these damn political commercials on TV.

"Little guy"?
I am 6 foot 1, and 220 pounds. lol
With all due respect, get the fuck out. Yes that's a nice, thoughtful, comforting-ignorant-piece upon the invader, but YOU (and we) are the ones who pulled off this shit, and who mainly contributed to that via why we're undergoing these recent trials.

SAME TRIALS, get it...?

So don't give me that bullshit, Pete. I mean, please..
Everyone can point back to some point in their families history and show that they were 'invaded' by someone else

Reparations will NEVER be paid. Accept that and be happy

Tell the invaders to go home. Sure, you are a man of mixed heritage, where will we be sending you? My grandchildren are even more mixed, which of 4 continents will we send them?
You can show me all the stats in the world showing that "Mexicans do a fantastic job per wage hour", and I will tell you that is the problem.

Well it is a good thing the polls are showing a tight race, otherwise maybe they kick Kamala to curb like Joe Biden when polls were down, and put someone else on the ticket who was not voted into this place, or even had a primary..
Very Democratic.
Wow, you're such a NICE person when we talk.

And yet a worthless, raging bag of assholery when allowed to express themselves on the internet. Almost evil, really.

Come on dude, you're putting me on or something, right...?
Everyone can point back to some point in their families history and show that they were 'invaded' by someone else
In a general sense, sure!

But in a systemic sense, that's a big part of why the USA eventually adhered to 'territories,' breaking the rules like 10,000 times before eventually 'adhering to territories, economically convenient.'

So don't give me that BS, Pete.
But in a systemic sense, that's a big part of why the USA eventually adhered to 'territories,' breaking the rules like 10,000 times before eventually 'adhering to territories, economically convenient.'
Are you talking about indigenous rights?

That is a different argument that gets sidetracked to often and too easily.
In the USA and Australia, we have not treated the indigenous population well.
OK, but rather than rehashing the sins of the past, we need to find the road forward where we be 'the rising tide that lifts all boats'
I asked our resident AI bot about all that and...

StevOz: Thanks bot that makes some sense, still seem to be contrived nonsense to me.
2 minutes ago
ChatGPT Bot: @StevOz, This adherence to territories was driven by economic interests, as controlling territories allowed the USA to expand its markets, access resources, and establish strategic military bases. While the USA may have initially disregarded international rules in pursuit of these goals, eventually recognizing and adhering to territories became a way to legitimize its actions and maintain stability in the regions it controlled. This shift towards a more systematic approach to territorial control was ultimately driven by economic convenience and the desire for power and influence on the global stage
Wow, you're such a NICE person when we talk.

And yet a worthless, raging bag of assholery when allowed to express themselves on the internet. Almost evil, really.

Come on dude, you're putting me on or something, right...?

I am not the one saying it is the end of Democracy if the other side wins.
Nor am I saying if you don't vote for the person I vote for, then you are almost evil, and a worthless, raging bag of assholery.

I respect your point of view, and your right to express yourself on the internet.
Maybe you could do the same?
I remember a time when Democrats and Republicans worked together for the sake of America, instead of demonizing people who don't have the same point of view as our own.
"Little guy"?
I am 6 foot 1, and 220 pounds. lol
Hahaha, meanwhile, I stand a grand total of 5'8," so that's how that works. XD

Eh, do you know how basketball positions, work, matey?)

So, being the PG (point guard / point general) in basketball -- you're right that anyone can SMASH me if they like, but generally-speaking, that's why they leave me alone, because they pretty much know that their life is going to be hell after that, via my teammates.

@Which is part of why I always try to set up my teammates, and it seems they LIKE ME for that.

So when we're playing, I look for the best spots and the best opportunities, then I pass my teammate the ideal pass. Literally my MAIN job is to make my teammates look good. Now imagine how they feel when someone fucks with me......
Hide Flirting GIF by Nick Jonas
This is why we have an Electoral College.
So we don't have just the big cities on each coast the only ones choosing which candidate wins.
Otherwise candidates would only have to campaign in the big cities on the coasts, and the rest of America would have no say who can be president.

I posted that map, to show at least half of the country voted for Trump, and would probably take offense to what was previously posted.
Carry on.
First, I really have no opinion on the EC. That's neither here nor there.

Second, "half the country" did NOT vote for Trump. There are approximately 330 million people in America and only about a fifth of the country voted for him, with about a quarter voting for Biden. Before that, it was less than that for both Trump and Clinton.

Ultimately, the point is that the map is misleading and, if I'm not mistaken, that was your whole point showing it.
First, I really have no opinion on the EC. That's neither here nor there.

Second, "half the country" did NOT vote for Trump. There are approximately 330 million people in America and only about a fifth of the country voted for him, with about a quarter voting for Biden. Before that, it was less than that for both Trump and Clinton.

Ultimately, the point is that the map is misleading and, if I'm not mistaken, that was your whole point showing it.
You are mistaken.
I would have used the 2016 map if I was trying to mislead.
I showed the map of 2020 election.
I posted because the previous post said they were, (Trump supporters) "American FUCKING idiots-- hahaha, check out their dumbasses, non...?"
Now we can bicker about the percentages that voted for Trump, but I posted it to let "people" know that calling Trump supporters American Fucking idiots is calling quite a few people idiots. Namely our members here who support Trump.
Do we alienate and call all Pinball Nirvana members who support Trump "American FUCKING idiots-- hahaha, check out their dumbasses, non...?"
First, I really have no opinion on the EC. That's neither here nor there.

Second, "half the country" did NOT vote for Trump. There are approximately 330 million people in America and only about a fifth of the country voted for him, with about a quarter voting for Biden. Before that, it was less than that for both Trump and Clinton.

Ultimately, the point is that the map is misleading and, if I'm not mistaken, that was your whole point showing it.

You are mistaken.
I would have used the 2016 map if I was trying to mislead.
I showed the map of 2020 election.
I posted because the previous post said they were, (Trump supporters) "American FUCKING idiots-- hahaha, check out their dumbasses, non...?"
Now we can bicker about the percentages that voted for Trump, but I posted it to let "people" know that calling Trump supporters American Fucking idiots is calling quite a few people idiots. Namely our members here who support Trump.
Do we alienate and call all Pinball Nirvana members who support Trump "American FUCKING idiots-- hahaha, check out their dumbasses, non...?"

Yes, but I don't think you understand that the people who support him are the uber-worst of this country. It's a fraction of them and that's it.

Trump is so unpopular, he's lost the popular vote twice and he's going to lose it again this year.

I still have zero idea why so many people back a con man criminal rapist felon. The MAGA crowd was chanting "lock her up" and the mere whiff of impropriety on Hillary's part and when Trump breaks the law several times over, they blame the system rather than blame the actual criminal.

Because, when it comes down to it, it's all about grievances and irresponsibility being the better part of honest and integrity.

Jesus, even Nixon knew when he was caught and called it a day. A real man does that.
Yes, but I don't think you understand that the people who support him are the uber-worst of this country. It's a fraction of them and that's it.

Trump is so unpopular, he's lost the popular vote twice and he's going to lose it again this year.

I still have zero idea why so many people back a con man criminal rapist felon. The MAGA crowd was chanting "lock her up" and the mere whiff of impropriety on Hillary's part and when Trump breaks the law several times over, they blame the system rather than blame the actual criminal.

Because, when it comes down to it, it's all about grievances and irresponsibility being the better part of honest and integrity.

Jesus, even Nixon knew when he was caught and called it a day. A real man does that.
Maybe you shouldn't believe all of the propaganda that has been force fed to you?
You can only cry wolf so many times before people catch on.
74 million people voted for Trump in 2020.
That is alot of "American FUCKING idiots-- hahaha, check out their dumbasses, non...?"
Maybe you shouldn't believe all of the propaganda that has been force fed to you?
You can only cry wolf so many times before people catch on.
74 million people voted for Trump in 2020.
That is alot of "American FUCKING idiots-- hahaha, check out their dumbasses, non...?"
Yeah, a whole fifth of the country, which means it's the last of the mostly white, aggrieved morons.

And it isn't "propaganda" when you break the law, dude. Don't even try to float that past me. He broke the law and he was punished for it and you STILL support him which just speaks volumes about you and what you approve of.

That's so sad.
Yeah, a whole fifth of the country, which means it's the last of the mostly white, aggrieved morons.

And it isn't "propaganda" when you break the law, dude. Don't even try to float that past me. He broke the law and he was punished for it and you STILL support him which just speaks volumes about you and what you approve of.

That's so sad.
No what is sad is trying to belittle people who don't vote for the same person you do.
You call them "mostly white aggrieved morons". Sounds racist to me.
Or try to make shit up to make him look bad.
Russia Collusion, and on and on, non stop. 1 thing after another.
Oh we will call him hitler. And tell everyone who votes for him that they are a white supremist.
You are the one that sounds like a racist.
Like I said, you can only cry wolf so many times before people quit listening to your BS.
Yeah, a whole fifth of the country, which means it's the last of the mostly white, aggrieved morons.

And it isn't "propaganda" when you break the law, dude. Don't even try to float that past me. He broke the law and he was punished for it and you STILL support him which just speaks volumes about you and what you approve of.

That's so sad.
Bit of a racist tone there.
If someone had said similar to your first line but replaced white with black , you would have been screaming from the roof tops.
A LOT of the world support Trump because he is REALITY, and the WORLD NEEDS reality.
Hope you abide by democracy when there is a repeat of 2016, Nov 5th.
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