Poor Man's Pinball Podcast

Poor Man's Pinball Podcast Feed
PNP 610- Multimorphic's P3 Portal Top 5 Rad + Oh & Don't 4get the BAD!

THANKS to Death Save Pinball Streaming and their generosity Orby is back with a P3 Portal top 5 rad! Orby is just $125 away from his annual funding raising goal so be rad af and support the pod MEOW so he can go back to commercial FREE content! PAYPAL >>> AngryAlpacaTea@gmail.com

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 68 - Craft Brew Sally's Ladies Flip, Blue Ribbon and Snoop D. O. Double G!

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally Talk about finishing up a 1934 Bally Blue Ribbon pinball restoration. After that Craft Brew Sally takes us on a Ladies Flip adventure. Then Foghorn reads an interesting war time Pinball Call Out. Tune in, you'll be glad you did!

Craft Brew Sally reviewed 19 Crimes wine featuring Snoop Dogg's augmented reality marketing.

FINALLY launched our products on SilverBall Swag - check it out here! https://silverballswag.com/

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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PNP 612- CGCs MM Merlin USA ONLY+ END of TPN?+ Finesse Flipper is FIRE+ TPF Pintern HIRED&It's YOU!

If you are reading this right meow and going to TPF YOU can try coplete hese 5 rad Pintern mission! Is TPN done, cause thats what Kaneda said may happen but why?Don shows off the finesse flipper On Merlins Arcade and how awesome it works! Is cgc potentially losing MILLIONS of dollars but NOT selling to anyone but Americans? Go check out joe's Pinball Degenerates awrads show The degenies on youtube and fire off a quick dono if you love it as much as Orby >>>

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