Poor Man's Pinball Podcast

Poor Man's Pinball Podcast Feed
PNP 583- Unboxing The Truth REVIEW+ RiverCity Arcade gets APPROVED

Orby gets to report on some rad news fellow tribe member Brian Cosner gets a thumbs up from Danville City Council to move forward with RiverCity Arcade! Also a truthful movie review of Cary Hardy's Unboxing The Truth Part 1 about the downfall of Haggis Pinball!

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PNP 584- Deborah Tahlman On Winning WIPT & Neon Ranch, Pinburgh + Expo & Much More!

Orby finally gets to chat with Deborah Tahlman about winning the 1st WIPT back! She also chats about being so rad at commentary and weather or not one should play in the tourney while attending Pinball Expo as well as a few hot takes your NOT gonna wanna miss, so listen right MEOW!

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 53 - Silverball Swag Product Launch and surviving a project desert

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about FINALLY launching their products on SilverBall Swag. https://silverballswag.com/

After that Foghorn talks about some Insider Connect milestones and the difficulty finding projects. Will the team keep the streak alive? Tune in to find out!

Craft Brew Sally talked about an upcoming trip to Sprecher Brewing and how Foghorn can't get out of it.

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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PNP 585- 10 Disney Animated Movies WAY More Rad then Alice RANKED+ Pranking Howie Mandel Aboot Pinball!

Orby pranks Howie Mandel about pinball during his youtube livestream on Howie Mandel Does Stuff and Howie was NOT happy! (but he did say pinball like 10 times lmao!) Also with all the HYPE around the new Alice in W pin coming up Orby is sooooo confused and makes his own list of Disney Movies that would be WAY better as themes for pinball!

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 54 - Haggis Video Review, Playfield History Lesson and MORE!

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about FINALLY launching their products on SilverBall Swag. https://silverballswag.com/

After that the Junk Team talks about Hardy's Haggis videos, Stern Costco venture and Foghorn goes through a brief history of playfield hardness.

Finally on the Beer Journal Review Craft Brew Sally talked about chasing after heavily sought after beers on her list.

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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PNP 586- X-Men By Jack Friggin Danger: 5 Rad & 1 Bad

After a VERY unexpected break Orby couldn't stay away from YOU nerds because Jack Frickin Dangers newest offering from Stern Pinball is The Uncanny X-men is here right MEOW! Counting down the most rad features while still being honest about that one bad thing is Alby's way of being kind BUT contrustive! Missed you all! xoxo

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 30 - Super Mario Galaxy

This week mOw and Craft Brew Sally review one of the all time greats in the Mario series. Super Mario Galaxy continues to shine bright in the night sky of our hearts. Was it as great as we remember? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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PNP 587- Jack Danger said WHAT!? On Cary Hardys LIVE+ Avatar Vid+ X-Men LE SOLD OUT!

Jack Danger said something that shocked many of us in chat on Cary Hardys Livestream last night! Also an Avatar teaser from JJP comes out yesterday, but isn't timing EVERYTHING? Are many distros SOLD OUT of X-Men LE's right meow?! Here is info on my rad X-men 49 for sale! (Topper oh yeah!) https://www.keycollectorcomics.com/issue/uncanny-x-men-1-49,32647/ Email Orby at pinballnerds@gmail.com for pics or more infp!

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PNP 588- Ray Day Slays+ Avatar In Days+ Costco Haze+ Warranty Praise

Will Orby FREAK OUT after not getting an invite from JJP to the Avatar release? Raymond Davidson beats the young fellas at Papa21, Avatar releasing just days after Jack Danger Masterpeice The Uncanny X-men, long standing ramifications of Costco's deal with Stern, and does Stern news Warranty warrant a rare praise from the Orbster? Donate meow to Drew and The Poormans Booth for Expo to help us buttholes have an even more rad booth this year if possible! https://account.venmo.com/u/Drew-Boisvert-1

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 55 - X-men, Avatar and A Pinball Streak DIES!

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about FINALLY launching their products on SilverBall Swag. https://silverballswag.com/

After that the Junk Team talks about the new Uncanny X-Men from Stern, the new Avatar pinball from JJP and a custom Deathrace 2000 machine that Foghorn is ALREADY in love with. Then Foghorn talked about the end of a streak that might not have had to end. DRAMA!!! tune in and find out.

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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PNP 590- 5 Rad 1 Bad Avatar: Opening Pandoras Box: Yje Way Of Orby

Although uninvited to JJP's Avatar Media Party, the Orbster himself goes out of his WAY to be as objective as possible for a nerd who just got his feeling hurt by getting left out yet AGAIN! PLAY B4 U Pay THIS is The Way......of Water! xoxo

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PNP 591- Mark Seiden's 1st Interview+ Jack G. Said WHAT To Cale?+ x-men MusicGATE!

Orby couldnt be more proud then getting to be Avatar creator Mark Seidens 1st Pinterview!

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 56 - Stickers and Customer Service and Expo OH MY!

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about FINALLY launching their products on SilverBall Swag. https://silverballswag.com/

After that the Junk Team talks about a good Stern Customer Service experience. Then the team reviews some time they put in on the new Avatar pinball machine from JJP. Rounding out with a discussion about what happens if you own a pinball theme that becomes hated?

Craft Brew Sally reviewed Stone Arch Brewpub's Ricks Recovery Scottish Ale beer.

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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PNP 592- MYSTERY Guest Debates Which is More Rad: X-Men or Avatar?

Orby welcomes his 1st guest in months to argue which pin is better JJP's Avatar or Stern's Uncanny X-Men!

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 31 - Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident

This week mOw and Craft Brew Sally review a very pleasant surprise. The team finally found Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident. Did the old style puzzler leave the team puzzeled or filled with joy? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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PNP 593- Top 5 Rad & 1 Bad: Alice's Adventures In Wonderland By DPX

Orby counts down the top 5 most rad features of Dutch Pinballs newest machine in the way ONLY an Orby can!

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 57 - Pinball ExpoMania Runnin' Wild On US Brother!

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about next weeks Pinball Expo. The team talks about what they are looking forward to doing and whatnot. After that Craft Brew Sally put out a "CALL TO ACTION" hoping to finally taste a much sought after beer Pliny The Elder.

FINALLY launched our products on SilverBall Swag - check it out here! https://silverballswag.com/

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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PNP 594- 10 BIGGEST Surprises@Expo+ 5 Rad 1 Bad: Metallica Remastered+ Trip BOOKED!

Orby counts down the top10 biggest surprises from The 40th Annual Pinball Expo! He also lists the 5 most rad features of Sterns newest release Metallica Remastered! Last he shares which BIG pinball tourney he has booked a trip to next and will you dare to join him?

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PNP 595- Top 10 Band Themes we NEED from the 50's, 60's and 70's!

With Stern newest rock pin Metallica Remastered released it got Orby thiking what bands still deservered a pinball machine that didn't have one? This comprehensive list it abso toot ly the RIGHT and ONLY list as music does NOT allow for personal interatation! NOT!

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 58 - Not Another Expo Recap!

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally mimic the entire pinball media landscape and recap Pinball Expo. They also take a moment to celebrate the Poorman's Pinball Tribe and also officially welcome Craft Brew Sally as Tribe Member #49. A good time was had by all!

... oh and what's that???? You heard it hear first (kinda), Skateboard Glenn made a NEW CRAFT BREW SALLY intro song! Does it hold a candle to Foghorn's super manly one or the ultra girly one CBS picked? tune in to find out!

FINALLY launched our products on SilverBall Swag - check it out here! https://silverballswag.com/

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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PNP 596- Forgiving Marty+ Congrats Ninja Eclipse& Tom & Dave+ Beavis and Butthead Turned Down!?

I this episode Orbs starts by explaining why he beieves Turner Pinball has done everything right (maybe other than theme!) when releasing their 1st pin Ninja Eclipse, helping it SELL OUT! As reported on Kanedas pinball podcast Stern may have turned down Bevis and Butthead.....hopefully NOT! For perhaps the final time Obry chats about Haggis pinball and thoughts on Martys involvement as well as where this all leaves us pinball nerds meow! Last but NOT least Orby going over the most recent local pinball tounrey at Flippins against Dave Dennis!

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 59 - How The Political Landscape Will Affect Pinball Prices

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally Talk about their new Whoa Nellie Standee and wax poetic about one that got away. After that the team talked about a Pinside Thread that discusses if or how looming tariffs will affect pinball prices. Not to worry, that thread has since been locked because per usual, it devolved into monkeys flinging poo.

... oh and what's that???? You heard it hear first (kinda), Skateboard Glenn made a NEW CRAFT BREW SALLY intro song! Does it hold a candle to Foghorn's super manly one or the ultra girly one CBS picked? tune in to find out!

FINALLY launched our products on SilverBall Swag - check it out here! https://silverballswag.com/

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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PNP 597-B&W Godzilla TopperGATE & Accessories+ $1,000USD Alice Pin Playfield Revealed

Orby chimes in on if he thinks the new Godzilla topper for the B&W 70th ANni Edition has too much colour? What aboot the plunger looks familiar? And after reviewing the other new accessories released today by Stern, Obs give you deets on if he believes it is possible to make a decent pin for under 1k and gives 1st imps after seeing the playfeild without art!

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PNP 598- Evil Dead By Spooky 5 Rad 1 BAD!+ JJP $2,500 Firesale: Good Idea?

New pinball day is Orby fav type-O-Day! Spooky brings us their newest offering Evil Dead, so Orbs counts down his Top 5 Fav Features and finishes with that 1 bad chad! Was JJP's FireSALE of taking off $2,500 a good idea or does it alienate past customers?

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