Poor Man's Pinball Podcast

Poor Man's Pinball Podcast Feed
PNP. 558- Ranking ALL 18 Rumored Pin Themes From BBQ to Back to the Future!

On the eve of packing to head on an epic 5,200 km road trip with his son Haydude, Albert is honest about his biggest fears of playing in Nationals. Oh yeah he also ranks EVERy pinball machine rumored by the one and only unkind Kaneda!

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Ep. 559- P3 Oppsie+ Ryan Barry & Don SAVE the Friggin Day!

Orby has to make a correction from yesterdays show! WARNING the sound of loud chickens is present in the background!

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 42 - Timing is everything

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about their trip to Minnesota, and how the timing affected Canada. The team also reviewed how their dreams were dashed by a recent quote for their Basement Barcade. After that they lightly lit the charcoal of the BBQ pinball machine. Can you smell what the BBQ pinball machine is cooking? We can't (and I don't think the Rock can either).

After that Craft Brew Sally and Foghorn Leghorn reviewed all the breweries that they went to on their most recent excursion.

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 19 - Fifa Soccer 10

This week mOw and Craft Brew Sally kick around the ol' soccer ball in Fifa 10. Did the Wii Suck team start fighting like a bunch of rowdies or did they settle their on field disputes sanely like hockey players? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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PNP Ep. 560- Road Trippin' To D82, Nationals, PinMasters, Lumberjack Johnny's, L Dot + MORE!!!!!!!

Orby says sorry not fuckin sorry this pod is 3 hours so quit cher bitchin and just listen to 30 min at a time or only one hour here there and everyfuckinwhere! SORRY for the delay my voice was frickin worse then Fran Dressers until meow.....THANK YOU TO EVERY FRIGIIN SPONSOR, and EVERYONE who helped Haydude and I out in any way! xoxo Pinball NERD 4 LIFE!

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 43 - The Most Random Of Random Pinball Junk

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about facebook marketplace shenanigans. The team talks about whether or not to buy into the BBQ challenge raffle. After that the team goes over what it might take to secure a music pin rights.

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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PNP Ep. 561- Xyren Silvers: The Sk8boarding Pinball Prodigy/Covid Kid From From Boise Idaho

Appearing on his 1st podcast this 18 year old pinball friggin legend joins Orby to chat about how the hell the 800th ranked dude from a not well known pinball loco like Idaho managed to take 5th place at Pinmasters! Orbital Albert thinks this rad pinball nerd could be top 25 or even top 10 or better someday, possibly evn sooner than we think!

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 20 - Two-Fer Mania Running Wild

This week mOw and Craft Brew Sally celebrate the 20th one of these shows by doing a TWO-FER! mOw reviewed Guilty Gear XX and Craft Brew Sally reviewed Tiger Woods Golf 10. Did the love fest result in a good time had by all? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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PNP 562- Elliott Keith: The Most rad AND Kind Dude In Pinball Right Meow!

After meeting Elliott at Nationals and PinMasters Orby just friggin knew he HAD to chat with the Maryland State Champ because of how frickin rad and positive this pinball nerd is!

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 44 - Space Invaders, Jaws and how Pinball can make it big in Japan

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about a miscalculation on Foghorn's part as to securing a pinball machine. The team talks about how Theme can directly result in a call to action. After all that Foghorn lays out a half baked idea as to how the Pinball World can finally break into Japan.

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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PNP Ep.563- ABBA, BBQ, TCM, Saw, Motorhead+ Top 15 Space Movie Pin Themes

Orby gives these 5 pins his "5 Rad and 1 Bad" treatment like ON:Y Orby can! Then he counts down the top 15 most awesomest Space Themed Movies that deserve a pinball machine! Also an embarrassing eclipse story to top them all lights out!

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PNP Ep. 564- David Elrod & Peter Barclay "The Godfather" of Alaskan Pinball!

Alaskan State champ David Elrod and his buddy Peter Barclay join Orby to chat all thing pinball including of course playing Nationlas, Pinmasters and what the scene is like in The Great White North of the USA! (That was a joke Canucks take it easy...lol)

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 21 - Geon Cube

This week mOw and Craft Brew Sally review a puzzle game called "Geon Cube". The game MIGHT have been a bit too much for what it was... or was it? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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PNP Ep. 565- Drew & Ian LIVE + Top 5 Rad Women Of Pop Music who NEED A Pin YESTERDAY!

That friggin right, Ian and Drew will be going LIVE again on their youtube channel Poor Man's Pinball Podcast, Orby gets ready to head to the Ontario Open, And Albert counts down his Top 5 fav modern women artists who play pop music right meow that NEED to be represented in pinball!

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PNP 566- Ryan & Kimba Of Phantom Tilt Rate Every Pin Company + MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT

Orby finally gets to chat with Ryan and Kimba of Phantom Tilt Pinball Podcast the most rad pin pod in the Outback of Australia! We all three rate each pinball company on how likely would be to buy a NIB pin from them. We also share some HUGE news in this exclusive for all the listeNERDS!

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 45 - Wii Suck At PINBALL!

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about a the fact that they are NOT good at pinball. The Junk Drawer team also talked about new pinball machine news and the awesome new book From Pinballs To Pixels (link below). Tune in for an all-skate Abba-riffic show!

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

From Pinballs to Pixels book - https://www.amazon.com/Pinballs-Pix...714000218&sprefix=From+Pinball,aps,114&sr=8-1

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 22 - Rubik's World Wii Review

This week mOw and Craft Brew Sally review a video game based on one of the world's most frustrating cubes of plastic. Did the Wii Suck team twist and turn their way into gold or were they left with cubes of sadness? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 46 - Weird Al that wasn't, ABBA gold and of course JOHN WICK!

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about going to Lumberjack Johnnys for some Weird Al. Totally missing the fact that Metallica Pinball had a hammer in it. Craft Brew Sally talks about a recent visit to Point Brewery and finally what does John Wick have in common with Fast And Furious? Tune in for an all-skate Abba-riffic show!

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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PNP 567- John Wick 5 Rad 1 Bad+ Was Cary Hardy Wrong?+ Maple Pinball

Orby counts down the 5 most rad features of John Wick Pinball without shying away from talking about where the heck are all the guns? He also chats about catching up with somemany old pinball buddies at Maple Pinball in T Dot.

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 23 - Ultimate Board Game Collection

This week mOw and Craft Brew Sally review a video game based on a loose collection of board games. Did this game leave the Wii Suck team Ultimately Collected or Bored? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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PNP-*SPECIAL Message 4 Stern's Marketing Department #STERNISDEAD2ME

This episode is NSFW. Orby loses his fucking shit over not being invited to Sterns John Wick Media release party.

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 47 - Kinda just a junk drawer full of pinball!

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally give their Abba Gold final tally. Then they talk about a Prime Documentary called Shoot Again. Foghorn subscribed to Replay and talks about that a little. You know, kinda just a Junk Drawer full of pinball shenanigans.

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 24 - Monster 4x4 world circuit

This week mOw and Craft Brew Sally review Monster 4x4 World Tour. Did they fall into monster truck fever or just get mud in their eyes? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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