Poor Man's Pinball Podcast

Poor Man's Pinball Podcast Feed
PNP 569- DRUNk Joining 5 Podcast Patreon's + Don Starts BEEF With Orby!?

Not only does Orby CLEAR the air about his epic Stern rant he also supports five other pinball content creators by joing their paid Patreon subscribers! (Drunk warning not safe for work meow or EVER!)

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PNP 570- B&W Godzilla MAY Flip Market+ Pokemon+ Top 5 Stern Tour Reports RANKED!

Orby tries HARD to be drama free while explaining why he STRONLY believes that Black and White Rumoured Godzilla could flip the pinball market right on it's head! Orbs also counts down the top 5 Pinball Creators Stern Tour reports and chat a little Pokemon and even Cuphead! PLAY B4 YOU PAY, THIS IS THE WAY!

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PNP 471- Colin of TWIP.Kineticist.com talks TWIPYS Returning?+ NEPL Hacker!+ Stern Tour+ WAY Friggin More Rad Pinball Shatz!

Colin Alsheimer of The Kineticist chats with Orbs aboot weather or not the is any chance in hell the TWIPYS could ever return and who the heck hacked the NEPL social media (and are they still in the league!?), Stern tour start to finish and how the heck to be constructive about pinball companies without having a full Orby sized meltdown just to finally get heard!?

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PNP 572- JJP Harry Potter Pricing RANT+ Eating ONLY McDonalds for 30 Days!

Orby goes on an epic rant about why JJP needs to be VERY careful when pricing the rumoured upcoming next release Harry Potter! Why the frick would Orby eat ONLY McPukes especially trying to lose wieght?

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PNP 573- IFPA 19 Issues+ Sorry Deborah+ Top 5 DC Pin Themes

With soooo many Marvel pinball themes Orbs chimes in with his top 5 DC themes! IFPA 19 was overall a massive success but there are two major issues Orby believes need to be addressed to help make it next level! Orbit-Al ALbert does it yet again and somehow annoyed yet another content creator (by accident this time!).

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 25 - Punch-Out!

This week mOw and Craft Brew Sally review Punch-Out for the Wii. Listen as mOw gushes with love for the Punch-Out Franchise. Does this Wii version deliver a Knock Out? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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PNP 574-Fathers Day Special+ Orbs is Expo BOUND+ PNP 2.0

A special shout OUT to all those rad pinball Dad's out there chatting about how to get kids into pinball, why he is going to expo, and explains some major changes to the show.-Albert xoxo

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 49 - Only 10 Machines

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about the tried and true restraints in out hobby... not enough money or not enough space. Usually both. After that the team talks about a recent trip to Don's Pinball Arcade for a John Wick LE unboxing. Was it a hit? Tune in to find out!

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 26 - Kung Fu Panda

This week mOw and Craft Brew Sally review Kung Fu Panda. Was the game totally awesome drenched in Jack Black-isms to the point of nausea or was it okay? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 50 - Pinball Junk Drawer... now 100% Non-Refundable!

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about the basement destruction. After that the team reviews what it means to have a "Non-Refundable Deposit" and what this period in pinball means for the pinball producing companies. After that Craft Brew Sally reviews PainKiller from Drekker. Was the Pain really Killed? Tune in to find out!

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 27 - Bakugan Battle Brawlers

This week mOw and Craft Brew Sally review Bakugan Battle Brawlers? Did the Wii Suck team fall in love with this battle-tastic game? Did they have a drinking game where they took a shot everytime someone on screen said "Bakugan"? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 51 - John Wick, Godzilla Mods and Cat Related Beer?

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about their thoughts on John Wick pinball after spending some time on it. The team talks a little about a new mod they got for Godzilla and give some reflection on the Peaks and Valleys of the pinball market. Then Craft Brew Sally wraps up with Cat Related beer. Did the team spend their nine lives? Tune in to find out!

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

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PNP 577-Haggis Bankrupt: The REAL Reason Why Were ALL Heartbroken....

It is easy to make fun of Haggis Pinball now they are gone but WHY did so many pinball nerds like Orby believe so strongly in Haggis? Orbital ALbert Has been been very level headed by holding his toungue about his honest thoughts on Haggis until right meow...

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PNP 578- Even If you HATE Kaneda Him Being POSSIBLY Cancelled Should Concern YOU!

Was Kanedas Pinball Podcast facebook and current podcasting break caused by a pinball company employee Or is he taking time off for another reason? Love him or hate him THIS truth NEEDS to be told!

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PNP 579- Ryan Barry: Liquidation Co Offered 100k for Haggis Inventory BUT Someone ALREADY bought it!?

Ryan Barry breaks possibly the juiciest news ever shared on PNP! He confirmed through a source that the liquidation firm whom owns Haggis remaining inventory/equipment/and maybe even the Intellectual property right's has REFUSED a 100k offer as a third party (perhaps shell co!) already purchased it! Join Ryan and Orby on a fun filled liquid brunch then go listen to the newest Phatom Tilt Pinball Podcast as it's FIRE! https://phantomtilt.podbean.com/e/ep-15-the-explicit-episode-streak-lives/ Then buy some friggin coffee ya pinball nerds and support, Orby, his fam and this show! https://angryalpacacoffeeandtea.squ...page=1&limit=30&sort_by=price&sort_order=desc

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 28 - Story Hour: Adventures

This week mOw and Craft Brew Sally review Story hour Adventures. Did the Wii Suck team ever actually find out if this is a game? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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PNP 580- Sk8boarder Glenn: SAW, SFGE, This or THAT- Pinball Olympics or Expo Tourney + MORE!

Orby welcomes Glenn back to the show to chat Saw homebrew at SFGE, what he has been up to recently, and how the frick do we deciede if we should play in the tourney at Pinball Expo or the wildly fun Pinball Olympics when Orby and Glenn will FINALLY get to meet in person! Super rad homebrew here right meow> https://sawpinball.com/ Glenns Tunes> Last but NOT least my nerds have a frickin rad day and play more pinball-Nerd OUT!

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PNP 581- Bday Brunch With Franchi: Chris Tells ALL....

Artist Christopher Franchi join Orby for his Bday brunch to catch us up on where he has been and what he has been up to! Buy Orby a bday beer by paypal to angryalpacatea@gmail.com Thanks and have a RAD day listeNERDS!

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Pinball Junk Drawer Episode 52 - Haggis roundup, silverball swag and how to choose a convention

In this episode Foghorn Leghorn and Craft Brew Sally talk about the haggis fallout. After that the team discussed their soon to be launched branded merch at Silverball Swag. Then the team talked about how to choose which pinball convention to go to each year. Which was the winner? Tune in to find out!

Craft Brew Sally talked about the "Tim Beer" to help a craft brewer in need. Check out Arkane brewery in Largo Florida for detail!

Hey, why not drop us a line! email directly to ---> PinballJD@gmail.com

Links To Awesome:





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PNP 582- Were RayDay & Tom Right About Pinburgh Taking It Too Far?! HOT TAKE ALERT!

Orbs deep dives into pinball touries making pins too hard! Paypal : angrayalpacatea@gmail.com to support the show AND help Orby give Drop Target Danielle a HUGE surprise! If hot takes aint your thing then avoid this episode like a John Wick LE NIB!

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Wii Suck @ Video Games - Episode 29 - The Secret Saturdays: Beast Of The 5th Sun

This week mOw flies solo and reviews a Cartoon Network short lived series The Secret Saturdays. Did the Wii Suck team relive all the nostalgia and joy from that show and all the great games it spawned? Tune In and find out!

Drop us a line at wiisuckatvideogames@gmail.com

check out our friends at Press Start Games

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