Today's Birthdays

Thanks a lot guy's!

I had a nice day and I love that long ship Cake!
It looks great and I had perhaps the best cake that I've ever tasted yesterday, one of my sisters is amazing with cooking, she made a very dense German Chocolate cake with little chocolate chips inside of it. :birthday:🎂
Happy Birthday @Gin!

Don't worry mate, others will grow older as well very very soon :D :D :D
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Happy Birthday @20degree !! :bigdance::groupwave::bigdance:

Have a great day!!

As I have been uploading these tables to the PinSimDB Archive, I was dreading reaching the upload number of 666.
Well out of all tables uploaded to show up on that particular number, it was your Christmas table!!
It gave me an inner sense of peace and calm, and I took it as a sign from above!!
The chances of your Christmas table being the 666th table upload is about same odds as winning the lottery.
Just thought I would share that with you on your special day.
Happy Birthday 20degree!
Thanks Xenonph and GeorgeH for wishing me a happy birthday. Well i think to maybe create a new christmas pinball, i'm still into FP software. I think more to create some pinball resource for the french book i'm writing about FP for beginner. Book that have many things spoken in my english books. The thing is this book will be (only text) because if i found a house publisher that is into my city, that of course publish educative books related to computer softwares.

Reading things related to FP, about peoples having difficulty to contact Christopher that created FP. Then i do believe because of so, that i am the only one that can do printscreens of FP website and software, for free and commercial guides and books. One thing for sure, i do think that Christopher know how much i have respect for him, and know that i respect a lot FP and what he do. Also that my intentions are good.

I also think that the book could have some links to some table resources (maybe here), as my medium size table that i created for users. Some kind of FP pinball samples with indicated script codes into. Why this book would be only text? The reason is quite simple (cost of the ink, cost of paper), but into would have some link that point to some pdf document that have the images that are free. As so the reader read the black text, and look the external pdf that have the indicated images. I think to maybe put 3 pages (or more) into 1 paper page. I already have a peoples that i know that is excellent in french language, that have told me will correct the writing of my text book (not the fp script codes); and do it free for me.

I just hope that the publisher will pay for all, because i dont intend to make any money from it; also letting my self out of responsibility's. That the money would help peoples that are in the street and peoples that have money difficulty for there rent. Also that there would be some money that goes to some health organisms for health research to save lives. Brief that the money part for this FP for beginners book i'm writing dont go to me, but help peoples lives with charity. That also the publisher publish from time to time, publicly and not hidden; the amount of money and for what organism and peoples.

If i dont find any publisher related to my book with my conditions. Then i think to create some OpenOffice and LibreOffice document free, make a video with instructions to print the document with there pc printer; with the fiew knowledges i have. Then encourage peoples that print the document to send it to some primary school maybe or other peoples. Because i hear on some medias, that it could be a great idea to have something to teach; at the same time that it could be fun. Brief it could help peoples to develop there creativity, there logics, there organisation and much more. Because creating some FP tables help, this when you think what it develop into peoples. Me it have helped me in my creativity, it have helped me a little in creating some 3d models for fp; have helped me to organise, script and program a fp game. So i do think it could help many peoples.
Happy Birthday 20degree!
Your tutorials are great, they never lack content.
Good luck with your mission, it seems well intended, cheers!
Thanks NitroNimbus. Last night when i have sleep, had the idea to have 3 pages into 1 page for many reasons. Of course cost of ink and paper is one of the reasons. Also i think of the paper size "letter" that is supposed to be 8.5 inch by 11 inch. So divide the 11 inch into 3 pages. Looking some books i have notice that the frame from the top border and bottom border is in distance of 1 centimiter. But i also have think that the distance from the left and right, with the frame would be 2 centimiter; because if there is not much distance in the page of the text frame, then the center of the book could swallow the words because of the spine of the book. Well there is many things i must think about. The other thing is that with the lenght divided in 3 pages it have some space limitation of the text frame. Also if peoples would like to print in the back of the 3 pages the other pages should be possible. And if want to only print 3 pages into 1 page, then leave the other side clear; then peoples could use the back of the page to write there own notes. Yup many things i try to think about. A+
Happy Birthday 20degree!:cheers:
Thanks Paolo. Fiew days has passed since my anniversary.

I wonder if there are peoples here that might know or have informations about the "thickness" of a book have this "amount of pages". Like this ( X number of pages) equal ( Y thickness of the book spine) and this ( X other amount of pages) equal this ( Y thickness of the book spine). Brief any informations about book cover. So like that i can planify the book cover also. Thanks for peoples help, and thanks for all the good things you had bring into my life.

For peoples wandering what i do for my french book. First i must write all the text and pages. Next i must contact a friend of mine that is excellent to correct the spelling. After i must plan the pages and print all the pages with a pc.

Hints for peoples wanting to put some pages together of there own writing. The police font would be "Times New Roman", because this type of police font use less ink used. Next the police size height is of 12, again for readable and ink used. Also that the space between two lines of text is (french: Double-Interligne) dont know how it is said in english. Because "double-interligne" give less eye stress to the readers, just think about some news paper that the lines of text is very close to each other; it happen in these times that the readers wonder what text line he/she is onto because the lines are too close from each othe.

When you put the pages together some type of "vice" (french: etau) to hold the pages together. You put the hold very near the border, then you use some school white glue (none-toxic), would not want that some animal or children by curiosity lick the glue. Then with some small paint-brush put the white glue to the thickness of your pages. You could use a hair-dryer (but not too close of the pages to not burn), to make quicker the white glue dry. After you calculate the page size (front and back cover with the thickness of the book). Some long length cover, because you fold the cover that goes from the front cover, to the spine, to the back cover. You glue it also to the thickness of your pages.

Happy Birthday Steve
Hey @GeorgeH
I'm late to the party again. Happy birdthay
Really? I just know the (awesome) movie but it has been so long I don't remember the date.

I think it's like being born on Christmas or any other special day; when it comes to siblings it always the same thing... I'm the oldest so it was the other way around. I love my sister obviously but yeah... there were days :D
Thank you. You amazingly manage to track everything! Yep, today I am 67 years old.
Too young dear GeorgeH (I'm just one year older ;) ).
But Happy Birthday! :cheers:
Wow.... didn't know you guys were that old :) (I'm approaching 1/2 a century in April)

Happy Birthday GeorgeH!
Wow.... didn't know you guys were that old :) (I'm approaching 1/2 a century in April)

Happy Birthday GeorgeH!

I have noticed that my memory is not as good as it was. It is harder to remember how to do things but I can still make it through a mod and don't forget I managed to make a double tweaker table work.
Day late, see I forgot, hope you had a great day George. 🍰


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