Where Did "ChickABall" Come From?


Pinball Wizard
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Aug 24, 2004
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And is there a high-res print of her?

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Dang, nice work on the commemorative Shivasite banner, Chaz!
I like the clean lines, heavy inking, and new colors.

Funny, but it also makes me realise that I'd gotten awfully bored with the older ChickABall-style banners. I mean, they're nice when reminiscing about the ~WWII era, but... heh.
Dang, nice work on the commemorative Shivasite banner, Chaz!
I like the clean lines, heavy inking, and new colors.

Funny, but it also makes me realise that I'd gotten awfully bored with the older ChickABall-style banners. I mean, they're nice when reminiscing about the ~WWII era, but... heh.
Shiva made this logo!
Looks great!
What is the intention behind the devil in it?
What is the intention behind the devil in it?
I'm guessing that's the Trigon character, i.e. the antihero of one of his original tables.
That is exactly what it is.
Also the lady pulling plunger, more than likely represents his work on Playboy table.
He did make a logo version with many of his works referenced, but he decided to go with this one.
When we release the Logo WIP pages to public, you will see exactly how this logo came to life.
He did make a logo version with many of his works referenced, but he decided to go with this one.
When we release the Logo WIP pages to public, you will see exactly how this logo came to life.
Yeah baby.jpg
it is Trigon, just a family friendly version. I did several completely different versions, but I decided this would be a nice change in art style from the banner, which is now 18 plus years old. I also decided to keep it vp, as FP came to being long after the site was gone. I'm known for my playboy machines, and I wanted something that said pinball, so that was a no brainer, and it fits the theme in this site. Trigon was just me indulging myself, but it has been my avatar for a long long time, so it's sort of the mascot now. Other banners I did reference my other games, but, I decided not to put them in (After spending hours redrawing them) because ultimately it's about the website, and what it achieved, not me.

There is a reference hidden in the new banner, but only old timers may get them. If you right click on the banner, and display the image in another tab, you can view it in it's actual size. I'm sorry I didn't put in references to other sites, ones I hosted, but just couldn't find a good place to hide them. A lot of the first versions of sites were actually hosted by me, PN, irp, AJ's (Which became vpforums (1st version)) as well as development work used by Randy and I, and then Chris later on.

I'm happy everyone seems to like the special banner. Xenonph makes special banners and puts them up on holidays and special events, so maybe we should also have banners featuring a important date in Pinball, and high light the table it came from every once in a while.

As a general forum note as some people may be wondering what the hell we are talking about. If your theme is set to a theme that states Orginal, then you do not get the new banners, but you get the Old school PN banner instead. You can change the theme at the very bottom left side of this page, the link usually has a paint brush icon. This was to maintain compatability with older versions of the forum and php etc, or if you have a very old computer etc.
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As a general forum note as some people may be wondering what the hell we are talking about. If your theme is set to a theme that states Orginal, then you do not get the new banners, but you get the Old school PN banner instead. You can change the theme at the very bottom left side of this page, the link usually has a paint brush icon. This was to maintain compatability with older versions of the forum and php etc, or if you have a very old computer etc.

I don't believe the general public is able to select the themes that state "Original".
These are just backups of the Original logo, I think Jon explained. So only Administrators will see this option.
I could be mistaken though.
Could be mistaken, they are exactly the same as the others, so...
The Easter theme is really nice! Thanks you!
Thanks for the new Easter Logo guys!

Loving the Chicks and the Wascally Wabbit's....🥚🐤🐰🐇

Those "Wascally Wabbit's" are chocolate rabbits!
StevOz was able to find that particular rabbit, (Which ended up being the best one out of them all! We had many to choose from.)
We tried many different chocolate textures, from light chocolate, to dark chocolate, and decided that the darker chocolate texture looked best.
Love the May 4th/Star Wars banner! Kudos to the creator of that one. (If it has been around before then awesome -- just the first time I've seen it!)
New Logo's have been looking great due to @StevOz and @xenonph, I personally didn't understand the Star Wars, May 4th thing until I read it in the logo! "May the Fourth be with You" cracked me up! :rof::jedi2:

For those that missed it yesterday, the original logo came alive with a .gif, how great is that! These guys Rock! :yourock:


I think the site banner is for Cinco de Mayo day but it looks more like Day of the Dead but although I don't really know much about it.
I think the site banner is for Cinco de Mayo day but it looks more like Day of the Dead but although I don't really know much about it.

Is Amexician perhaps?

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The behind the scenes logo thread has been updated to the Forth be with you... :jedi2:

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